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Strategies of addressing in the discourse of advertising messages Стратегии обращения в дискурсе рекламных сообщений

dc.contributor.advisorPanić-Cerovski, Natalija
dc.contributor.otherKovačević, Borko
dc.contributor.otherIvanović, Maja
dc.creatorKostić, Silva
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog naučnog rada je analiza verbalnih i neverbalnih strategija obraćanja potrošačima u diskursu reklamnih poruka u tri medija – na televiziji, bilbordima i veb-portalima. Primenjena je kvantitativno-kvalitativna metoda analize diskursa na korpusu od 2414 reklamnih poruka sakupljenih od 2016. do 2022. godine. Istraživanje je interdisciplinarno budući da su strategije obraćanja u reklamnim porukama sagledane ne samo iz perspektive lingvistike već i iz ugla drugih naučnih disciplina – retorike, marketinga, rodnih studija, intertekstualnih teorija i teorija humora. Rezultati analize pokazuju da se strategije obraćanja u televizijskim reklamama razlikuju od strategija obraćanja u reklamama na bilbordima i veb-portalima, s obzirom na to da ovaj medij karakteriše dinamičan vizuelni i auditivni kod u odnosu na statičan vizuelni i pisani kod u druga dva medija. Jezik reklamnih poruka je kreativan i blizak razgovornom jeziku, s čestom upotrebom žargona, slivenica, frazema i stranih reči. Slikovit je i obiluje stilskim figurama, kojima se postiže neobičnost i upečatljivost reklamne poruke. Neverbalne strategije obraćanja u statičnim medijima podrazumevaju upotrebu boja, tipografske kompozicije, simbola i vizuelnih retoričkih figura s ciljem pojačavanja ubedljivosti verbalne reklamne poruke. Oglašivač se obraća potrošaču koristeći tri retorička apela – ethos, pathos i logos, a reklamne poruke sadrže i brojne rodne stereotipe i intertekstualne reference u vidu različitih tipova citatnosti. Obraćanje korišćenjem humora u reklamnom diskursu služi za stvaranje opuštene, prijateljske atmosfere s ciljem približavanja potrošaču. Verbalne i neverbalne strategije obraćanja koriste se radi privlačenja pažnje potrošača, izdvajanja reklamne poruke i proizvoda od sličnih na tržištu i povećanja
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this scientific paper is the analysis of verbal and nonverbal strategies of addressing consumers in the discourse of advertising messages in three media – television, billboards and news websites. Quantitative and qualitative methods of discourse analysis were used for the analysis in the corpus of 2,414 advertising messages collected from 2016 to 2022. The research is interdisciplinary since the strategies of adressing were analysed not only from the linguistic perspective but also from the standpoint of other scientific fields – rhetoric, marketing, gender studies, intertextuality and humour research. The results of the analysis show that strategies of addressing used in television commercials differ from those employed in advertisements on billboards and news websites since this medium is marked by dynamic visual and audio codes compared with static visual and written ones typical of the other two. The advertising discourse is creative and similar to a spoken language abounding in slang, blends, idioms and foreign words. It is picturesque with numerous rhetorical figures used to make advertisements unusual and memorable. Nonverbal strategies of addressing imply the use of colour, typographic composition, symbols and visual rhetorical figures employed to improve persuasiveness of verbal advertising messages. Advertisers address consumers using three rhetorical appeals – ethos, logos and pathos. Advertisements contain a great number of gender stereotypes and intertextual references in the form of different types of citationality. Addressing consumers using humour in the advertising discourse creates a relaxing and friendly atmosphere with the aim of attracting consumers. Verbal and nonverbal strategies of addressing consumers are used to attract their attention and distinguish advertisements and advertised products from competition in order to increase sales.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectreklamiranje, analiza diskursa, vizuelni marketing, stilske figure, intertekstualne reference, humor, retorički apeli, rodni stereotipisr
dc.subjectadvertising, discourse analysis, visual marketing, rhetorical figures, intertextual references, humour, rhetorical appeals, gender stereotypesen
dc.titleStrategije obraćanja u diskursu reklamnih porukasr
dc.title.alternativeStrategies of addressing in the discourse of advertising messages Стратегии обращения в дискурсе рекламных сообщенийen

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