Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Simultaneous influence of fiber surface energy, bed geometry and nature of the oil phase on the oily water treatment by coalescence filtration

dc.contributor.advisorVulić, Tatjana
dc.contributor.advisorSokolović, Dunja
dc.contributor.otherVeljković, Vlada
dc.contributor.otherVulić, Tatjana
dc.contributor.otherSokolović, Dunja
dc.contributor.otherJokić, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherGovedarica, Dragan
dc.creatorKiralj, Arpad
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja doktorske disertacije je bio ispitivanje mogućnosti primene vlakana od nerđajućeg čelika za koalescenciju kapi mineralnih ulja različite polarnosti pri različitoj permeabilnosti sloja. Pored toga cilj je bio i komparativna analiza efikasnosti separacije ispitivanih ulja vlaknima visoke i niske energije površine. Postavljena je i modifikovana metoda kinetike upijanja tečnosti za ocenu sklonosti ulja ka odabranim vlaknima od kojih se formira sloj. Po prvi put je primenjena i metoda veštačkih neuronskih mreža za simulaciju koalescentne filtracije. Eksperimentalni program koalescentne filtracije je realizovan na model emulziji dispergovanog ulja u vodi konstantne ulazne koncentracije 500 mg/l, pri konstantnoj temperaturi od 20°C, horizontalnoj orijentaciji toka fluida i prosečnoj veličini kapi ulja od 10 μm. Uticaj geometrije sloja ispitivan je variranjem permeabilnosti u opsegu od 0,1810-9 m2 do 5,510-9 m2 za konstantnu debljinu sloja od 5 cm. Testirana su tri uzorka mineralnog ulja velikog raspona viskoznosti i polarnosti. Svi ogledi su realizovani pri konstantnoj brzini fluida u intervalu od 10 m/h do 80 m/h. Izlazna koncentracija dispergovane faze odredivana je FTIR spektrofotometrijom. Značajan doprinos u istraživanju fenomena koalescencije u sloju vlakana ogleda se u utvrdivanju mogućnosti primene vlakana nerdajućeg čelika na separaciju kapi mineralnih ulja, razumevanju simultanog uticaja energije površine, geometrije sloja i prirode uljne faze, kao i uvodenju nove veličine izo-izlazne koncentracije. Test odredivanja kinetike upijanja tečnosti je pokazao da odnos liofilno-liofobne kvašljivosti materijala adekvatno opisuje sklonost nekog filtarskog materijala ka separaciji ulja mineralnog porekla. Ovako sveobuhvatna analiza uticaja različitih parametara na efikasnost koalescentne filtracije, data u ovoj disertaciji, nije zabeležena u dostupnim literaturnim navodima. Rezultati doktorske disertacije omogući će skraćivanje vremena i materijalnih troškova neophodnih za projektovanje koalescera, jer smanjuju potreban obim eksperimentalnih istraživanja potrebnih za uspešno projektovanje. Odabrani uslovi rada, prvenstveno prečnik vlakana materijala u odnosu na ulaznu veličinu kapi, kao i način njihovog pakovanja, uz obezbedivanje poznate i definisane permeabilnosti, obezbedili su željenu separaciju, čija se efikasnost separacije kapi ispitivanih ulja vlaknima od nerdajućeg čelika kreće u opsegu od 91% do 99% za opseg brzina fluida od 10 m/h do 50 m/h. Kod sloja vlakana od nerdajućeg čelika efikasnija separacija je zapažena pri niskim vrednostima permeabilnosti, dok je kod polimernog materijala obrnut slučaj. Zaključeno je da, u postojećim okolnostima, kod posmatranih materijala dominiraju različiti mehanizmi koalescencije u sloju. Oblik zavisnosti izlazne koncentracije od brzine i permeabilnosti za oba ispitivana materijala, nerdajući čelik i polipropilen, je sličan. Polipropilen ima veći radni opseg brzina u odnosu na nerdajući čelik. Medutim, nerdajući čelik uspešnije separiše ulje najniže viskoznosti u oblasti niskih vrednosti permeabilnosti i pri niskim radnim brzinama u odnosu na polipropilen. Zadovoljavajući kvalitet separacije se kod polipropilena ostvaruje pri najvišoj permeabilnosti i u širokom opsegu brzina, dok se kod nerđajućeg čelika najviše vrednosti kritične brzine za ceo opseg ispitivane viskoznosti ostvaruju pri najnižoj permeabilnosti
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the doctoral thesis was to investigate the possibility of the stainless steel fibers application for the coalescence of mineral oil drops with different polarity varying also the bed permeability. Additional aim was the comparative analysis of the tested oil separation efficiency with fibers that have high and low surface energy. The method for the evaluation of the fiber-liquid wetting kinetic was set up and modified in order to assess the affinity of oil to the selected fiber that was used to form the filtration bed. For the first time, the method of artificial neural networks was applied to simulate the coalescence filtration. Experimental program of coalescence filtration was performed on oil-in-water model emulsion with constant inlet concentration of 500 mg/l, at a constant temperature of 20°C, horizontal fluid flow orientation and average oil drop size of 10 μm. The influence of bed geometry was studied varying bed permeability in the range from 0,1810-9 m2 to 5,51010-9 m2 for the constant layer thickness of 5 cm. Three samples of mineral oil that have large range of viscosity and polarity were tested. All experiments were carried out at constant fluid velocity in the range from 10 m/h to 80 m/h. The output dispersed phase concentration was determined by FTIR spectrophotometry. A significant contribution to the research of the coalescence phenomenon in a fiber bed was achieved by determining the possibility to use stainless steel fibers for the separation of mineral oil drops, broadening the apprehension of the simultaneous influence of surface energy, bed geometry and oil phase nature, as well as the introduction of an iso-output concentration as a new parameter. The evaluation of the fiber-liquid wetting kinetic showed that the lipophilic-lyophobic wettability ratio of the material adequately describes the tendency of a filter material for the mineral oil separation. Such comprehensive analysis of the various parameters impact on the efficiency of coalescence filtration, presented in this thesis, was not found in available literature. The results of the doctoral thesis will enable the reduction of time and material cost needed for the design of coalescer, by decreasing the extent of experimental research necessary for successful design. Selected working conditions, primarily the fiber diameter in relation to the input drop size, as well as bed packaging, while ensuring the known and defined bed permeability, provided the desired separation, with the oil drop separation efficiency of tested stainless steel fibers in the range from 91% to 99% for a fluid velocity range from 10 m/h to 50 m/h. When stainless steel was used, more efficient separation was observed for the low bed permeability, whereas for the polymer fibers the reverse order was identified. It was concluded that, in the existing circumstances, different mechanisms of oil drop coalescence dominate for these materials. The dependence of output concentration from the velocity and bed permeability for both tested materials, stainless steel and polypropylene, was similar. Polypropylene has a higher operating velocity range in comparison to stainless steel. However, when compared to polypropylene, stainless steel separates more successfully the oil with the lowest viscosity in the low bed permeability and at low fluid velocity domain. Satisfactory quality of separation with polypropylene is achieved at the highest bed permeability and in a wide fluid velocity range, whereas, with the stainless steel, the highest values of critical velocity, for the entire range of tested viscosity, are realized at the lowest bed permeability.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectvlaknasti slojsr
dc.subjectmaterijal visoke i niske energije površinesr
dc.subjectfiber beden
dc.subjectmaterial of high and low surface energyen
dc.titleSimultani uticaj energije površine vlakana, geometrije sloja i prirode uljne faze na obradu zauljenih voda koalescentnom filtracijomsr
dc.title.alternativeSimultaneous influence of fiber surface energy, bed geometry and nature of the oil phase on the oily water treatment by coalescence filtrationen
dcterms.abstractСоколовић, Дуња; Вулић, Татјана; Говедарица, Драган; Вељковић, Влада; Вулић, Татјана; Соколовић, Дуња; Јокић, Aлександар; Кираљ, Aрпад; Симултани утицај енергије површине влакана, геометрије слоја и природе уљне фазе на обраду зауљених вода коалесцентном филтрацијом; Симултани утицај енергије површине влакана, геометрије слоја и природе уљне фазе на обраду зауљених вода коалесцентном филтрацијом;

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