Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

dc.contributor.advisorMaksimović, Goran
dc.contributor.otherEraković, Radoslav
dc.contributor.otherKostadinović, Danijela
dc.creatorAleksić, Milica
dc.description.abstractThe subject of scientific research of the doctoral dissertation Children and youth in Serbian realist prose are characters of children and young people, as protagonists or as supporting heroes with an important role in motivating events in discourse, psychologization of adult heroes, and as a collective character through which it is possible to reconstruct a picture of the private and public life of a Serbian village and town in the 19th century. It will also be shown how the phenomenon of childhood manifests itself in the adulthood of the hero. When it comes to children and young people as protagonists, the image of childhood largely shapes their entire life path, which is why it is necessary to problematize the period of their growing up, upbringing, schooling and in general their path of maturing and searching for identity. The period of youth as an age of self-seeking also shapes the heroes in accordance with the social atmosphere in which the heroes exist. Young heroes will be considered and classified according to the thematic stratification of texts, into: young heroes-representatives of degeneration of the family, young craftsmen or merchants, young heroes from the village or from the city / moved to the city, students and young teachers, young priests and monks, young servants and maids, young heroes driven by passion or ideals. Also, the role of the phenomenon of youth as an important constituent of the narrative structure of prose texts in Serbian realism will be pointed out. The research corpus of the dissertation consists of prose texts (novels and short stories) by Serbian realists: Jakov Ignjatović, Milovan Glišić, Stevan Sremec, Radoje Domanović, Simo Matavulj, Laza Lazarević, Ilija Vukićević, Janko Veselinović, Svetozar Ćorović, Svetolik Ranković, Petar Kočić, Borisav Stanković, Ivo Ćipiko and Branislav Nušić. In accordance with the nature of the texts, psychoanalytic, structuralist, narratological, phenomenological and neohistorical methods will be used in the paper.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Нишу, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Нишуsr
dc.subjectSrpski realizamsr
dc.subjectSerbian realismen
dc.subjectcharacters of childrenen
dc.subjectcharacters of young peopleen
dc.subjectthe phenomenon of childhooden
dc.subjectpath of maturingen
dc.subjectlikovi decesr
dc.subjectlikovi mladihsr
dc.subjectfenomen detinjstvasr
dc.subjectrazvojni putsr
dc.titleDeca i mladi u srpskoj realističkoj prozisr

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Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji