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Metonymy and synecdoche in literary and artistic style in French and Serbian language

dc.contributor.advisorMelić, Katarina
dc.contributor.otherBošković, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherRadovanović, Đorđe
dc.contributor.otherSekeruš, Pavle
dc.creatorVučković, Dragana M.
dc.description.abstractOsnovni predmet ovog rada su metonimija i sinegdoha u književnoumetničkom stilu francuskog i srpskog jezika. Reč je o dve stilske figure koje dovode do promene značenja reči. Rad ima jedan primaran i tri sekundarna cilja. Primaran cilj je da se utvrdi u kojim se to slučajevima metonimija prepliće sa sinegdohom i da se ukaže na to da je pre svega reč o dve potpuno autonomne stilske figure koje imaju nekih sličnosti, ali se mogu jasno razgraničiti i posebno analizirati. Sekundarni ciljevi disertacije treba da utvrde i analiziraju semantičke, sintaksičke i stilističke karakteristike metonimije i sinegdohe na korpusu koji je sačinjen od primera preuzetih iz četiri romana iz francuske i srpske književnosti, uključujući njihove prevode. Ti romani su: L’Assommoir (Trovačnica) od Emila Zole, Au revoir là-haut (Doviđenja, tamo gore) od Pjera Lemetra, Na Drini ćuprija (Le pont sur la Drina) od Ive Andrića i Tvrđava (La forteresse) od Meše Selimovića. U radu se primenjuju tri metodološka pristupa: a) deskriptivna metoda, b) metoda klasične semantičke komponencijalne analize i b) metoda kontrastivne analize. Rad se sastoji iz četiri poglavlja. U prvom, uvodnom poglavlju, daju se predmet i cilj rada, zatim postavljaju osnovne hipoteze i daje opis korpusa, kao i metodologija rada. U drugom poglavlju predstavljen je teorijsko-metodološki okvir opisa karakteristika, upotrebnih vrednosti i podele metonimije i sinegdohe. U trećem i ključnom poglavlju vrši se sintaksičko-semantička analiza ove dve stilske figure na korpusu iz odabranih romana, a u skladu sa teorijskim postavkama iz prethodnog poglavlja. Rezultati iz ovog poglavlja su podloga za četvrto i poslednje poglavlje, u kojem se bavimo stilističkom analizom metonimije i sinegdohe na odabranim primerima, a sve sa ciljem ispitivanja stilskog efekta koji ove figure postižu u datom
dc.description.abstractThe main subject of this thesis is metonymy and synecdoche in literary and artistic style in French and Serbian language. This refers to two figures of speech that lead to changes in meanings of words. The thesis has one primary and three secondary goals. The primary goal is to determine in which cases metonymy intertwines with synecdoche, but above all, to demonstrate that these are two completely autonomous figures of speech which have some similarities, but can be clearly distinguished and analyzed separately. Three secondary goals of the dissertation should determine and analyze semantic, syntactic and stylistic characteristics of metonymy and synecdoche based on a corpus composed of examples taken from four French and Serbian novels, including their translations. These novels are: L'Assommoir (Trovačnica) written by Emile Zola, Au revoir là-haut (Doviđenja, tamo gore) by Pierre Lemaître, Na Drini ćuprija (Le pont sur la Drina) by Ivo Andrić and Tvrđava (La forteresse) by Meša Selimović. Three methodological approaches are applied in this work: a) descriptive method, b) method of classical semantic component analysis and b) method of contrastive analysis. The thesis consists of four chapters. In the first, introductory chapter, the subject and the goal of the thesis are presented, then the basic hypotheses are set and a description of the corpus is given, as well as the methodology of the research. The second chapter presents the theoretical and methodological framework for describing the characteristics, values and types of metonymy and synecdoche. In the third and key chapter, syntactic and semantic analysis of these two figures of speech is being done based on the corpus from selected novels, in accordance with the theoretical framework from the previous chapter. The results from this chapter are the basis for the fourth and final chapter, in which we deal with the stylistic analysis of metonymy and synecdoche on selected examples, all with the goal of examining the stylistic effect that these figures of speech achieve in a given context.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectkontrastivna analizasr
dc.subjectsemička analizasr
dc.subjectfrancuski jeziksr
dc.subjectsrpski jeziksr
dc.subjectcontrastive analysisen
dc.subjectsemantic analysisen
dc.subjectFrench languageen
dc.subjectSerbian languageen
dc.titleMetonimija i sinegdoha u književnoumetničkom stilu francuskog i srpskog jezikasr
dc.title.alternativeMetonymy and synecdoche in literary and artistic style in French and Serbian languageen

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