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The role of teacher and students' success in mathematics teaching

dc.contributor.advisorAntonijević, Radovan
dc.contributor.otherVujisić Živković, Nataša
dc.contributor.otherDubljanin, Saša
dc.contributor.otherArsić, Zvezdan
dc.creatorVučinić, Dragiša S.
dc.description.abstractZnaĉaj i uloga nastavnika, kao jednog od kljuĉnih ĉinilaca kvalitetnog nastavnog procesa, oduvek su privlaĉili paţnju razliĉitih autora i bili predmet brojnih teorijskih razmatranja i empirijskih istraţivanja, kako u oblasti pedagogije tako i šire. S obzirom na obim i širinu problema u nastavnom procesu, uloga nastavnika i naĉini nastavnog rada prouĉavaju se u okviru razliĉitih oblasti, kao što su, na primer: školski uzrast uĉenika, nivo ostvarenog uspeha uĉenika, vrsta škole, nastavni predmeti, nastavne metode, oblici nastavnog rada i sliĉno. U ovom radu prouĉavana je uloga nastavnika matematike u odnosu na uspeh uĉenika u ovom nastavnom predmetu. Istraţivanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se utvrde postupci nastavnika kojima realizuju svoju profesionalnu ulogu u najznaĉajnijim podruĉjima nastavnih delatnosti (organizacija i realizacija nastave; razvijanje motivacije i interesovanja uĉenika za uĉenje matematiĉkih sadrţaja; ostvarivanje kvalitetne komunikacije i interakcije na relaciji nastavnik – uĉenik), kao i da se utvrdi njihova povezanost sa ostvarenim nivoom uspeha uĉenika u nastavi matematike. U istraţivanju je uĉestvovalo 114 nastavnika matematike i 570 uĉenika sedmog razreda iz 84 osnovne škole sa prostora A.P. Kosova i Metohije (škole koje rade prema nastavnom planu i programu Republike Srbije), odnosno sa prostora centralnog i juţnog dela Republike Srbije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrĊeno je da ispitani nastavnici matematike koriste razliĉite postupke i naĉine rada u nastavi, kao i da na razliĉite naĉine ostvaruju svoju profesionalnu ulogu. Kod nastavnika koji podstiĉu uĉenike na aktivnost, razvijaju njihova interesovanja za uĉenje matematiĉkih sadrţaja i koji sa uĉenicima ostvaruju kvalitetne komunikativno-interaktivne odnose, utvrĊen je viši nivo ostvarenog uspeha uĉenika iz matematike, kao i veći stepen zadovoljstva uĉenika nivoom postignutog uspeha. S druge strane, ustanovljeno je da nešto više ispitanih nastavnika još uvek koristi tradicionalne postupke u nastavnom radu. Kod ovih nastavnika uglavnom prevladavaju postupci frontalnog izlaganja nastavnog gradiva i objašnjavanja matematiĉkih zadataka. U ovakvim situacijama uoĉena je smanjena aktivnost uĉenika, kao i smanjena angaţovanost nastavnika u razvijanju interesovanja uĉenika za uĉenje matematiĉkih sadrţaja. TakoĊe, uoĉeno je da ovi nastavnici manje paţnje posvećuju razvijanju kvalitetnih interaktivnih i komunikativnih odnosa sa uĉenicima. U takvim okolnostima uĉenici ostvaruju niţi stepen postignuća iz matematike i manje su zadovoljni postignutim uspehom u ovom nastavnom predmetu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata potvrĊena je opšta hipoteza definisana u metodološkom okviru ovog istraţivanja, odnosno ustanovljeno je da postoji povezanost izmeĊu profesionalne uloge nastavnika (uloga koje nastavnici zauzimaju u radu sa uĉenicima) i uspeha uĉenika u nastavi matematike.sr
dc.description.abstractThe significance and role of teacher, who is one of the key factors when it comes to the quality teaching process, have always attracted the attention of numerous scholars and have been the subject of numerous theoretical considerations and empirical research, both in the field of pedagogy and wider. Given the scope of problems in the teaching process, the role of teacher and teaching methods are studied from various perspectives, such as, for example, age of schoolchildren, students' level of achievement, type of school, subjects, teaching methods, forms of teaching etcetera. This dissertation examines the role of mathematics teacher in relation to the learners' achievement in this subject. The research was carried out with the aim of determining the methods used by teachers striving to fulfil their professional role in the most important teaching areas (organization and realization of teaching process; developing students' motivation and interest in learning mathematics subject matter; building a quality rapport with students). Furthermore, the research aimed to determine teachers' connection with the level of students' success in mathematics. The research involved 114 mathematics teachers and 570 seventh-grade students' from 84 primary schools from the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija (schools that work according to the educational curriculum of the Republic of Serbia), that is, from the territory of the central and southern parts of the Republic of Serbia. Based on the results obtained, the dissertation determined that the examined mathematics teachers use different teaching methods, and that they fulfil their professional role in different ways. Teachers who encourage students' to take part in classes actively develop their interest in learning mathematical contents and have high-quality communicative-interactive relationships with students', were found to achieve much better results in the field of mathematics with their students', as well as a higher degree of students' satisfaction with the level of achieved success. On the other hand, it was found that a slightly greater number of teachers still use traditional teaching methods. These teachers predominantly use methods such as frontal presentation of subject matter and explanations of mathematical problems. In such situations, a decreased activity of students' was noticeable, as well as a reduced involvement of teachers in developing students' interest in learning mathematical contents. What was also noticed is that these teachers devote less attention to developing quality interactive and communicative relationships with students'. In such circumstances, students' level of achievement in mathematics is much lower and they are less satisfied with their success achieved in this course. On the basis of the results obtained, the general hypothesis defined in the methodological framework of this research was confirmed. In other words, the dissertation established that there is a connection between the professional role of teacher (the role that teacher perform in teaching students') and students' success in mathematics teaching.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectuloga nastavnikasr
dc.subjectrole of teacheren
dc.subjectpreparation and realization of teachingen
dc.subjectpripremanje i realizacija nastavesr
dc.subjectmotivation and students' interestsen
dc.subjectcommunication and interaction during teaching processen
dc.subjectstudents' successen
dc.subjectmotivacija i interesovanja uĉenikasr
dc.subjectkomunikacija i interakcija u nastavisr
dc.subjectuspeh uĉenikasr
dc.subjectteaching mathematicsen
dc.subjectpredmetna nastava matematikesr
dc.titleUloga nastavnika i uspeh učenika u nastavi matematikesr
dc.title.alternativeThe role of teacher and students' success in mathematics teachingen

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