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Semantic and pragmatic analysis of Italian article and its Serbian equivalents from referentiality perspective

dc.contributor.advisorModerc, Saša
dc.contributor.otherĐorović, Danijela
dc.contributor.otherKrajišnik, Vesna
dc.creatorKukić, Tijana
dc.description.abstractCilj našeg rada jeste sagledavanje problematike upotrebe člana u italijanskom jeziku iz perspektive referencijalnosti i uočavanje mogućih srpskih prevodnih i semantičkih ekvivalenata. Opredelili smo se za semantičko-pragmatičku analizu člana jer smo želeli da ukažemo na polisemičnu prirodu člana, koja je uslovljena pragmatičkim parametarima kao što su komunikativna situacija, vrsta znanja, odnos govornik-sagovornik, namera govornika, kooperativnost sagovornika i referent na kog se upućuje. Ovakav pristup do sada nije bio primenjen u okviru italijanističke literature ni na našim ni na italijanskim prostorima. Naše istraživanje sprovedeno je na korpusu modernih i savremenih književnih tekstova narativno-deskriptivnog karaktera. Našu hipotezu da pragmatika predstavlja ključni faktor prilikom odabira vrste člana u italijanskom jeziku potvrdili smo analizirajući korpus sastavljen od osamnaest književnih dela napisanih na italijanskom, čije smo prevode analizirali u okviru biteksta. Spajajući filozofsku misao sa lingvističkom, osmislili smo podelu referencijalnosti na određenu, neodređenu, generičku referencijalnost kao i na nereferencijalnost. Na osnovu analize korpusa zaključiti smo da određena referencijalnost predstavlja najkompleksniji oblik referencijalnosti s obzirom na brojnost podvrsta koje sadrži. Analizu srpskih ekvivalenata u okviru korpusa dopunjavali smo, ukoliko su prevodni ekvivalenti pokazivali samo jednu ili mali broj opcija, primerima iz literature o kategoriji (ne)određenosti u srpskom jeziku, kako bismo upotpunili prikaz moguće semantičke ekvivalencije u srpskom jeziku i ukazali na njeno bogatstvo.sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of our work is to perceive the problem of the use of article in Italian language from the referentiality perspective and to detect its possible Serbian translation and semantic equivalents. Referentiality is an inherent feature of a noun phrase to refer to extratextual or inter-textual referents. We have chosen the semantic-pragmatic analysis of article since we wanted to emphasize the polysemic nature of article, which is conditioned by pragmatic parameters such as communicative situation, type of knowledge, speaker to speaker relationship, speaker's intent, co-operation of interlocutors and the referent it is addressed to. So far, this approach has not been applied in the framework of Italian literature, both when it comes to our and Italian region. Our research was carried out within the corpus of modern and contemporary literary texts with narrative-descriptive character. Our hypothesis stating that pragmatics presents the key factor in selecting the type of article in Italian language has been confirmed through the analysis of the corpus comprised of eighteen literary works written in Italian, translations of which we have analyzed in the context of a bitext. By combining the philosophical thought with the linguistic one, we have designed a division of referentiality to a definite referentiality, indefinite referentiality, generic referentiality, as well as to a non-referentiality. Based on the analysis of the corpus, we concluded that a definite referentialtiy is the most complex form of referentiality given the number of subgroups it contains. The analysis of Serbian equivalents within the corpus was supplemented, in cases when the translation equivalents demonstrated only one or small number of options, with examples from the literature on the category of (in)definiteness in Serbian language, in order to complete the presentation of possible semantic equivalence in Serbian language and point to its wealth.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectItalian articleen
dc.subjectsemantic-pragmatic analysisen
dc.subjectItalian languageen
dc.subjectSerbian languageen
dc.subjectcontrastive analysisen
dc.subjectitalijanski člansr
dc.subjectsemantičko-pragmatička analizasr
dc.subjectitalijanski jeziksr
dc.subjectsrpski jeziksr
dc.subjectkontrastivna analizasr
dc.titleSemantičko-pragmatička analiza italijanskog člana i njegovi ekvivalenti u srpskom jeziku iz perspektive referencijalnostisr
dc.title.alternativeSemantic and pragmatic analysis of Italian article and its Serbian equivalents from referentiality perspectiveen

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