Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Effect of assisted antigravitation kinesiotherapy on motor function of the upper limbs in patients after stroke

dc.contributor.advisorKonstantinović, Ljubica
dc.contributor.otherNešić, Dejan
dc.contributor.otherPetronić-Marković, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherVidaković, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherTomašević-Todorović, Snežana
dc.creatorDimkić Tomić, Tijana
dc.description.abstractUvod: Moždani udar predstavlja vodeći uzrok dugoročne onesposobljenosti u savremenom svetu. Kod više od 85% pacijenata preživelih nakon moždanog udara zaostaje slabost gornjih ekstremiteta koja značajno ometa svakodnevne motorne funkcije. I nakon sprovedene rehabilitacije motorna funckija ruke se oporavi u svega 5-20% pacijenata. Osnovni princip savremene rehabilitacije predstavlja intenzivno vežbanje orijentisano na motorni zadatak sa mogućnošću većeg broja ponavljanja pokreta oslabljenog ekstremiteta tokom treninga, što je snažan stimulus za pospešivanje motornog učenja. Asistirana antigravitaciona terapija potpomognuta ArmAssist (AA) robotskim uređajem korišćena je za trening gornjih ekstremiteta sa oštećenjem motorne funkcije nakon moždanog udara. Ovaj robotski uređaj je napravljen za povećanje obima pokreta u ramenom i lakatnom zglobu, u položaju koji isključuje gravitacionu silu, uz manju asistenciju terapeuta. Cilj: U ovoj studiji, istraživali smo uticaj potpomognute antigravitacione kineziterapije korišćenjem jednostavnog robotskog uređaja AA pridodate konvencionalnoj kineziterapiji i uticaj konvencionalne kineziterapije istog vremenskog trajanja na funkcionalnu sposobnost, stepen motornog oštećenja gornjeg ekstremiteta i sposobnost obavljanja svakodnevnih životnih aktivnosti kod pacijenata sa prvim moždanim udarom. Takođe, cilj je bio i uporediti efekte primene potpomognute antigravitacione kineziterapije korišćenjem jednostavnog robotskog uređaja AA pridodatog konvencionalnoj kineziterapiji i primene samo konvencionalne kineziterapije istog vremenskog trajanja na funkcionalnu sposobnost, na stepen motornog oštećenja gornjeg ekstremiteta i sposobnost obavljanja svakodnevnih životnih aktivnosti, kao i ispitati povezanost opštih demografskih, socijalnih i kliničkih karakteristika na ishod
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability worldwide. Approximately 85% of stroke survivors experience arm weakness which significantly interferes with motor function of the extremities. Despite the rehabilitation, the motor function of the upper limbs recovers at 5- 20% poststroke patients. The main principle of modern neurorehabilitation required task-oriented training with a large number of repetitions and greater intensity of practice, which is a potent stimulus for promoting motor learning. The assisted antigravitation kinesiotherapy with ArmAssist (AA) robotic device is used to develop arm training in patients who has motor impairment after stroke. AA robotic device is designed to facilitate arm movements of abductionadduction in the shoulder and flexion-extension in the elbow, with minimal assistance of therapist. The aim of this study was to examine the efficacy of assisted antigravitation kinesiotherapy using simple AA robotic device added to conventional rehabilitation and the efficacy of matched conventional arm training on functional outcomes, in subacute stroke subjects with moderate-tosevere upper limb impairment. Also, our aim was to compare effects of assisted antigravitation kinesiotherapy by AA robotic device added to conventional rehabilitation and matched conventional arm training on functional upper limbs ability, motor impairment of upper limbs and activities of daily living. We were to examine, impact of correlation of basic demographic, social and clinical characteristics on functional outcomes. Methodology: In our study, we included patients which were on inpatient rehabilitation care at rehabilitation clinic “dr Miroslav Zotovic” in Belgrade. We conducted a randomized controlled trial. The study included patients with their first stroke in subacute phase after stroke. Hemiparetic subacute stroke patients were randomly assigned to two groups. Group A (experimental group, n=15) was treated with assisted antigravitation kinesiotherapy using simple AA robotic device added to conventional rehabilitation. Group B (control group, n=15), was treated with matched conventional rehabilitation. All patients were evaluated at baseline and after 3 weeks of intervention...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectsubakutni moždani udarsr
dc.subjectrobotski uređaji u neurorehabilitacijisr
dc.subjectmotorni deficit gornjeg ekstremitetasr
dc.subjectkineziterapijski tretman u antigravitacionim uslovimasr
dc.subjectsubacute strokeen
dc.subjectrobotic devices in neurorehabilitationen
dc.subjectmotor deficit of upper limben
dc.subjectkinesiotherapy in antigravity environmenten
dc.titleUticaj potpomognute antigravitacione kineziterapije na motornu funkciju gornjih ekstremiteta kod pacijenata nakon moždanog udarasr
dc.title.alternativeEffect of assisted antigravitation kinesiotherapy on motor function of the upper limbs in patients after strokeen

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