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Identification of the mechanisms of resistance and potential cross resistance of Listeria monocytogenes upon adaptation to different antimicrobials

dc.contributor.advisorKatić, Vera
dc.contributor.otherMišić, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherLepšanović, Zorica
dc.contributor.otherKatharion, Sophia
dc.creatorRakić-Martinez, Mira
dc.description.abstractSposobnost da kontaminira hranu pripremljenu za konzum, visoko prerađene proizvode i proizvode skladištene na niskim temperaturama kao i relativno visok stepen smrtnosti i izrazita sosobnost adaptacije na uslove okoline svrstavaju Listeria monocytogenes u grupu patogenih mikroorganizama prenosivih hranom koji predstavljaju jedan od najvećih izazova u oblasti javnog zdravlja. Adaptacija L. monocytogenes na uslove sredine i sposobnost dugotrajnog opstanka u objektima za proizvodnju i preradu hrane ključni su razlozi za kontaminaciju različitih proizvoda. Poslednjih godina, višestruka rezistencija bakterija na različita antimikrobna sredstva nametnula se kao jedna od najznačajnijih tema u oblasti zdravstva. Izlaganje brojnim antimikrobnim sredstvima (antibiotici, dezinficijensi kao i sveprisutni teški metali) omogucava selektivni pritisak za razvoj rezistencije uz propratnu unakrsnu rezistenciju i doprinosi povećanju vitalnosti bakterija u sredini u kojoj se nalaze. U ovom radu prikazani su neki od mogućih mehanizama adaptacije koji mogu doprineti i doprinose opstanku L. monocytogenes u sredini kao i sposobnost rasta ovog patogena u različitim tipovima hrane. Prikaz uključuje i mehanizme adaptacije na teške metale kao što je kadmijum, dezinficijense kao bezalkonijum hlorid (BC), odabrane antibiotike (fluorokvinolon ciprofloksacin, na primer) i druge toksične supstance (tetrafenil-fosfonijum, koji se često koristi kao anti-kancerogeno sredstvo ali i substrat efluks pumpe). U cilju karakterizacije uticaja višestruke rezistencije na preživljavanje i rast L. monocytogenes u razlicitim tipovima hrane, testirali smo mutante adaptirane na visoke koncentracije antibiotika ciprofloksacina i dezinficijensa bezalkonijum hlorida. Ispitivanjem kolekcije mutanata roditeljskog soja L. monocytogenes 10403S sa umetnutim mariner-transpozonom, registrovali smo mutante sa karakteristikama tetR mutanta sa povecanom rezistencijom na tetrafenil-fosfonijum. Konacno, testirali smo i odabrane mutante sa transpozonom koji su u toku eksperimenta iskazali promene u fenotipu nastale kao posledica odgovora organizama na razlicite uslove stresa (osetljivost na niske temperature, ne-hemoliticne sojeve, sojeve koje pripadaju epidemskom klonu II a osetljive na dejstvo faga ), mutante nastale kao posledica genetskog brisanja proteina wap i genetskog regiona 18, kao i odabrane kliničke izolate i izolate iz hrane...sr
dc.description.abstractAbility to contaminate ready-to-eat, highly processed, cold-stored food products, relatively high fatality rate and environmental adaptations define .Listeria monocytogenes as a challenging foodborne pathogen of high public health significance. Listeria’s adaptations and prolonged persistence in food processing facilities are a key link to contamination of foods. In recent years, bacterial multidrug resistance has been recognized as an emerging health challenge. Exposure to antimicrobials (antibiotics, disinfectants or environmentally ubiquitous heavy metals), may provide selective pressures for resistance with accompanying cross-resistance and increase in environmental fitness. In this work I addressed some of the possible mechanisms of adaptations that may contribute to persistence of L. monocytogenes in the environment as well as to survival and growth in different foods. This includes adaptations to heavy metals such as cadmium, disinfectants such as benzalkonium chloride (BC), selected antibiotics (e.g. the fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin) and other toxic compounds (e.g. tetraphenyl-phosponium, often used as an anti-carcinogenic and efflux pump substrate). In order to characterize the impact of multidrug resistance on survival and growth of L. monocytogenes in different foods, we tested mutants adapted to higher concentrations of antibiotic ciprofloxacin and disinfectant benzalkonium chloride. By screening of the mariner-based mutant librarie of L monocytogenes 10403S we detected tetR-like mutants with increase in the resistance to tetraphenyl-phosponium. Lastly, we tested selected mariner-based mutants with the change in the response to number of different stresses (cold sensitive, non-hemolytic, resistance to phage in epidemic clone II strains) deletion mutants of wap and region18, as well as selected food and clinical isolates. Selection of several L. monocytogenes strains on either ciprofloxacin (2 μg/ml) or the BC(10 μg/ml) led to derivatives with increased MICs not only to these agents but also to several other compounds, including the antibiotic gentamicin, the dye ethidium bromide, and the chemotherapeutic drug tetraphenyl - phosphonium chloride. The spectrum of compounds to which these derivatives exhibited reduced susceptibility was the same regardless of whether they were selected on ciprofloxacin or on BC...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет ветеринарске медицинеsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectListeria monocytogenessr
dc.subjectListeria spp.en
dc.subjectantimikrobna sredstvasr
dc.subjectefflux sistemsr
dc.subjecttetR represorsr
dc.subjectkonjugativni transfersr
dc.subjectListeria monocytogenesen
dc.subjectefflux systemen
dc.subjecttetR repressoren
dc.subjectconjugative transferen
dc.titleIspitivanje mehanizama rezistencije i moguće unakrsne rezistencije Listeria monocytogenes nakon adaptacije na različita antimikrobna sredstvasr
dc.titleIdentification of the mechanisms of resistance and potential cross resistance of Listeria monocytogenes upon adaptation to different antimicrobialsen
dcterms.abstractКатић, Вера; Лепшановић, Зорица; Катхарион, Сопхиа; Мишић, Душан; Ракић-Мартинез, Мира;

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