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Burnout syndrome and irrational beliefs in university teachers

dc.contributor.advisorVukosavljević-Gvozden, Tatjana
dc.contributor.otherBatinić, Borjanka
dc.contributor.otherKlikovac, Tamara
dc.contributor.otherTenjović, Lazar
dc.creatorVasiljević, Sanja
dc.description.abstractRad se bavi ispitivanjem veze sindroma izgaranja sa iracionalnim uverenjima kod univerzitetskih predavača. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na uzorku 597 univerzitetskih predavača Srbije. Korišćeni instrumenti su Inventar sindroma izgaranja verzija ES (Maslach et al., 1996), Upitnik kl iničkih su p tipova izgaranja BSCQ 36 (Montero Marín et al., 2011), Upitnik izloženosti stresu u radu univerzitetskih nastavnika ISR SN (Slišković & Maslić Seršić, 2011), Upitnik radno orijentisanih iracionalnih uverenja WIB Q (van Wijhe et al., 2013), Skala multidimenzonalne opažene socijalne podrš k e MSPSS (Zimet et al., 1988) 1988). Statističke procedure obuhvataju deskriptivnu statistiku, Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije za ispitivanje povezanosti, i hijerarhijsku regresionu analizu u cilju ispitivanja moderatorsk ih efekata. U prvom koraku je uveden prediktor izloženost stresu u drugom koraku su uvedeni moderatori socijalna podrška i četiri varijable iz domena iracionalnih uverenja u trećem koraku su uvedene interakcije između prediktora i moderatora Z a svak i kriterijum posebno su ra đ ene hijerarhijske analize (tri tipa izgaranja na poslu i tri dimenzije izgaranja na poslu). Rezultati pokazuju da je izraženost izgaranja me đ u univerzitetskim predavačima niska. Stres, socijalna podrška, iracionalna uverenja poka zuju povezanost sa izgaranjem tako đ e nisku. Stres je sa izgaranjem pozitivno povezan, a socijalna podrška negativno. Iracionalna uv erenja povezana su pozitivno, a dati odnos i su registrovan i u više od 50% merenih odnosa. Najvišu prediktivnost izgaranja o stvaruje stres, dok se u drugom koraku efekat očitava i kod socijalne podrške , kao i kod iracionalnih uverenja , i to podgrupâ zahteva postignuća, neuspeha, kontrole, ali u manjoj meri. Moderatorski efekti su u većini slučajeva nepostojeći i samo iznimno do datno objašnjavaju varijansu u većem obimu. Ovo istraživanje je značajno jer daje informacije o veoma retko istraživanom segmentu populacije, zanemarivanom čak i desetinama godina u svetu; jer ispituje dosad neistraživane pojave i odnose ; jer koristi nove instrumente u nerazjašnjenim hipotezama, a kako proističe iz rezultata postavlja i neočekivana pitanja za tretman, terapijsku praksu i teoriju. Ovakva istraživanja onda informišu preventivnu i terapijsku praksu, što nam je i cilj. Rad je značajan za sled eće oblasti: istraživačk u , industrijsk u , preventivn u i kliničk u psihologij u , psihologij u rada i psihoterapij usr
dc.description.abstractThis thesis explores the relationship between burnout syndrome and irrational beliefs in unive rsity teachers. This research was conducted with a sample of 597 university teachers in Serbia. The instruments utilized in this study were the Maslach Burnout Inventory ES version (Maslach et al., 1996), Burnout Clinical Subtypes Questionnaire, BSCQ 36 (Montero Marín et al., 2011), Exposure to Work Stress for University Teachers Questionnaire, ISR SN (Slišković & Maslić Seršić, 2011), Work Irrational Beliefs Questionnaire, WIB Q (van Wijhe et al., 2013), Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support MSPSS (Zimet et al., 1988) T he statistical procedures employed include descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and hierar chical regression analysis. In the fir st step of moderation analysis, a predictor was included , exposure to stress, followed by moderators, including social support and four variables representing irrational beliefs. In the third step , interactions between predictors and moderators were introduced. For every criterion variable, a separate hierarchical analysis was employed (three types of burnout, and three dimensions of burnout). The results show low levels of b urnout among university teachers Stress, social support, and irrational beliefs all show a correlation with burnout, albeit each correlation is relatively low. Stress is positively correlated to burnout while social support is negatively correlat ed to burnout. Irrational beliefs are positively correlated with burnout, as observed in 50% of the measured relationships. In relations of bu rnou t, stress, social support and irrational beliefs, t he highest predictive power to burnout is sh own to be in stress va riable. Moderation analysis, in the second step of the analysis, reveals that the predictive effect is also found in social support, and irrational beliefs performance demands, failure, control )), though to a lesser extent. In mos t cases moderation is not found and only in rare cases does it explain the variance s ignificantly enough to be of interest. This research holds significance for several reasons: it delves into a rarely explored segment of the population and provides new data on university teachers, a group that has not been extensively studied in over a decade in this field. Furthermore, it investigates previously unexplored relationshi ps and employs new instruments to address unresolved scientific hypotheses and dilemmas. Lastly, the findings from this study raise unexpected questions for the fields of treatment, psychotherapy practice, and theory. As a result, this research con tributes to informing prevention and therapy practices, aligning with the initial aim of helping alleviate burnout This thesis holds relevance for various areas, including industrial psychology, research psychology, preventive psychology, clinical psychology, and psychotherapy.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectKljučni pojmovi: sindrom izgaranja, iracionalna uverenja, univerzitetski predavači, stres, socijalna podrškasr
dc.subjectburnout syndr ome, irrational beliefs, university teachers, stress, social supporten
dc.titleSindrom izgaranja i iracionalna uverenja kod univerzitetskih nastavnikasr
dc.title.alternativeBurnout syndrome and irrational beliefs in university teachersen

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