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Effects of plant density on yield and maize grain quality under irrigated and rainfed condition

dc.contributor.advisorGlamočlija, Đorđe
dc.contributor.otherŽivanović, Ljubiša
dc.contributor.otherMaksimović, Livija
dc.contributor.otherKovačević, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherUgrenović, Vladan
dc.creatorJaramaz, Miroslava M.
dc.description.abstractCilj ovih istraţivanja je prouĉiti uticaj gustine useva na morfološke i produktivne osobine kukuruza u uslovima prirodnog vodnog reţima i navodnjavanja useva. Ova istraţivanja izvedena su 2011, 2012. i 2013. godine u juţnom Banatu na oglednom polju u Omoljici. Poljski ogledi su postavljeni na zemljištu tipa ĉernozem metodom deljenih parcela (split-plot) u ĉetiri ponavljanja. Istraţivanjem su obuhvaćena dva faktora: ĉetiri nivoa navodnjavanja (A) i tri gustine useva (B). Kao kontrola posluţila je varijanta prirodnog vodnog reţima. Program istraţivanja realizovan je u ĉetiri faze, i to gajenjem biljaka kukuruza u poljskim ogledima, laboratorijskim analizama zemljišta i hemijskog sastava zrna, analizom vremenskih uslova tokom izvoĊenja ogleda i statistiĉkom obradom dobijenih podataka. Postavljeni su ogledi, koji su imali cilj da obuhvate agronomski aspekt uticaja navodnjavanja i gustine useva na morfološke osobine, komponente prinosa, prinos zrna i kvalitativne osobine zrna hibrida kukuruza ZPSC 677 (FAO grupa zrenja 600). U trogodišnjem proseku najveći prinos zrna kukuruza bio je u uslovima najintenzivnijeg navodnjavanja (A4) i najveće prouĉavane gustine useva (B3). Samo je u izrazito sušnoj 2012. godini najveći prinos bio u varijanti najmanje gustine useva (B1). Sadrţaj proteina u zrnu bio je najveći u varijanti odrţavanja vlaţnosti zemljišta do 75% od hidrolimita PVK (A3) uz znaĉajna variranja po varijantama, dok je u prirodnom vodnom reţimu (A1) bio najveći sadrţaj skroba, celuloze i mineralnih soli. U usevu najmanje gustine u zrnima je bilo najviše celuloze i mineralnih soli. Najveće koliĉine vode upotrebljene za navodnjavanje (A4) u usevu najveće gustine (B3) bile su najpovoljnije za sintezu ulja u zrnu, osim u 2012. godini kad je najveći sadrţaj ulja bio u najreĊem usevu (B1). Najviše poleglih biljaka bilo je u sušnoj 2012. godini kao posledica intentivnog napada kukuruzovog plamenca (Pyrausta nubilalis). Znaĉaj ovih istraţivanja sastoji se u tome što će se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata moći dati odgovor o meĊusobnom uticaju navodnjavanja i gustine useva na prinos i kvalitet zrna kukuruza na ispitivanom podruĉju, kao i za podruĉja sliĉnih agroekoloških uslova.Istovremeno, dobijeni rezultati mogu posluţiti kao teorijski prilog usavršavanju tehnološkog procesa i metoda za maksimalno iskorišćavanje potencijala rodnosti hibrida u proizvodnji
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to study the effect of plant density on morphological and productive characteristics of maize under natural water regime and irrigation of crops. These studies were conducted in 2011, 2012 and 2013 in South Banat on the experimental field in Omoljica. Field trials were set up on soil type chernozem with method of split plots in four repetitions. The research included two factors: four levels of irrigation (A) and three plant density (B). Control was the variant of the natural water regime. The research program was carried out in four phases, namely by growing maize plants in field trials, laboratory analysis of soil and chemical composition of the grains, the analysis of weather conditions during the execution of experiments and statistical analysis of the obtained data. Experiments have been conducted, which they had intended to include agronomic aspect of the impact of irrigation and sowing density on morphological characteristics, yield components, grain yield and quality traits of grain corn hybrids PSC 677 (FAO maturity group 600). In three-year average, the highest grain yield was in most intense irrigation (A4) and the highest studied plant density (B3). Only in the extremely dry 2012 year, the highest yield was in variant of minimun crop density (B1). Grain protein content was highest in the variant maintenance of soil moisture to 75% of hidrolimit PVK (A3), with significant variation among varieties, while in natural water regime (A1) was the highest content of starch, cellulose and mineral salts. In minimum density (B1), in the grain was the most cellulose and mineral salts. In most intense irrigation (A4) in highest density (B3) were the most favorable for oil synthesis in the grain, except in 2012 when the highest oil content was in the rarest crop (B1). The most of lodged plants were in the dry year 2012 as a result of the European corn borer massive attack (Pyrausta nubilalis). The significance of this research is that it will be based on the obtained results we can give an answer on the mutual influence of irrigation and planting density on yield and quality of maize grain in the same area, as well as areas of similar agro-ecological conditions. At the same time, the results can serve as a theoretical treatise perfecting technological processes and methods for maximum utilization of yield potential of maize hybrids.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectgustina usevasr
dc.subjectprirodni vodni reţimsr
dc.subjectmorfološke osobinesr
dc.subjectprinos i kvalitet zrna kukuruzasr
dc.subjectagroekološki uslovisr
dc.subjectplant densityen
dc.subjectnatural water regimeen
dc.subjectmorphological traitsen
dc.subjectyield and quality of maizeen
dc.subjectagro-ecological conditionsen
dc.titleUticaj gustine useva na prinos i kvalitet zrna kukuruza u uslovima navodnjavanja i prirodnog vodnog režimasr
dc.title.alternativeEffects of plant density on yield and maize grain quality under irrigated and rainfed conditionen
dcterms.abstractГламочлија, Ђорђе; Угреновић, Владан; Ковачевић, Душан; Максимовић, Ливија; Живановић, Љубиша; Јарамаз, Мирослава М.; Утицај густине усева на принос и квалитет зрна кукуруза у условима наводњавања и природног водног режима; Утицај густине усева на принос и квалитет зрна кукуруза у условима наводњавања и природног водног режима;

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