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I nterpreting the achievement of entrepreneurs: attributional approach

dc.contributor.advisorPopadić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherĐurišić Bojanović, Mirosava
dc.contributor.otherFranceško, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Ivana
dc.creatorManasijević, Marija S.
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje na temu provere Vajnerovog atribucionog modela u oblasti preduzetništva u Vojvodini i Beogradu sprovedeno je u periodu od 2016.-2017. godine. Terenskim istraživanjem putem online i offline ankete ispitano je 140 preduzetnica i preduzetnika koji posluju pretežno u oblasti usluga. U radu je dat istorijski pregled razvoja atribucionih teorija, a zatim i mnogobrojnih istraživanja iz oblasti kognitivne psihologije preduzetništva. Kao osnovni problem istraživanja postavljeno je sledeće pitanje: da li je Vajnerov model atribucije postignuća primenjiv u analizi tumačenja postignuća preduzetnika? Osnovna pretpostavka našeg pristupa glasi: način tumačenja postignuća preduzetnika ima svoje kognitivne i emocionalne posledice u vidu očekivanja o budućem angažovanju i emocija koje podstiču intenzitet i kvalitet motivacije za bavljenje preduzetništvom u budućnosti. Kao dodatni cilj istraživanja postavljeno je i testiranje modela atribucije preduzetnika koji je, u poređenju sa klasičnim Vajnerovim modelom atribucije, bio obogaćen varijablama koje mogu sistematski oblikovati proces tumačenja postignuća, kao što su motiv osnivanja preduzeća, preduzetnička samoefikasnost, lične vrednosti preduzetnika i percepcija poželjnosti preduzetništva u društvu. U istraživanju je korišćena baterija instrumenata koja sadrži modifikovane skale stavova o preduzetništvu, originalnu Švarcovu skalu ličnih vrednosti i dva instrumenta namenjenih merenju atribucije uspeha i neuspeha konstruisana za potrebe istraživanja, i konačno, sociodemografski upitnik o preduzeću i ispitaniku. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su 10 i opovrgnuli osam početnih pretpostavki. Sprovedeno istraživanje dalo je važne rezultateo atribucionom pristupu u kontekstu preduzetništva, doprinelo rašćišćavanju brojnih rezultata ranije sprovedenih istraživanja u oblasti preduzetništva u tranzicionim zemljama, potvrdilo konstruktivnu, konvergentnu i divergentnu valjanost novokonstruisanih instrumenata i na kraju, bacilli malo, ali jako svetlo na preduzetničku praksu u našoj
dc.description.abstractThe research on the topic of the Weiner's attribution model in the field of entrepreneurship in Vojvodina and Belgrade was conducted in the period from 2016 to year of 2017. Field survey through online and offline questionaire examined 140 female and male entrepreneurs who work predominantly in the field of services. The paper presents a historical overview of the development of attribution theories, continuing with numerous studies in the field of cognitive psychology of entrepreneurship. As the main problem of research we raised the following question: whether the Weiner attribute attribute achievement is applicable in the analysis of the interpretation of entrepreneurial achievements? The basic hypotezys of our approach is: the way of interpreting the achievement of entrepreneurs has its cognitive and emotional consequences in the form of expectations about future engagement and emotions that stimulate the intensity and quality of motivation to engage in entrepreneurship in the future. As an additional objective of the research, comparing with the classical Weiner’s model of attribution, the model of entrepreneurial attribution model was set up, which was enriched with variables that can systematically form the process of interpretation of achievements, such as the motive of founding enterprise, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, personal values of entrepreneurs and perceptions of the desirability of entrepreneurship in society. In the research we used a battery of scales containing modified scales of entrepreneurial attitudes, Schwartz’s original personal values scale and two instruments constructed to measure the attribution of success and failure designed for research, and finally, a sociodemographic questionnaire about the company and the respondent.The obtained results of the survey confirmed 10 and disproved eight initial hypotheses. The conducted research gave important results on the usefullness of attribution approach in the context of entrepreneurship, contributed to the clearing of numerous results of previously conducted research in the field of entrepreneurship in transitional countries, confirmed the constructive, convergent and divergent validity of newly constructed instruments, and finally, the threw little, but very bright light on entrepreneurial practices in our country.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectVajnerov model atribucije uspehasr
dc.subjectWeiner's attributional model of successen
dc.subjectkognitivna psihologija preduzetništvasr
dc.subjectAUP skalasr
dc.subjectANP skalasr
dc.subjectsubjektivna procena uspeha i neuspehasr
dc.subjectizazovi preduzetništva u Srbijisr
dc.subjectstrategija Decenije preduzetništvasr
dc.subjectcognitive psychology of entrepreneurshipen
dc.subjectAUP scaleen
dc.subjectANP scaleen
dc.subjectsubjective assessment of success and failureen
dc.subjectchallenges of entrepreneurship in Serbiaen
dc.subjectstrategy Decades of Entrepreneurshipen
dc.titleTumačenje postignuća preduzetnika: atribucioni pristupsr
dc.title.alternativeI nterpreting the achievement of entrepreneurs: attributional approachen
dcterms.abstractПопадић, Драган; Петровић, Ивана; Ђуришић Бојановић, Мирослава; Францешко, Мирјана; Манасијевић, Марија С.; Тумачење постигнућа предузетника: атрибуциони приступ; Тумачење постигнућа предузетника: атрибуциони приступ;

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