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Development of a novel gluten-free functional puffed snack enriched with chicory root (Cichorium intybus L.)

dc.contributor.advisorTumbas Šaponjac, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherFišteš, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherKojić, Jovana
dc.contributor.otherPopović, Boris
dc.contributor.otherKojić, Predrag
dc.creatorPerović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractIstraņivanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bavila su se proizvodnjom novog bezglu-tenskog prehrambenog proizvoda na bazi pirinčanog brańna sa dodatkom korena cikorije na dvo-puņnom ekstruderu. U okviru ove studije prvi put je implementiran koren cikorije u flips pro-izvode kao potencijalno funcionalni dodatak. Koren cikorije je jedan od najbogatijih izvora inu-lina, prebiotske komponente poņeljne u ishrani osoba obolelih od dijabetesa, ali i mnogih drugih bioaktivnih komponenata (seskviterpenskih laktona, polifenolnih jedinjenja, masnih kiselina, amino kiselina, vitamina, minerala i dr). Ispitivanja u okviru doktorske disertacije definisana su u cilju odreĎivanja optimalnih uslova procesa ekstrudiranja neophodnih za ostvarivanje poņeljnih fizičkih, teksturnih, i funkcionalnih (sadrņaj inulina i drugih gorenavedenih sastojaka) karakte-ristika finalnog proizvoda. Proistekli rezultati daju uvid u zakonitosti koje vladaju izmeĎu zadatih procesnih parame-tara (sadrņaja vlage polazne smeńe, brzine obrtanja puņnice, i sadrņaja korena cikorije) i fizičkih, funkcionalnih, teksturnih, reolońkih i senzorskih karakteristika finalnih flips proizvoda. Pri-menom optimalnih uslova proizvodnje, koji su definisani uz pomoć genetskog algoritma (16,3 % vlage; brzina obrtanja puņnice od 700 o/min i 30% korena cikorije), uspeńno je proizveden hrs-kav flips proizvod prihvatljive boje, sa visokim sadrņajem prebiotika inulina (5,36%). Time je opravdana primena korena cikorije u razvoju novih funkcionalnih proizvoda prihvatljivih od strane potrońača. PredviĎanje vrednosti ispitivanih parametara ekstrudata vrńeno je primenom dva matema-tička modela čime se jasno pruņa uvid u njihovu primenjivost i učinkovitost kod ove vrste proizvoda. U tu svrhu primenjene su veńtačka neuronska mreņa (engl. Artificial neural network, ANN) i nova metodologija ubrzanog regresionog stabla (engl. Boosted regression trees, BRT), koja se po prvi put primenjuje kod procesa ekstrudiranja hrane. Jedan od ciljeva istraņivanja bio je obogaćnje ekstrudiranog proizvoda inulinom u literaturno preporučenim granicama. Stoga je posebna paņnja bila posvećena optimizaciji postup-ka ekstrakcije inulina, kao i razvoju i validaciji sofisticirane analitičke metode za njegovo kvan-titativno odreĎivanje primenom visokopritisne tečne hromatografije kuplovane sa detektorom ra-sipanja svetlosti na isparenom uzorku (engl. High performance liquid chromatography-Evapo-rative light scattering detector, HPLC-ELSD). Ova metoda primenjiva je na komercijalno do-stupnim proizvodima na teritorije Republike Srbije koji sadrņe inulin (flipsevi, kafe, dodaci ishrani sa inulinom). Inovativni prehrambeni funkcionalni proizvodi nastali u okviru ove disertacije mogu doprineti zdravijoj ishrani potrońača, obogatiti aktuelni trņińni asortiman flips proizvoda i pro-movisati implementaciju korena cikorije u prehrambene proizvode s obzirom na to da Srbija spada u 10 najvećih svetskih proizvoĎača ove sirovine.sr
dc.description.abstractResearch conducted within this doctoral thesis was focused on the production of a novel gluten-free food product based on rice flour with the addition of chicory root on a twin-screw extruder. As a part of this study, chicory root was implemented for the first time in snack puffed products as potential functional ingredient. Chicory root is one of the richest sources of inulin, a prebiotic component desirable in the diet of people with diabetes, but also many other bioactive components (sesquiterpene lactones, phenolic compounds, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, mi-nerals, etc.). The main goal of this doctoral thesis research was to define the optimal conditions of extrusion cooking process necessary to achieve the desired physical, textural, and potentially functional (inulin content and other bioactive compounds) characteristics of the final product. The results provide insight into the relationships that prevail between the set of process parameters (moisture content of the starting mixture, screw speed, and chicory root content) and physical, functional, textural, rheological and sensory characteristics of the final puffed snack products. Applying the optimal production conditions, which were defined using a genetic algo-rithm (16.3% moisture; 700 rpm and 30.0% chicory root), it was successfully generated a crispy snack product of attractive color, with a high content of inulin (5.36%). This justifies the use of chicory root in the development of new food products acceptable to consumers. Prediction of extrudates tested properties was performed using two mathematical models, which clearly provides insight into their applicability and effectiveness in this type of product. For this purpose, the Artificial neural network (ANN) was applied, as well as the new young methodology of Boosted regression trees (BRT), which is being used for the first time in food extrusion. One of the goals of the research was to develop a functional extruded snack product enriched with inulin within the literary recommended intake. Therefore, special attention was de-dicated to the optimization of the inulin extraction process, as well as for the development and validation of a sophisticated analytical method for its quantitative determination using high per-formance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detector (HPLC-ELSD). This method is applicable to commercially available products in the territory of the Re-public of Serbia that contain inulin (flips, coffee, dietary supplements with inulin). Innovative food products created within this dissertation can contribute to healthier consumer nutrition, enrich the current market range of snack products and promote the imple-mentation of chicory root in food products, considering that Serbia is one of the 10 largest world producers of this raw material.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectchicory rooten
dc.subjectgluten-free functional puffed snack producten
dc.subjectkoren cikorijesr
dc.subjectflips proizvodsr
dc.titleRazvoj novog bezglutenskog funkcionalnog flips proizvoda oplemenjenog korenom cikorije (Cichorium intybus L.)sr
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of a novel gluten-free functional puffed snack enriched with chicory root (Cichorium intybus L.)en

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