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dc.contributor.advisorŠtrbac, Pero
dc.contributor.otherMitrović, Milana
dc.contributor.otherŠimić, Smiljka
dc.contributor.otherŠtrbac, Pero
dc.creatorPopović, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractCarabide pripadaju kosmopolitskoj grupi insekata, sa preko 40.000 vrsta širom Sveta, od tog broja 2700 vrsta je registrovano u Evropi. Trenutno se smatra da su trĉuljci najrazvijenija familija podreda Adephaga. Desile su se mnoge izmene u sistematici familije Carabidae od prvog kljuĉa za determinaciju “Royal Entomological Society handbook“ (Lindroth,1974). Prvi znaĉajan doprinos razumevanja ekologije, taksonomije i rasprostranjenosti karabida naĉinio je Carl Heinz Lindroth, koji je pokrio veći deo severne Evrope kao i razvijene delove Severne Amerike, rad Lindrota pratio je Thiele (1977). Kasniji rad na identifikaciji karabida u Evropi izmenio je kljuĉ za determinaciju vrsta centralnog dela Evrope. Takodje, napravljen je veći broj ilustrovanih kljuĉeva za determinaciju karabida na prostoru Francuske. Karabide su tipiĉni polifagni predatori, veoma znaĉajni za odrţanje agroekosistema i drugih ekosistema zbog ĉega su ĉest predmet istraţivanja. Pored toga što su poznati kao korisni insekti, odnosno regulatori brojnosti štetnih populacija, neki predstavnici familije Carabidae mogu biti i štetoĉine biljaka kako gajenih tako i korovskih, ĉime se uloga pripadnika ove familije znaĉajno uvećava. Cilj ovog rada jeste determinacija imaga familije Carabidae i njihova potvrda putem molekularnih analiza (PCR), kao i utvrĊivanje kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog sastava trĉuljaka u poljima pšenice, kukuruza i šećerne repe na podruĉju, Beĉeja, Maglića i Rimskih Šanĉeva, tokom 2010. i 2011. godine. TakoĊe, je posmatrana dominantnost, abundantnost, stepen faunistiĉke sliĉnosti karabida i uticaja agrometeoroloških uslova sredine na njihovu brojnost i sastav vrsta. Tokom dvogodišnjih istraţivanja u tri napred navedena useva i na sva tri lokaliteta, metodom „ Barber posuda“ sakupljeno je ukupno 4.420 jedinki familije Carabidae. Kada posmatramo brojnost po godinama, u prvoj godini, prikupljeno je više jedinki tj. 2803, koje su svrstane u 51 vrstu, dok je u 2011.g., brojnost bila skoro duplo manja, a zabeleţeno je svega 1.617 jedinki, odnosno identifikovano je 47 vrsta, što je u vezi sa uslovima sredine u datim godinama istraţivanja. TakoĊe, na osnovu dobijenih rezultata moţe se zakljuĉiti da je struktura karabida zavisna od vladajućih biotiĉkih i abiotiĉkih faktora, te kombinacijom ovih faktora stvaraju se specifiĉni mikroklimatski uslovi, a sa tim i karakteristiĉna fauna. Nakon uraĊenih molekularnih analiza, kod vrsta Calathus fuscipes, Poecilus versicolor, Amara aenea, Calathus ambiguus, Anchomenus dorsalis, Dolichus halensis, Pterostichus cupreus, Harpalus distinguendus, Harpalus rufipes, Laemostenus terricola, Pterostichus melanarius, Harpalus dimidiatus, Anisodactylus binotatus, Trechus quadristriatus, Carabus coriaceus, Carabus cancellatus, BLAST analiza je potvrdila status vrste koja je primarno identifikovana na osnovu morfoloških karakteristika. Vrste, kod kojih je utvrĊena visoka stopa sliĉnosti sa drugim vrstama iz istog roda i za koje nema referentnih sekvenci u banci gena, kao što su Pterostichus (Poecilus) sericeus, Harpalus azureus, Pterostichus incommodus, Harpalus griseus, Pterostichus (Cophosus) cylindricus, Pterostichus vernalis, Pterostichus (Feronidius) melas i Calosoma auropunctatum predstavljaju doprinos svetskoj barkoding bazi podataka.sr
dc.description.abstractCarabidae belong to cosmopolitan group of insects, with over 40,000 species worldwide, where out of that number 2700 species is registered in Europe. It is currently considered that ground beetles are the most developed family of the sub-order Adephagae. There have been many changes in the systematic approach of the Carabidae family since the first determination key called "Royal Entomological Society Handbook" (Lindroth, 1974). The first significant contribution to the understanding of the ecology, taxonomy and distribution of Carabidae was made by Carl Heinz Lindroth that covered the greater part of the Northern Europe as well as the developed parts of Northern America; Lindroth’s work was followed by Thiele (1977). Subsequent work on the identification of Carabidae in Europe changed the key for determination of the species of central Europe. Moreover, there have been a larger number of illustrated keys for determination of Carabidae on the territory of France. Carabidae are the typical polyphagous predators, very important for the maintenance of agro ecosystems and other ecosystems therefore they are often the subject of research. In addition to being known as beneficial insects, that is regulators of the number of pest populations, some representatives of the Carabidae family can also be pests of cultivated plants as well as weeds; therefore the role of the members of this family is increased significantly. The aim of this study is to determine the adults of the Carabidae family and their confirmation in molecular analysis (PCR), as well as to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of ground beetles in fields of wheat, maize and sugar beet on the territory of Beĉej, Maglić and Rimski Šanĉevi, during 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, the dominance, abundance, degree of faunal similarity of Carabidae and the impact of agro-meteorological conditions of the environment on the number and composition of species were observed. During the two-year research in the three above-mentioned crops and in all three locations, using the method of "Barber traps" a total of 4,420 individuals of the Carabidae family were collected. When we look at the strength throughout years, in the first year more individuals were collected, that is 2,803 in number, which are classified into 51 species, while in 2011 the number was almost half that, and only 1,617 individuals were recorded, and 47 species identified, which is related to environmental conditions in given years of study. Moreover, based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the composition of Carabidae is dependent on the ruling biotic and abiotic factors, and the combination of these factors creates a specific microclimate conditions, thus the characteristic fauna. Having applied the molecular analysis with the following species – Calathus fuscipes, Poecilus versicolor, Amara aenea, Calathus ambiguus, Anchomenus dorsalis, Dolichus halensis, Pterostichus cupreus, Harpalus distinguendus, Harpalus rufipes, Laemostenus terricola, Pterostichus melanarius, Harpalus dimidiatus, Anisodactylus binotatus, Trechus quadristriatus, Carabus coriaceus, Carabus cancellatus – the BLAST analysis confirmed the status of a species that is primarily identified based on morphological characteristics. Species, in which a high rate of similarity with other species of the same order was found, and for which there is no reference sequence in the gene bank, such as Pterostichus (Poecilus) sericeus, Harpalus azureus, Pterostichus incommodus, Harpalus griseus, Pterostichus (Cophosus) cylindricus, Pterostichus vernalis, Pterostichus (Feronidius) melas i Calosoma auropunctatum represent a contribution to the world bar-coding database.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectSörens indexsr
dc.subjectmolekularna identifikacijavrstasr
dc.subjectsugar beetsen
dc.subjectSorens indexen
dc.subjectmolecular identificationen
dc.titleFauna karabida (Coleoptera; Carabidae) u razliĉitimagroekološkim uslovima Vojvodinesr
dcterms.abstractШтрбац, Перо; Митровић, Милана; Шимић, Смиљка; Штрбац, Перо; Поповић, Aлександра; Фауна карабида (Цолеоптера; Царабидае) у разлиĉитимагроеколошким условима Војводине; Фауна карабида (Цолеоптера; Царабидае) у разлиĉитимагроеколошким условима Војводине;

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