Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Mapping and utilization of waste heat in the food processing industry

dc.contributor.advisorŠušteršič, Vanja
dc.contributor.otherGordić, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherKončalović, Davor
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Danijela
dc.contributor.otherStojiljković, Mirko M.
dc.creatorJosijević, Mladen
dc.descriptionFood and beverage industry, as an important global branch of industry, consume considerable amounts of energy. This sector predominantly uses energy for the recuperation of thermal processes in which the significant amounts of energy are irreversibly wasted as waste heat. The identification of potential sources of waste heat and the estimations for their possible utilization can be an extremely challenging undertaking. Also, the relatively small share of energy costs with respect to total production costs, in addition to high initial investments, are the main reason for the low implementation of a waste heat utilization technology. In this regard, the doctoral dissertation aims at defining the methodology for determining waste heat potentials in food industry and for the selection of an optimal technology for its utilization based on desired goal functions. The dissertation develops a new methodology that is based upon the comprehensive energy audit of production facility and the application of mathematical optimization in the selection of an optimal technology for waste heat utilization. The audit follows the ISO 50002 standard and is conducted aiming at the collection of data on energy and raw material flows in a facility and at mapping waste heat sources and their potentials. The mathematical model applied here is originally developed for the purposes of this dissertation and it completely based on multivariate mixed integer nonlinear programming. The mathematical model incorporates the equations of the most commonly used technologies for waste heat utilization that are suitable for the temperature levels of waste heat sources in food industry. The equations describe the economic and ecological indicators of investment justification. The maximization or minimization of any among these indicators most commonly represents a goal function. The methodology developed here is tested on a case study, a facility operating within the milk and dairy production sector. According to the results obtained in this study, in both basic scenarios and with multiple different goal functions, the best way to use waste heat is its direct utilization whenever possible. Also, the most beneficial scenario for the analyzed dairy, in addition to the direct utilization of process heat, is the implementation of a mechanical compression heat pump for the utilization of waste heat from the condensers of refrigeration
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет инжењерских наукаsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/42013/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectenergy efficiencysr
dc.subjectfood industrysr
dc.subjectwaste heatsr
dc.titleMapiranje i iskorišćenje otpadne toplote u prehrambenoj industrijisr
dc.title.alternativeMapping and utilization of waste heat in the food processing industryen
dcterms.abstractШуштершич, Вања; Кончаловић, Давор; Гордић, Душан; Стојиљковић, Мирко М.; Николић, Данијела; Јосијевић, Младен; Мапирање и искоришћење отпадне топлоте у прехрамбеној индустрији; Мапирање и искоришћење отпадне топлоте у прехрамбеној индустрији;

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