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Analysis of anatomical and morphological characteristics of the nasal pyramid as a criterion for approach selection in rhinoplasty.

dc.contributor.advisorDimitrijević, Milovan
dc.contributor.otherJeremić, Pavle
dc.contributor.otherMikić, Anton
dc.contributor.otherKosanović, Rade
dc.creatorLazović, Goran D.
dc.description.abstractRinoplastika je sigurno jedan od najvećih izazova za hirurga u domenu estetske hirurgije. Nos sa svojim centralnim položajem na licu ima iznimno važnu ulogu u interpersonalnoj rekogniciji tako da se ne dopušta ni minimalna greška u njegovoj remodelaciji, posebno sa aspekta uvek prisutnih visokih očekivanja pacijenata. U rinoplastici se najčesće koriste dva klasična operativna pristupa, zatvoreni i otvoreni pristup. Indikacija za odabir pristupa u rinoplastici ne sme biti bazirana na kriterijumu koji proizilazi iz subjektivnog afiniteta hirurga, već na preciznu preoperativnu evaluaciju anatomskih, morfoloških i topografskih karakteristika deformiteta nazalne piramide, odnosno na što objektivniji kriterijum. Kao klasične indikacije za otvoreni pristup, navode se značajna iskrivljenost nosa, iskrivljen i u isto vreme sedlast nos, asimetrja nosa uključujući i posledice rascepa usne i/ili nepca, kao i u 2/3 slučajeva sekundarna rinoplastika, dok se sve ostale rinoplastike rade zatvorenim pristupom. Iz dostupne savremene stručne literature, jasno se da uočiti da izbor pristupa odnosno indikacije za otvoreni i zatvoreni pristup nisu dovoljno uniformne i utemeljene na objektivnim kriterijumima, iz tih razloga je preduzeto ovo istraživanje. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ispita postojeći veliki broj standardizovanih morfo-anatomskih parametra koji karakterišu lice i nosnu piramidu, uključujući i novo otkrivene tačku kyphion i dorzoprofilni ugao, kako bi se načinila selekcija onih koji svojim realnim i objektivnim značajem, kao i sa svojom jednostavnom uočljivosti i praktičnom mogućnošću beleženja i mogli biti inkorporirani u smernice, odnosno indikacije za odabir pristupa u rinoplastici, kao i kriterijuma za procenu uspešnosti izvedene rinoplastike. Studija je planirana po tipu morfo-anatomske, kadaverične i klinicke. Bitne morfo-anatomske karakteristike nosne piramide za koje ne postoje standardni kriterijumi ili su oni nedovoljno definisani, utvrđene su na seriji od 44 kadaverična preparata, metodama antropometrije i radiološke
dc.description.abstractRhinoplasty is certainly one of the biggest challenges for surgeons in the field of aesthetic surgery. The nose with its central position on the face has an extremely important role in interpersonal recognition, so that it does not allow even the minimum error in its remodeling especially in terms of ever-present high expectations of patients. In rhinoplasty are frequently used two classical operational approaches, external and internal approach. Indications for approach selection in rhinoplasty should not be based on criteria arising from subjective surgeons’ affinity but on precise preoperative evaluation of anatomical, morphological and topographical characteristics of the nasal pyramid deformity, on an objective criterion as well. As the classical indications for open access, according to a significant distortion of the nose, twisted at the same time saddled nose, nasal asymmetry including the consequences of the cleft lip and / or palate as well as 2/3 of a secondary rhinoplasties, while all other for closed rhinoplasty approach. From the available modern scientific literature, it is clear to note that the choice of approach or indications for internal and external approach, are not uniform and based on objective criteria for these reasons, this study was undertaken. The aim of this study is to examine the existing large number of standardized morpho-anatomical parameters that characterize the face and the nasal pyramid, including a newly discovered spot kyphion and dorsal profile angle, to the selection of those who made her real and objective character, as well as with its simple visibility and convenience of recording and could be incorporated into the guidelines and indications for the choice of approach in rhinoplasty, as well as the criteria for assessing the performed rhinoplasty. The study was planned by type of morpho-anatomical, cadaveric and clinical. Important morpho-anatomical characteristics of the nasal pyramid for which there are no standard criteria, or they are not wll-defined, have been established on a series of 44 cadaveric preparations, anthropometry methods and radiological analysis. A clinical study was retrospective, partly prospective and controlled...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectOpen approach rhinoplastyen
dc.subjectEndonasal approachen
dc.subjectFacial anthropometryen
dc.subjectNasal bonesen
dc.subjectIdeal noseen
dc.subjectOtvoreni pristupsr
dc.subjectEndonazalni pristupsr
dc.subjectAntropometrija lica Nosne kostisr
dc.subjectIdealni nossr
dc.titleAnaliza anatomsko-morfoloških karakteristika nosne piramide kao kriterijuma za izbor pristupa u rinoplasticisr
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of anatomical and morphological characteristics of the nasal pyramid as a criterion for approach selection in rhinoplasty.en
dcterms.abstractДимитријевић, Милован; Јеремић, Павле; Косановић, Раде; Микић, Aнтон; Лазовић, Горан Д.; Aнализа анатомско-морфолошких карактеристика носне пирамиде као критеријума за избор приступа у ринопластици; Aнализа анатомско-морфолошких карактеристика носне пирамиде као критеријума за избор приступа у ринопластици;

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