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The role of glucocorticoids in circadian synchronization of endocrine functions of Leydig cells

dc.contributor.advisorKostić, Tatjana
dc.contributor.otherAndrić, Silvana
dc.contributor.otherKostić, Tatjana
dc.contributor.otherKaišarević (Zorić), Sonja
dc.contributor.otherKojić, Zvezdana
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević, Ana
dc.creatorМедар, Марија
dc.description.abstractDva sistema, cirkadijalni časovnik i mehanizam odgovora na stres, ključni su za prilagođavanje i održavanje dinamičke ravnoteže organizma. Uticaj stresa, posredovan glukokortikoidima, u cirkadijalnoj sinhronizaciji endokrinih funkcija Leydig-ovih ćelija odraslih pacova praćen je kroz različite in vivo i ex vivo eksperimentalne modele. Eksperimentalni modeli obuhvatali su primenu stresa imobilizacije (IMO), u različitim cirkadijalnim vremenima, i različitom broju ponavljanja, kao i tretman primene sintetičkih glukokortikoida. Preciznije, ove studije su dizajnirane da ispitaju (1) da li je efekat glukokortikoida na obrazac ekspresije gena časovnika, gena povezanih sa steroidogenezom, kao i drugih gena od značaja za endokrinu funkciju Leydig-ovih ćelija, vremenski zavisan, kao i (2) da li je zavisan od tipa stresnog događaja (akutni i ponovljeni stres). U analiziranim eksperimentalnim modelima, utvrđeno je da je stres generalno povećao nivo glukokortikoida i smanjio nivo testosterona u krvi. Međutim, zapaženo je da je efekat ponovljenog stresa na nivou testostorena u krvi najmanje bio izražen u tamnoj (aktivnoj) fazi dana. Transkripciona analiza gena je otkrila različitu osetljivost na stresne događaje u zavisnosti od cirkadijalnog vremena: većina gena povezanih sa steroidogenezom (Lhcgr, Nr3c1, Cyp11a1, Cyp17a1, Hsd3b1/2) pokazala je smanjenu ekspresiju u neaktivnoj (svetloj) fazi, dok je u tamnoj fazi dana, njihova ekspresija nepromenjena ili čak stimulisana. Stres je takođe uticao i na ekspresiju gena i proteina časovnika i stimulisao ekspresiju Bmal1/BMAL1, Per1/2/PER1. Tretman pacova primenom sintetičkog glukokortikoida pokazao je sličan odgovor kao i IMO tretman. Analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA) pokazala je odsustvo značajnih razlika između tretmana, posebno na Per1 i Rev-erba. Ovakvi rezultati su potvrđeni ex vivo tretmanom Leydig-ovih ćelija hidrokortison-om i blokatorom glukokortikoidnog receptora. Rezultati ukazaju da uticaj glukokortikoidne komponente odgovora na stres na aktivnost Leydig-ovih ćelija, zavisi od vremena i tipa stresa, naglašavajući važnost cirkadijalne aktivnosti u podršci i održavanju homeostaze produkcije androgena, a samim tim i plodnosti kod muškaraca.sr
dc.description.abstractTwo systems, the circadian clock, and the stress response mechanism are key to adjusting and maintaining the body's dynamic balance. The influence of glucocorticoid-mediated stress in the circadian synchronization of the endocrine function of adult rats Leydig cells monitored through various in vivo and ex vivo experimental models. The experimental models included the application of stress by immobilization (IMO), at different circadian times, and with a different number of repetitions, as well as the treatment with the use of synthetic glucocorticoids. Specifically, these studies are designed to examine (1) are the effects of glucocorticoids on the pattern of clock gene expression, steroidogenesis-related genes, and other genes relevant to Leydig cell endocrine function time-dependent, and (2) are the effects dependent on the type of stressful event (acute and recurrent stress). In the analyzed experimental models, it was found that stress generally increased glucocorticoid levels and decreased blood testosterone levels. However, it was noticed that the effect of repeated stress on the level of testosterone in the blood was the least pronounced in the dark (active) phase of the day. Transcriptional analysis of genes revealed different susceptibility to stressful events depending on circadian time: most genes associated with steroidogenesis (Lhcgr, Nr3c1, Cyp11a1, Cyp17a1, Hsd3b1/2) showed reduced expression in the inactive (light) phase, while in the active dark) the phase of the day, their expression unchanged or even stimulated. Stress also affected the expression of clock genes and proteins and stimulated the expression of Bmal1/BMAL1, Per1/2/PER1. Treatment of rats with synthetic glucocorticoids showed a similar response as IMO treatment. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed no significant differences between treatments, especially on Per1 and Rev-erb. These results were confirmed by ex vivo treatment of Leydig cells with Hydrocortison and a glucocorticoid receptor blocker. The results indicate that the effect of the glucocorticoid component of the stress response on Leydig cell activity depends on the time and type of stress, emphasizing the importance of circadian activity in supporting and maintaining androgen homeostasis, and male fertility.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectcircadian rhythmen
dc.subjectLeydig cellsen
dc.subjectcirkadijalni ritamsr
dc.subjectLeydigove ćelijesr
dc.titleUloga glukokortikoida u cirkadijalnoj sinhronizaciji endokrinefunkcije Leydig-ovih ćelijasr
dc.title.alternativeThe role of glucocorticoids in circadian synchronization of endocrine functions of Leydig cellsen

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