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Evaluation of natural and anthropogenic potеntial of Srem in the function of ecotourism sustainable development

dc.contributor.advisorĐurđić, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherJovičić, Dobrica
dc.contributor.otherStojković, Sanja
dc.contributor.otherVujadinović, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherBrankov, Jovana
dc.creatorMicić, Jasna
dc.description.abstractСтановиште да је човек одвојен од свеукупног екосистема планете Земље и да су његове потребе примарне у односу на остала жива бића, довело је до угрожавања основних ресурса (вода, ваздух, земљиште), али и неповратног губитка појединих врста флоре и фауне. Због тога одрживи, односно уравнотежени развој треба да буде принцип на коме се заснива развој свих делатности, укључујући и туризам. Очуваних делова природе је све мање, те се повећава потреба за путовањима у пределе у којима је сачуван изворни изглед пејзажа. Екотуризам се управо јавља као спона између потребе за заштитом природе и њеног свесног коришћења. У докторској дисертацији анализирано је административно подручје Срема, које је подељено на седам општина. Спроведена је евалуација природних и антропогених потенцијала простора за развој одрживог екотуризма. Поред класичне туристичке валоризације у истраживању је коришћена и анализа погодности, заснована на примени географског информационог система и аналитичког хијерархијског процеса, а са циљем издвајања локација погодних за развој одрживог екотуризма. Вредновање је извршено на основу пет група критеријума (топографија, остале природне особености, заштита природних ресурса, приступачност, карактеристике заједнице), у оквиру којих је дефинисано 11 поткритеријума. Тежинским преклапањем добијена је синтезна карта на којој су приказане четири категорије погодности: најпогодније, погодно, маргинално погодно и непогодно. Резултати су показали да се погодни простори за развој одрживог екотуризма налазе у оквиру заштићених природних подручја и у њиховим заштитним зонама. Са друге стране, у појединим општинама се погодне локације налазе и изван поменутих зона, у просторима у којима је природа очувана и у којима се налазе атрактивни природни и културни ресурси. На основу добијених резултата предложени су потенцијални туристички производи округа и припадајућих општина. Такође, указано је на постојеће развојне изазове и могућности за њихово превазилажење.sr
dc.description.abstractThe attitude that humans are separated from the overall ecosystem of the planet Earth and that their needs are primary compared to other living beings has led to the endangerment of basic resources (water, air, and soil), but also the irreversible loss of certain species of flora and fauna. Therefore, sustainable, i.e. balanced development should be the principle on which the development of all activities, including tourism, is based. There are fewer and fewer preserved parts of nature, and the need for travels to areas where the authentic landscape has been conserved is increasing. Sustainable ecotourism appears as a link between the need to protect nature and its conscious use. The doctoral dissertation analyzed the administrative area of Srem, which is divided into seven municipalities. An evaluation of the natural and anthropogenic potentials of the area for the development of sustainable ecotourism was carried out. In addition to the classic tourist valorization, the research also used land suitability analysis, based on the application of a geographic information system and analytical hierarchical process, intending to identify locations suitable for the development of sustainable ecotourism. The assessment was carried out based on five groups of criteria (topography, other natural features, protection of natural resources, accessibility, and community characteristics), within which 11 sub-criteria were defined. As a result of weighted overlay analysis, a synthesis map was obtained showing four suitability categories: most suitable, suitable, marginally suitable, and unsuitable. The results showed that suitable areas for the development of sustainable ecotourism are located within protected natural areas and in their protective zones. On the other hand, in some municipalities, suitable locations are also found outside the mentioned zones, in areas where nature is still preserved and where there are attractive natural and cultural resources. According to the obtained results, potential tourism products of the district and associated municipalities were proposed. Furthermore, the existing development challenges and opportunities for overcoming them were highlighted.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Географски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectThe attitude that humans are separated from the overall ecosystem of the planet Earth and that their needs are primary compared to other living beings has led to the endangerment of basic resources (water, air, and soil), but also the irreversible loss of certain species of flora and fauna. Therefore, sustainable, i.e. balanced development should be the principle on which the development of all activities, including tourism, is based. There are fewer and fewer preserved parts of nature, and the need for travels to areas where the authentic landscape has been conserved is increasing. Sustainable ecotourism appears as a link between the need to protect nature and its conscious use. The doctoral dissertation analyzed the administrative area of Srem, which is divided into seven municipalities. An evaluation of the natural and anthropogenic potentials of the area for the development of sustainable ecotourism was carried out. In addition to the classic tourist valorization, the research also used land suitability analysis, based on the application of a geographic information system and analytical hierarchical process, intending to identify locations suitable for the development of sustainable ecotourism. The assessment was carried out based on five groups of criteria (topography, other natural features, protection of natural resources, accessibility, and community characteristics), within which 11 sub-criteria were defined. As a result of weighted overlay analysis, a synthesis map was obtained showing four suitability categories: most suitable, suitable, marginally suitable, and unsuitable. The results showed that suitable areas for the development of sustainable ecotourism are located within protected natural areas and in their protective zones. On the other hand, in some municipalities, suitable locations are also found outside the mentioned zones, in areas where nature is still preserved and where there are attractive natural and cultural resources. According to the obtained results, potential tourism products of the district and associated municipalities were proposed. Furthermore, the existing development challenges and opportunities for overcoming them were highlighted. Keywords: evaluation, sustainable ecotourism, land suitability analysis, GIS-AHP, Sremen
dc.subjectодрживи екотуризамsr
dc.subjectанализа погодности коришћења земљиштаsr
dc.titleЕвалуација природних и антропогених потецијала Срема у функцији одрживог развоја екотуризмаsr
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of natural and anthropogenic potеntial of Srem in the function of ecotourism sustainable developmenten

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