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The construction of text in the function of directing the meaning in the contemporary Serbian press

dc.contributor.advisorRadojković, Miroljub
dc.creatorMarković, Branko S.
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje polazi od shvatanja komunikacije kao produkcije značenja u procesu označavanja stvarnosti britanskih kulturnih studija, čiji su rodonačelnici Stjuart Hol (Stuart Hall), Ričard Hogart (Richard Hoggart) i Rejmond Vilijams (Raymond Williams), kao i komplementarne teorije o društvenom konstruisanju realnosti Pitera Bergera (Peter Berger) i Tomasa Lakmana (Thomas Luckmann). Za razliku od „dominantne paradigme” američke komunikologije koja je komunikaciju sagledavala sa aspekta efekata transfera poruka i uspostavljanja kontrole, kulturološka škola pažnju usmerava na reprezentaciju kao proces kreacije simboličke realnosti u kome učestvuju i primaoci poruka. Praksa masovnih medija se u tom smislu shvata kao označavajuća aktivnost kojom se realnost u skladu sa interpretativnim okvirima preoblikuje u simboličku realnost. U vezi sa tim, simbolička realnost dovodi se u vezu ne samo sa svetom empirijsko‒iskustvenih pojava koje rezprezentuje već i sa diskursom i njegovom hijerarhijom kao svojim referentnim okvirom. U tom smislu istraživanje se bavi i strukturalističkim shvatanjem diskursa Mišela Fukoa (Michel Foukault), Rolana Barta (Roland Barthes) i Žaka Lakana (Jacques Lacan). Istraživanje se zasniva na pretpostavci da je analiza medijskog delovanja sa pozicija kulturoloških studija efektnija od analiza sa pozicija dominantne paradigme jer sveobuhvatnije sagledava prirodu medijskog delovanja. Naime, analiza medijskog delovanja sa aspekta efekata i motiva je selektivna i bavi se samo određenim segmentima medijske produkcije, pri čemu upada u zamku da i sama bude manipulativna i vrednosno obojena. Optužiti medije za propagandno delovanje, iako istinito, postaje svojevrsna propaganda. Za razliku od nje, analiza medijskih sadržaja sa pozicija kulturoloških studija ne negira postojanje efekata ali ih situira u dugoročne, sistemske i nepredvidive...sr
dc.description.abstractThis research comes from understanding communication, not from the aspect of the transfer of message, but from the production of meaning in the process of designating reality of British cultural studies, whose founders were Stuart Hall, Richard Hoggart and Raymond Williams, as well as Berger and Luckmann’s complementary theory of social construction of reality. As opposed to the “dominant paradigm” of American communicology, which perceived communication from the viewpoint of effects on transferring messages and establishing control, culturological school focuses attention on representation as the process of creating symbolic reality. Practice of mass media is in this sense understood as signifying activity that substitutes reality for symbolic reality, in compliance with interpretative frameworks. With reference to this point, symbolic reality is linked not only to the world of empirical experimental phenomena being represented, but also to the discourse and its hierarchy as its referential framework. Along these lines, the research also deals with the structuralist notion of discourse of Foucault, Barthes and Lacan. The media reality is therefore seen as the result of specific form of managing and production of meaning in the culturological studies, in which process the possibility of defining the same event is interpreted in different ways exposed to different referential frameworks, not disturbing its factual structure at the same time, and giving freedom to the media in managing the meaning of events. Objective reality can therefore be viewed from a number of aspects, and since it alone does not provide information about their relevance, it cannot be fully comprehended. Consequently, media structuralization of events into semantic units of different media contents makes media reality, not as an equivalent offprint, but as media interpretation about its distinctive traits. A reality constructed in this way becomes primary reality, especially for recipients who do not have immediate access to real events being reported about. A new reality is reestablished through absorbing and replacing real world with media constructions, whose semiocentric nature makes immediate comprehension of that world difficult. The research makes distinction between construction of media reality as a process of signification and media construction of reality as possible effects of this process relating to media and other social systems (Drame, 1992)...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет политичких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectsimbolička realnostsr
dc.subjectsymbolic realityen
dc.subjectsimbolička strukturasr
dc.subjectpropagandne tehnikesr
dc.subjectsymbolic structureen
dc.subjectpropaganda techniquesen
dc.titleKonstrukcija teksta u funkciji upravljanja značenjem u savremenoj srpskoj štampisr
dc.title.alternativeThe construction of text in the function of directing the meaning in the contemporary Serbian pressen
dcterms.abstractРадојковић, Мирољуб; Марковић, Бранко С.; Конструкција текста у функцији управљања значењем у савременој српској штампи; Конструкција текста у функцији управљања значењем у савременој српској штампи;

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