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Jovanka Broz and Serbian public from 1952 to 2013.

dc.contributor.advisorRadojević, Mira
dc.contributor.otherDimić, Ljubodrag
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Kosta
dc.creatorPantelić, Ivana Z.
dc.description.abstractŽivot Jovanke Broz, supruge dugogodišnjeg predsednika jugoslovenske vlade i republike, do sada nije bio predmet sistematskog naučnog istraživanja. Nije objavljena ni njena sveobuhvatna naučna biografija niti istražena uloga u politici Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije. Takođe, nisu sa naučnog stanovišta sagledani ni razni aspekti njenog delovanja u javnosti – pre svega sociološki i antropološki. Odnos srpske javnosti prema supruzi jedinog predsednika SFR Jugoslavije takođe nikada nije bio predmet sistematske naučne analize. Ona bi bila veoma važna za procenu uloge Jovanke Broz u istoriji Srbije i Jugoslavije druge polovine 20. i početka 21. veka. Neformalna i formalna uloga Jovanke Broz u najdugotrajnijem mirnom razvoju Balkana u 20. veku važna je za rekonstrukciju drugih, savremenih istorijskih tema. Uloga Jovanke Broz još je značajnija zato što ona nije bila deo partijske oligarhije iz predratnog ili poratnog vremena, nije imala službene funkcije, ali je tokom dugogodišnjeg bračnog života i nastupanja u javnosti zajedno sa Josipom Brozom stekla toliki značaj da se tokom sedamdesetih godina ponekad u suprotstavljenim krugovima u SKJ i među protivnicima režima spekulisalo da je u SFR Jugoslaviji ustvari uspostavljeno savladarstvo. Retke su istorijske ličnosti za čije je naučno predstavljanje toliko važan odnos javnosti prema njima, kao što je to bio slučaj sa Jovankom Broz. Tokom više od šest decenija njena uloga bila je manje formalna i zavisila je od slike koja je o njoj stvorena i stava javnosti. Istražujući stav javnosti prema Jovanki Broz na osnovu periodike, memoarske građe, neobjavljenih izvora i medijskih izveštaja u ovoj disertaciji nudimo rekonstrukciju života Jovanke Broz i njenog doba.sr
dc.description.abstractThe life of Jovanka Broz, the wife of Josip “Tito” Broz, the long-serving president of the Yugoslav government and republic, has not yet been the subject of systematic scholarly research. Neither has her comprehensive scholarly biography been published, nor her role in the politics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia researched. Additionally, different aspects of her public activity, primarily the sociological and anthropological ones, have not been studied from a scholarly stance. Furthermore, the attitude of the Serbian public towards the wife of the only president of the SFR of Yugoslavia has never been the subject of a systematic scholarly analysis. However, such a study would be very important for the assessment of the role Jovanka Broz played in the history of Serbia and Yugoslavia in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The informal and formal role Jovanka Broz had in the longest period of peaceful development of the Balkans in the 20th century is also important for the reconstruction of other contemporary historical topics. The role of Jovanka Broz is even more important because she did not belong to the prewar or post war party oligarchy and had no official functions. Nevertheless, during her long marriage and public appearances with Josip Broz, she acquired such importance that during the 1970s, sometimes both in the opposing circles within the League of Communists of Yugoslavia and in circles opposing the regime, there were speculations that actually co-ruling was established in SFR of Yugoslavia. Rarely do we see historical figures whose scholarly presentation depends so much on public opinion as is the case of Jovanka Broz. For more than six decades, her role was less formal depending on the image of her that was created and on public opinion. This dissertation aims to offer a reconstruction of the life of Jovanka Broz and her time by researching the attitude the public had towards Jovanka Broz based on periodicals, memoirs, unpublished sources and media reports.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectJovanka Brozsr
dc.subjectJovanka Brozen
dc.subjectJosip Brozen
dc.subjectSFR of Yugoslaviaen
dc.subjectpublic opinionen
dc.subjectthe pressen
dc.subjectJosip Brozsr
dc.subjectjavno mnjenjesr
dc.titleJovanka Broz i srpska javnost od 1952. do 2013. godinesr
dc.title.alternativeJovanka Broz and Serbian public from 1952 to 2013.en
dcterms.abstractРадојевић, Мира; Димић, Љубодраг; Николић, Коста; Пантелић, Ивана З.; Јованка Броз и српска јавност од 1952. до 2013. године; Јованка Броз и српска јавност од 1952. до 2013. године;

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