Приказ основних података о дисертацији

Diagnostic value and reliability of stereotactic biopsy in treatment of patients with brain tumors

dc.contributor.advisorVuleković, Petar
dc.contributor.otherCigić, Tomislav
dc.contributor.otherĐilvesi, Đula
dc.contributor.otherVučković, Nada
dc.contributor.otherBaščarević, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherPapić, Vladimir
dc.creatorJelača, Bojan
dc.description.abstractUvod: Implementacija brojnih neuroradioloških modaliteta je značajno uticala na način i efikasnost sprovođenja dijagnostike tumora mozga. Na osnovu neinvazivno dobijenih podataka može se postaviti diferencijalna dijagnoza, ali do sada nije potvrđena nijedna neuroradiološka metoda koja može samostalno i konačno da postavi definitivnu patohistološku (PH) dijagnozu. Stereotaksična biopsija je neurohirurška procedura kojom se, bez bitnog narušavanja integriteta i funkcije moždanog tkiva, može obezbediti reprezentativni uzorak intrakranijalne tumorske promene radi sprovođenja PH i drugih specifičnih analiza, u cilju postavljanja tačne dijagnoze i potom primene adekvatnog lečenja. Cilj: Cilj ove studije je da se utvrditi mogućnost uzorkovanja reprezentativnog tkiva za postavljanje PH dijagnoze uz pomoć stereotaksične biopsije kod pacijenata sa tumorom mozga, kao i da se utvrdi vrsta i učestalost eventualnih komplikacija same procedure i postojanje korelacije između PH nalaza dobijenog stereotaksičnom biopsijom i rezultata sprovedenih neuroradioloških ispitivanja. Materijal i metode: Sprovedeno istraživanje je bilo kliničko, prospektivno, a uzorak je činilo ukupno 50 pacijenata koji su bili hospitalizovani na Klinici za neurohirurgiju KCV zbog dijagnostikovane tumorske promene mozga i postavljene indikacije za stereotaksičnu biopsiju, u periodu od septembra 2016. godine do januara 2018. godine. Svi pacijenti koji su uključeni u studiju su u sklopu sprovedene dijagnostičke obrade imali načinjen magnetno rezonanantni (MRI) pregled glave na osnovu kojeg su se određivale morfološke karakteristike tumora i vršila procena prirode tumorske promene mozga, a kod ukupno 25 pacijenata je dodatno načinjena MR spektroskopija (MRS) dijagnostikovane tumorske promene sa ciljem određivanja biohemijskog profila i dodatne procene i karakterizacije tkiva. Nakon sprovedene detaljne onkološke obrade i adekvatne pripreme, se sprovodila kompjuterizovanom tomografijom (CT) navođena stereotaksična biopsija sa ramom u cilju uzorkovanja adekvatnog tkiva za PH analizu. U toku istraživanja procena uspešnosti uzorkovanja reprezentativnog tkiva se vršila pregledom bioptata od strane patologa, a nakon procedure se kliničkim pregledom i kontrolnim CT pregledom glave utvrđivao stepen komplikacija. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da su fokalni neurološki deficit i moždani sindrom bili najčešći klinički simptomi i znaci kod pacijenata kod kojih je indikovana stereotaksična biopsija tumora mozga. Prema MRI nalazu najzastupljenije su bile difuzne tumorske promene sa 36% udela u uzorku, zatim solitarne sa 34% i multifokalne sa 20%, a potom multicentrične tumorske promene koje su predstavljale 10% uzorka. Takođe, na osnovu MRI i MRS nalaza je oko 80% tumora procenjeno kao najverovatnije glijalnog porekla. U 95,9% slučaja je postavljena precizna PH dijagnoza. Nepromenjeno stanje svesti i neurološki nalaz su imali 92% pacijenata nakon biopsije, a kod 3 pacijenta (6%) je došlo do razvoja prolaznog neurološkog deficita, dok je jedan pacijent (2%) razvio trajan neurološki deficit. Ukupan morbiditet vezan za proceduru je stoga 2%, a nije zabeležen ni jedan smrtni slučaj (mortalitet 0%) tokom sprovođenja studije. Zaključak: Stereotaksična biopsija je dokazana i veoma pouzdana procedura sa malim brojem komplikacija i niskom stopom morbiditeta i mortaliteta, kojom se omogućava dobijanje reprezentativnog uzorka tumorskog tkiva za postavljanje sigurne patohistološke dijagnoze. Intraoperativna PH analiza dela uzorka tkiva dodatno poboljšava uspešnost pri uzorkovanju i postavljanju definitivne PH dijagnoze. Savremene neuroradiološke metode imaju visoku specifičnost u razlikovanju biološke prirode tumorskih promena, ali se ne mogu koristi nezavisno od PH analize uzorka tkivasr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The implementation of numerous neuroradiological techniques has significantly influenced the way and the efficiency in which the diagnosis of brain tumor is established. Based on non-invasive imaging data, a differential diagnosis can be made, but no neuroradiological method has been established so far, which can finally make a definitive diagnosis. Stereotactic biopsy is a neurosurgical procedure that can provide a representative sample of any intracranial tumor in order to performe histopathological and other specific examinations, and to set the exact diagnosis and then apply adequate treatment, but without significantly impairing the integrity and function of brain tissue. Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic value of stereotactic biopsy and ability of providing the representative tissue in order to establish a pathohistological diagnosis in patients with brain tumors. Also, the aim is to determine the type and frequency of possible complications of the procedure itself and the correlation between the pathohistological findings obtained and the results of the conducted neuroradiological examinations. Materials and methods: This research was clinical, prospective and included a total of 50 patients who were hospitalized at the Clinical Center of Vojvodina, from September 2016 to January 2018, due to diagnosed brain tumor for which the stereotactic biopsy is indicated. In all patients magnetic resonance (MRI) examination of the head was used to determine morphological characteristics and assesse the nature of the brain tumor tissue, and in a total of 25 patients MR spectroscopy was additionally made with the goal of determining the biochemical profile and additional tissue assessment and characterization. After detailed oncological assessment, completed laboratory and radiological diagnostics, a CT guided framebased stereotactic biopsy was performed for the purpose of sampling tumor tissue for pathohistological analysis. During the research, the success rate of biopsy in providing the representative tissue and establishing the diagnosis was performed by a pathologist, and after the procedure, a clinical and a control head CT examination was used to review the rate of complications. Results: The results obtained showed that focal neurological deficit and psychoorganic syndrome were the most common clinical symptoms and signs in this study. According to MRI, the most common were diffuse brain tumors with 36% of the sample, then solitary with 34% and multifocal with 20%, followed by multicentric tumors representing 10% of the study sample. Also, based on MRI and MRS findings, approximately 80% of tumors are estimated to be most likely of glial origin. In 95.9% of cases, a complete pathohistological (PH) diagnosis was established. The unchanged neurological status was observed in 92% of patients after biopsy, and 3 patients (6%) developed a transient neurological deficit, while only one patient (2%) developed a permanent neurological deficit. The total morbidity associated with the procedure is therefore 2%, and no deaths (mortality 0%) related to the procedure during the study is recorded. Conclusion: Stereotactic biopsy is highly reliable procedure with a small number of complications and a low morbidity and mortality rate, which allows us to acquire the representative sample of brain tumor tissue and to establish a pathohistological diagnosis. Intraoperative PH analysis of acquired tissue samples further enhances the sampling performance and the setting of definitive PH diagnosis. Modern neuroradiological modalities have a high specificity in distinguishing the biological nature of brain tumors, but they still can not be used independently of the pathohistological analysis of the tissue sample.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectstereotaksične metodesr
dc.subjectStereotaxic Techniquesen
dc.subjectMagnetic Resonance Imagingen
dc.subjectRisk Factorsen
dc.subjectMagnetic Resonance Spectroscopyen
dc.subjectHistological Techniquesen
dc.subjectmoždane neoplazmesr
dc.subjecthirurške dijagnostičke metodesr
dc.subjectmagnetna rezonancasr
dc.subjectfaktori rizikasr
dc.subjectmagnetno rezonantna spektroskopijasr
dc.subjecthistološke metodesr
dc.subjectBrain Neoplasmsen
dc.subjectDiagnostic Techniquesen
dc.titleDijagnostički značaj i pouzdanost stereotaksične biopsije u tretmanu pacijenata sa tumorima mozgasr
dc.title.alternativeDiagnostic value and reliability of stereotactic biopsy in treatment of patients with brain tumorsen
dcterms.abstractВулековић, Петар; Ђилвеси, Ђула; Цигић, Томислав; Вучковић, Нада; Башчаревић, Владимир; Папић, Владимир; Јелача, Бојан; Дијагностички значај и поузданост стереотаксичне биопсије у третману пацијената са туморима мозга; Дијагностички значај и поузданост стереотаксичне биопсије у третману пацијената са туморима мозга;

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