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Integrated management model for companies with multiple locations.

dc.contributor.advisorMilanović, Dragan D
dc.contributor.otherŽunjić, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherSlović, Dragoslav
dc.creatorKefer, Petar
dc.description.abstractNaucni cilj istraživackog problema obuhvata problematiku preduzeća sa stanovištva većeg broja lokacija, organizacionih jedininica, kontrole i procesa unutar njih. Eksperimetalni deo istraživanja obavljen je u kompaniji „Omni Surfaces“ lociranoj u Severnoj Americi, tačnije u tri grada: Toronto (Ontario, Kanada), Edmonton (Alberta, Kanada) i Hjuston (Texas, USA). Značaj istraživanja se ogleda se u stalnoj potrebi za iznalaženjem najboljeg rešenja procesa upravljanja prostorno dislociranim preduzećima, kako bi se obezbedio maksimalan profit, uz istovremeni opstanak i razvoj preduzeća.. Sinhronizacija funkcionisanja procesa sa jedne strane, pravovremeno razumevanje potreba potrošača i prava strategija, sa druge strane, jesu ključni zahtevi pri razvoju integrisanog modela upravljanja prostorno dislociranim preduzećima. Predmet doktorske disertacije je istraživanje i razvoj integrisanog modela upravljanja prostorno dislociranim preduzećima koji u sebi imati najbolje elemente do sada prepoznate u praksi. Upravljanje prostorno dislociranim preduzecima za krajnji cilj ima projektovanje modela koji će objediniti sve organizacione jedinice u jednu celinu, koja će sinhronizovanim radom odgovarati na potrebe potrošača i praviti profit u granicama očekivanja na svim lokacijama. Fokusom na potrošača, konkurenciju, profit, fleksibilnost preduzeća i brzi odgovor na potrebe potrošača, sa pravim proizvodom i u pravo vreme, model ce moći opstati duži niz godina...sr
dc.description.abstractThe scientific goal related to research includes problem that company has from the base point of multiple locations, organizational units, quality control and inside processes. Experimental part of research was performed in the company „Omni Surfaces“ located in North America more accurately in three towns: Toronto (Ontario, Canada), Edmonton (Alberta, Kanada) and Houston (Texas, USA). The importance of research is in continious need for finding the best solution related to process of management for companies with multiple locations which will provide maximum profit with maintaining survival and growth of company. Sinchronization and functioning of all the processes from one side and just understanding consumer needs in the right time, correct strategy from the other side, are the key requests during the development of integrated management model for companies with multiple locations. The main objective for doctoral thesis is research and development of integrated management model for companies wiht multiple locations which will contain the best elements so far recognized in industry. The management of companies wiht multiple locations for the end goal has design of model which will combain all organizational units in one whole, which will in sinchronical way give response on customer demands and make expected profit on all locations. With customer focus, competition, profit, company flexibility and quick response on customer demands with correct product in right time, model will be able to survive for many years...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Машински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectProstorno dislocirana preduzećasr
dc.subjectCompanies with multiple locationsen
dc.subjectintegrated modelen
dc.subjectsupply chainen
dc.subjectdistribution centersen
dc.subjectABC methoden
dc.subjectintegrisani modelsr
dc.subjectlanci snabdevanjasr
dc.subjectdistributivni centrisr
dc.subjectABC metodasr
dc.titleIntegrisani model upravljanja prostorno dislociranim preduzećimasr
dc.title.alternativeIntegrated management model for companies with multiple locations.en
dcterms.abstractМилановић, Драган Д; Жуњић, Aлександар; Словић, Драгослав; Кефер, Петар; Интегрисани модел управљања просторно дислоцираним предузећима; Интегрисани модел управљања просторно дислоцираним предузећима;

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