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Pedagogical approaches in working with students in hospital

dc.contributor.advisorMilutinović, Jovana
dc.contributor.otherKostović, Svetlana
dc.contributor.otherOljača, Milka
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Jelica
dc.contributor.otherMilutinović, Jovana
dc.creatorSantrač, Jelica
dc.description.abstractKontekst savremenih društvenih promena u sferi obrazovanja i učenja u Republici Srbiji doseže do problema koji prati i obrazovno/vaspitni proces u bolnicama. U oblasti pedagoških nauka istraživanja koja se odnose na obrazovno/vaspitni rad u bolnicama su veoma skromna. Cilj istraživanja u doktorskoj disertaciji je da se na osnovu analize utvrdi konzistentnost ciljeva obrazovno/vaspitnog rada u bolnicama Republike Srbije sa ciljevima obrazovnog sistema osnovnih i srednjih škola, istraže adekvatni pedagoški pristupi u obrazovanju i učenju hospitalizovanih učenika, ustanove parametri stvaranja povoljne klime za učenje u bolničkim uslovima i ponude odgovori na izazove i potrebe obrazovanja učenika na bolničkom lečenju u 21. veku. U tom kontekstu nametnula se potreba za analizom pristupa pedagoškog rada u bolnicama u zemljama koje u ovoj oblasti imaju dugu i bogatu tradiciju, to su: Kraljevina Švedska, Savezna Republika Nemačka, Republika Slovenija, Republika Hrvatska i Republika Mađarska. Ujedno zanimalo nas je da li postojeće obrazovanje i učenje u bolnicama Republike Srbije ima značajnija odstupanja u odnosu na navedene zemlje. Ovako koncipiran istraživački rad opredelio nas je za primenu sledećih metodoloških pristupa: istorijske i komparativne metode i metode teorijske analize. Naše istraživanje je potvrdilo osnovna očekivanja da su ciljevi obrazovanja/vaspitanja u bolnicama Republike Srbije konzistentni sa ciljevima osnovnog i srednjeg obrazovanja koji se odnose na redovne škole s obzirom da proističu iz Strategija razvoja obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji do 2020. godine, Zakona o osnovama sistema obrazovanja i vaspitanja u Republici Srbiji i Zakona o osnovnom i srednjem obrazovanju. Zaključak je da se pristupi obrazovno/vaspitnom radu u bolnicama Republike Srbije razlikuju u smislu doslednosti poštovanja prava deteta, upravljanju i organizaciji obrazovno/vaspitnog rada, teorijskim pristupima i u parametrima stvaranja povoljne klime za obrazovanje i učenje u bolnicama, odnosno da su potrebne promene u pristupu obrazovno/vaspitnog rada sa učenicima u bolnicama Republike Srbije kako bi se on unapredio. U okviru ovih zaključaka mišljenja smo da je potrebno animirati pedagošku i društvenu javnost za veću podršku i značaj ovom obliku pedagoškog
dc.description.abstractThe context of modern social changes in the sphere of education and learning in the Republic of Serbia reaches the problems that follow the educational process in hospitals. In the field of pedagogical sciences research related to education / educational work in hospitals are very modest. The purpose of this research was to find, on the basis of analysis and determination of the consistency of the goals of the educational process in hospitals in the Republic of Serbia with the goals of the educational systems of elementary and high schools, adequate pedagogical approaches in the education of hospitalized students, to give an account of parameters for the creation of suitable climate for learning in hospital conditions, and give answer to the challenges and needs of the education of students undergoing hospital treatments in the 21st century. In that context, there was a need for analysis of the approach to the pedagogical work with hospitalized students in the countries which have a long tradition in this field and those are: the Kingdom of Sweden, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Hungary. We were also interested in discovering if the existing education and learning in hospitals in the Republic of Serbia have significant deviations from those observed in the aforementioned countries. Our research being conceptualized thus, we opted for the application of the following methodological approaches: historical and comparative methods and the method of theoretical analysis. The research confirmed our basic expectations that the goals of education in hospitals in the Republic of Serbia are consistent with the goals of the systems of elementary and high education in regular schools, as they stem from The Education Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia until 2020, Law on the Basis of Education System in the Republic of Serbia, as well as the Law on Primary and Secondary Education. The conclusion has been reached that the educational work with students undergoing medical treatments in the Republic of Serbia differs in the field of respect of the children’s rights, management and organization of educational work, theoretical approaches, and the parameters for the suitable climate for education and learning in hospital conditions, i.e. that the changes in the educational work with hospitalized students in the Republic of Serbia are needed for the enhancement of this kind of pedagogical work. It has also been concluded that this kind of pedagogical work is not given enough importance in the professional pedagogical and social public of the Republic of Serbia. Wit hen the conclusion of these opinions thet we need animate pedagogical and social public foe greater support for the pedagogical work.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Студије при универзитетуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectobrazovno/vaspitni radsr
dc.subjecteducational/pedagogical worken
dc.titlePedagoški pristupi u radu sa učenicima na bolničkom lečenjusr
dc.title.alternativePedagogical approaches in working with students in hospitalen
dcterms.abstractМилутиновић, Јована; Милутиновић, Јована; Костовић, Светлана; Ољача, Милка; Петровић, Јелица; Сантрач, Јелица; Педагошки приступи у раду са ученицима на болничком лечењу; Педагошки приступи у раду са ученицима на болничком лечењу;

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