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Tourist and Ecological Study of the River Lim Valley

dc.contributor.advisorRomelić, Jovan
dc.contributor.otherDavidović, Rade
dc.contributor.otherTomić, Pavle
dc.contributor.otherMisailović, Ilija
dc.contributor.otherRomelić, Jovan
dc.creatorDragović, Ranko
dc.description.abstractDolina Lima i Polimlje predstavljaju složenu prostornu celinu u kojoj se prepliću različiti prirodni i antropogeni procesi. Analiza elemenata prirodne i sociokulturne sredine, njihovo turističko-ekološko vrednovanje i objedinjavanje treba da pokažu svrsishodnost ulaganja u turizam i ekologiju Polimlja. Tema doktorske disertacije postavljena je tako da se kroz trinaest komplementarnih poglavlja dođe do projektovanog cilja o mogućnostima razvoja pojedinih vrsta ekoturizma. Prikaz objedinjenih sadržaja u određenom obimu doprinosi boljem poznavanju Polimlja i omogućava lakši pristup operativnom delu turističkog planiranja u uslovima ekološke i turističke održivosti. Takva konstatacija proističe iz utvrđenih vrednosti dobijenih analizom parametara kvaliteta životne sredine i sociokulturne baštine. Na osnovu dobijenih vrednosti izveden je zaključak da turizam u ekološkom ambijentu Polimlja s obzirom na kvalitet prirodnih elemenata može postati dominantna delatnost i pored negativih iskustava u oblasti životne sredine iz druge polovine dvadesetog veka.sr
dc.description.abstractThe valley of the river Lim and Polimlje represent a complex regional entity in which different natural and antropogenic processes interact. Analysis of elements of the natural and socio-cultural environment, their tourist-ecological valorization and combination should show the appropriateness of investing in the tourism and ecology of Polimlje. The theme of this Ph.D. thesis is defined in such a way that through thirteen complementary chapters it arrives at the projected target about the possibillities of the development of some types of eco tourism. Presentation of the combined content to a certain degree contributes to a better knowledge of Polimlje and enables easier access to the operative part of tourist planning in conditions of ecological and tourist maintenance. Such a conclusion is the result of established values obtained by analysis of the quality of the environment and the socio-cultural heritage. Based on the values obtained it may be concluded that tourism in the ecological environment of Polimlje, having in mind the quality of natural elements, could become a dominant activity regardless of negative experiences in the environmental field in the second half of the twentieth century.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectDolina Limasr
dc.subjectThe river Lim valleyen
dc.subjectsustainable developmenten
dc.subjecttourist valueen
dc.subjectodrživi razvojsr
dc.subjectživotna sredinasr
dc.subjectturistička vrednostsr
dc.titleTurističko-ekološka studija doline Limasr
dc.title.alternativeTourist and Ecological Study of the River Lim Valleyen
dcterms.abstractРомелић, Јован; Давидовић, Раде; Томић, Павле; Ромелић, Јован; Мисаиловић, Илија; Драговић, Ранко; Туристичко-еколошка студија долине Лима; Туристичко-еколошка студија долине Лима;

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