Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

dc.contributor.advisorMilivojević, Nikita
dc.contributor.otherPrpa-Fink, Marijana
dc.contributor.otherMilivojević, Mađarev, Marina
dc.contributor.otherMomčilović, Predrag
dc.contributor.otherDinić, Bojana
dc.contributor.otherMilivojević, Nikita
dc.creatorMladenović, Uroš
dc.description.abstractU navedenom radu je praćen proces stvaranja predstave ,,Ko je meni Antigona?” u kojem su učestvovali polaznici omladinskih scena iz Paraćina i Ćuprije tokom 2020. godine. Proces rada je definisan nakon višegodišnjeg rada na razvijanju omladinske i dečije pozorišne scene u ovim gradovima. Tokom ličnog i profesionalnog usavršavanja, autor je nastojao da sva stečena iskustva i znanja prenese i na učesnike omladinskih i dečijih scena sa kojima je radio. Navedeni proces rada je pisan sa željom da pomogne narednim sličnim inicijativama, mentorima koji rade sa mladima i mladima koji će započeti neke nove procese u kojima će im opisani rad pomoći. Kroz rad je opisan proces rada na predstavi kroz 20 radionica u trajanju od po 2 sata. Tokom procesa učesnici su bili izvođači ali i autori od samog početka procesa, koji, osim kreiranja same predstave, ima za cilj izgradnju grupe i lični razvoj svih pojedinaca koji učestvuju u procesu. Ovakav rad omogućava mladima da koristeći pozorište progovore o njima važnim temama. Zajedno sa koordinatorima radionica, oni učestvuju u kreiranju sadržaja predstave i tokom diskusija i vežbi izražavaju svoje potrebe i dileme. Ovakva vrsta rada ohrabruje lični razvoj osobe, razvija autonomiju i ističe inicijativu. Kroz procesni rad, mladi se osnažuju da postaju samostalni, ravnopravni članovi društva, da razvijaju svoje socijalne veštine, te testiraju vrednosti i
dc.description.abstractThis work follows the process of creating the play "Who is Antigone to me?" whereas the youth of drama schools from Paraćin and Ćuprija participated during 2020. The work process was defined after many years of work on the development of the youth and children's theater scene in these cities. During his personal and professional training, the author tried to transfer all the acquired experiences and knowledge to the participants of the youth and children's scenes with which he worked. The mentioned work process was written with the desire to help the next similar initiatives, mentors who work with young people and young people who will start some new processes in which the described work will help them. This work describes the process of working on the play through 20 workshops lasting 2 hours each. During the process, the participants were performers but also authors from the very beginning of the process, which, in addition to creating the play itself, aims to build a group and personal development of all individuals involved in the process. This kind of work enables young people to talk about important topics using the theater. Together with the workshop leaders, they participate in creating the content of the play and express their needs and dilemmas during discussions and exercises. This type of work encourages a person's personal development, develops autonomy, and emphasizes initiative. Through process work, young people are empowered to become independent, equal members of society, to develop their social skills, and to test values and beliefs.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Akademija umetnostisr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectomladinska pozorišna scenasr
dc.subjectyouth theatre scene, process work, youthen
dc.subjectprocesni radsr
dc.titleKo je meni Antigona? - glumac kao kreator i izvođač predstavesr

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Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji