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Experimental and theoretical investigation of the solar collector with rotating absorbers

dc.contributor.advisorLukić, Nebojša
dc.contributor.otherGordić, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherStefanović, Velimir
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Novak
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Danijela
dc.creatorNešović, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractU ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljen je novi solarni dizajn. U pitanju je solarni prijemnik nastao kombinovanjem ravnih apsorberskih ploča (karakteristične za ravne solarne prijemnike) i staklenih cevi (karakteristične za vakuumske solarne prijemnike) sa potpuno automatizovanim (vremenski kontrolisanim) mehanizmom za relativno jednoosno praćenje kretanja položaja Sunca u pravcu istok-zapad oko nagnute sever-jug ose rotacije (RtASP). RtASP solarna konstrukcija je tokom četvoromesečnog perioda (od 15. jula do 15. oktobra 2021. god.) eksperimentalno i teorijski istražena na Fakultetu inženjerskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, uz istovremeno poređenje sa klasičnim ravnim solarnim prijemnikom (RSP). RSP bila je dodeljena uloga kontrolnog uređaja. Oba solarna prijemnika posedovala su u svom sklopu isti tip apsorbera. Rezultati eksperimentalnih istraživanja pokazali su da RtASP ima veću prosečnu dnevnu specifičnu toplotnu snagu (8,07-22,59%) i termičku efikasnost (8,48-22,83%) od RSP. RtASP i RSP teorijski modeli, predstavljeni u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji, pokazali su slaganje sa eksperimentalnim merenjima. To znači da su prosečne dnevne apsolutne greške eksperimentalnih merenja bile manje od 10% u odnosu na prosečne dnevne teorijske vrednosti. Uprkos delimičnom smanjenju toplotne snage i termičke efikasnosti (zbog prisustva efekta solarnog senčenja i ulaganja električne energije), novi solarni koncept pozitivno doprinosi razvoju solarne tehnike. Glavna prednost RtASP u odnosu na druge (koncentrišuće i pokretne) solarne prijemnike ogleda se u njegovoj kompaktnosti, jer ne zahteva korišćenje dodatnih reflektujućih i koncentrišućih elemenata, niti fiksnih, niti
dc.description.abstractIn this doctoral dissertation, a new solar design is presented. The solar collector was created by combining flat absorber plates (characteristic of flat-plate solar collectors) and glass tubes (characteristic of evacuated tube solar collectors) with a fully automated (time-controlled) mechanism for relative single-axis Sun tracking in the East-West direction around an inclined North-South rotation axis (SATFA). The SATFA solar construction was experimentally and theoretically investigated for four months (from July 15 to October 15, 2021) at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, with a simultaneous comparison with a classic flat-plate solar collector (FPSC). The FPSC was assigned the role of the control device. Both solar collectors had the same type of absorber. The results of the experimental investigation showed that the SATFA has a higher average daily specific heat power (8.07-22.59%) and thermal efficiency (8.48-22.83%) than the FPSC. The SATFA theoretical model and the FPSC theoretical model, presented in this doctoral dissertation, showed agreement with experimental measurements. This means that the average daily absolute errors of the experimental measurements were less than 10% compared to the average daily theoretical values. Despite the partial reduction of heat power and thermal efficiency (due to the presence of the solar shading effect and investment of electricity), the new solar concept contributes positively to the development of solar technology. The main advantage of the SATFA compared to other (concentrating and tracking) solar collectors is reflected in its compactness because it does not require the use of additional reflecting and concentrating elements, neither fixed nor tracking.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет инжењерских наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectsolarni prijemnik, ravna apsorberska ploča, staklena cev, relativni jednoosni mehanizam za praćenje kretanja položaja Sunca, toplotna snaga, termička efikasnost, teorijsko istraživanje, eksperimentalno istraž
dc.subjectsolar collector, flat absorber plate, glass tube, relative single-axis Sun tracking mechanism, heat power, thermal efficiency, theoretical investigation, experimental investigation.en
dc.titleEksperimentalno i teorijsko istraživanje solarnog prijemnika sa rotacionim apsorberimasr
dc.title.alternativeExperimental and theoretical investigation of the solar collector with rotating absorbersen

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