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Prevalence of Campybacter spp. on poultry carcasses and susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs

dc.contributor.advisorTeodorović, Vlado
dc.contributor.advisorĐorđević, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherKarabasil, Neđeljko
dc.contributor.otherVasilev, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherBaltić, Tatjana
dc.creatorJovanović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractMeso i proizvodi od mesa, posebno meso živine, ima značajnu ulogu u pojavi kampilobakterioze kod ljudi koja je danas u svetu najčešća bolest prenosiva hranom. Brojni su izvori kontaminacije trupova živine u klanicama, uprkos nastojanjima i različitim merama da se učestalost kontaminacije smanji. Lečenje kampilobakterioze ljudi je otežano obzirom na sve veću učestalost rezistencije kampilobakterija na antimikrobne lekove. Cilj istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se pomoću različitih tehnika izolacije i identifikacije (automatizovani kvalitativni test na principu ELFA tehnologije, selektivne podloge (mCCD agar i CampyFood agar), Real-time PCR tehnika (RTi-PCR) i Multipleks PCR tehnika (m-PCR)), utvrdi učestalost nalaza Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli i Campylobacter lari na ohlađenim trupovima živine iz tri objekta, ispita filogenetska srodnost Campylobacter jejuni, odnosno Campylobacter coli iz tri različita objekta i humanih izolata (dva izolata Campylobacter jejuni, odnosno tri izolata Campylobacter coli), kao i da se disk difuzionom metodom i E-testom utvrdi osetljivost na odabrane antimikrobne lekove. Korišćenjem automatizovanog kvalitativnog testa na principu ELFA (Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay) tehnologije Campylobacter spp. su dokazane kod 91,30% trupova (ispirak ohlađenih trupova) živine poreklom iz dve industrijske i jedne zanatske klanice (objekata „A“, „B“ i „C“). Zasejavanjem uzoraka ispiraka ohlađenih trupova živine iz sve tri klanice na selektivni modifikovani ugljeni cefperazon deoksiholat agar (mCCD) i CampyFood agar, prisustvo Campylobacter spp. utvrđeno je kod 91,30%, odnosno 77,39% trupova živine. Pomoću RealTime PCR tehnike (16S rRNK) na trupovima živine iz sva tri objekta prisustvo Campylobacter spp. utvrđeno je u 77,39% uzoraka. U uzorcima ispiraka ohlađenih trupova živine iz zanatske klanice (objekat „C“) učestalost nalaza Campylobacter spp. bila je statistički značajno veća (p < 0,05) u odnosu na učestalost nalaza Campylobacter spp. na trupovima živine iz dva industrijska objekta (objekati „A“ i „B“). Prosečna učestalost nalaza Campylobacter spp. na ohlađenim trupovima živine iz sva tri objekta bila je 77,39%...sr
dc.description.abstractMeat and meat products, especially poultry meat, play a significant role in the occurrence of campylobacteriosis in humans, which is the most common food-borne disease in the world today. There are numerous sources of contamination of poultry carcasses in slaughterhouses, despite efforts and various measures taken in order to reduce the frequency of contamination. The treatment of campylobacteriosis in humans is difficult due to the increasing frequency of resistance of Campylobacter to antimicrobial drugs. The aim of the research in this doctoral dissertation was to use different isolation and identification techniques (automated qualitative test on the principle of ELFA technology, selective substrate (mCCD agar and CampyFood agar), Real-time PCR technique (RTi-PCR) and Multiplex PCR technique (m-PCR)), in order to determine the frequency of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter lari on chilled poultry carcasses from three facilities, examined the phylogenetic relationship of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli from three different facilities and human isolates (two isolates of Campylobacter jejuni and three Campylobacter coli isolate), as well as to determine the sensitivity to selected antimicrobial drugs by disk diffusion method and E-test. Using an automated qualitative test on the principle of ELFA (Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay) technology Campylobacter spp. were detected in 91.30% of poultry carcasses (whole-carcass rince) originating from two industrial and one artisanal slaughterhouses (facilities "A", "B" and "C"). Inoculation of the rinses from chilled poultry carcasses from all three slaughterhouses on selective modified carbon cefperazone deoxycholate agar (mCCD) and CampyFood agar, showed the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. was 91.30% and 77.39%, respectively. Using RealTime PCR technique (16S rRNA) on samples from poultry carcasses from all three investigated facilities, the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. was 77.39%...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет ветеринарске медицинеsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31083/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46009/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjecttrupovi živinesr
dc.subjectpoultry carcassesen
dc.subjectCampylobacter spp.en
dc.subjectphylogenetic similarityen
dc.subjectbacterial resistanceen
dc.subjectCampylobacter spp.sr
dc.subjectfilogenetska srodnostsr
dc.subjectbakterijska rezistencijasr
dc.titleUčestalost nalaza Campylobacter spp. na trupovima živine i njihova osetljivost na antimikrobne lekovesr
dc.title.alternativePrevalence of Campybacter spp. on poultry carcasses and susceptibility to antimicrobial drugsen
dc.typePhD thesis
dcterms.abstractТеодоровић, Владо; Балтић, Татјана; Ђорђевић, Весна; Карабасил, Неђељко; Василев, Драган; Јовановић, Јелена;

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