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A model for selecting adequate set of performance indicators in production management.

dc.contributor.advisorLečić-Cvetković, Danica
dc.contributor.otherOmerbegović-Bijelović, Jasmina
dc.contributor.otherVasiljević, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherMartić, Milan
dc.contributor.otherBojović, Nebojša
dc.creatorAtanasov, Nikola
dc.description.abstractU upravljanju proizvodnjom može se jasno identifikovati potreba za merenjem i kvantifikacijom određenih karakteristika, odnosno utvrđivanjem stanja performansi u proizvodnji. Performanse u upravljanju proizvodnjom predstavljaju karakteristike funkcionisanja sistema proizvodnje. Stanje performanse se utvrđuje primenom indikatora performansi. Indikatori performansi predstavljaju pokazatelje koji se koriste za utvrđivanje uspešnosti poslovanja i sačinjavaju sastavni deo sistema upravljanja. Promena stanja performansi se utvrđuje praćenjem indikatora performansi, čije vrednosti ukazuju na uticaj određenih upravljačkih akcija na stanje performansi. Takođe, na osnovu vrednosti indikatora performansi donose se odluke u upravljanju proizvodnjom. Međutim, nemaju svi primenjeni indikatori performansi podjednak značaj u procesu odlučivanja. U cilju pune efikasnosti i efektivnosti implementiranog modela za upravljanje performansama, potrebno je da model bude prilagođan potrebama i mogućnostima konkretnog proizvodnog preduzeća i njegovog poslovnog okruženja. Savremeno poslovno okuženje se svakodnevno menja. Rezultat promena okruženja su nove okolnosti poslovanja, koje imaju direktan uticaj na performanse proizvodnog preduzeća. Činjenica da postoji veliki broj svakodnevih promena okolnosti poslovanja, generiše potrebu da se model za upravljanje performansama učestalo ažurira u skladu sa promenama u okruženju. Potpuna dinamičnost u ažuriranju modela za upravljanje performansama obezbeđuje da on bude adekvatan okolnostima poslovanja. Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je model za izbor adekvatnog skupa indikatora performansi u upravljanju proizvodnjom. Adekvatan skup indikatora se sastoji od indikatora performansi koji u posmatranom trenutku u potpunosti odgovaraju potrebama proizvodnog preduzeća pod uticajem okolnosti poslovanja. U radu je prikazan razvijeni sistematičan pristup za izbor adekvatnog skupa indikatora performansi u upravljanju proizvodnjom. Zatim, definisan je matematički model, koji kroz funkciju cilja i relevantna ograničenja, prikazuje predloženi pristup za izbor adekvatnog skupa indikatora performansi. Kreirani model razmatra promene okolnosti poslovanja i njihov uticaj na kriterijume adekvatnosti indikatora performansi. Takođe, predložena je i metoda za izbor adekvatnog skupa indikatora performansi. Metoda se sastoji od pet složenih faza, kojima se ukazuje na neophodne aktivnosti u implementaciji predloženog pristupa i modela za izbor adekvatnog skupa indikatora performansi u upravljanju proizvodnjom. Predloženi pristup, model i metoda za izbor adekvatnog skupa indikatora performansi u upravljanju proizvodnjom primenjeni su na realnom primeru iz prakse, kroz eksperiment, u obliku simulacije u modelu kreiranom u spredšitu, čime je potvrđena puna funkcionalnost i primenjivost ovog modela.sr
dc.description.abstractMeasurement and quantification of specific characteristics, as well determination of status of manufacturing performances, can be clearly inditified as basic needs in production management. Performances in production management represents characteristics of manufacturing system functionality. The actual value of performances is measured through relevant performance indicators. Performance indicators are values that are used to determine the level of business success and they are integral part of the management system. Change of peroformance values can be determinated by monitoring performance indicators, whose values indicate the impact of specific management actions on the value of performance. Also, based on the values of performance indicators, management generate decisions while managing manufacturing. However, performance indicators do not have equal importance in the decision-making process. In order to ensure full efficiency and effectiveness of the implemented model for performance management, it is necessary to adjust selected performance management model to the actual needs and possibilities of production company, as well to business environment. Modern business environment is changing daily. The result of environmental changes are new business circumstances, with a direct impact on production company performances. Due to a plenty of daily changes in business circumstances, there is a need to generate a performance management model frequently updated in accordance with the business circumstances. Fully dynamic and updated model for performance management ensures that model is adequate to actual business circumstances. The research subject of this doctoral thesis is a model for selecting an appropriate set of performance indicators in production management. An adequate set of indicators contains specific performance indicators, which at the observed moment of evaluation, fully meet the needs of production company, operating under the impact of business circumstances. The paper presents a developed systematic approach for selection of adequate set of performance indicators in production management. Then, a mathematical model is defined, which thorugh objective function and the relevant constraints, present the proposed approach for selection of adequate set of performance indicators. The created model considers changes in business circumstances and its impact on the adequacy cirteria of the performance indicators. As well, a method for selection of adequate set of performance indicators is developed. The method containts five complex phases, which indicates the necessary activities in implementation of proposed approach and model for selecting adequate set of performance indicators in production management. The proposed approach, model and method for selection of adequate set of performance indicators in production management, were applied to the real case study, through the experiment as a simulation model created in a spreadsheet, confirming the full functionality and applicability of this model.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет организационих наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectUpravljanje proizvodnjomsr
dc.subjectProduction managementen
dc.subjectPerformance indicatorsen
dc.subjectBusiness circumstancesen
dc.subjectAdequacy of performance indicatorsen
dc.subjectSet of adequate performance indicators.en
dc.subjectIndikatori performansisr
dc.subjectOkonosti poslovanjasr
dc.subjectAdekvatnost indikatora performansisr
dc.subjectAdekvatan skup indikatora performansi.sr
dc.titleModel za izbor adekvatnog skupa indikatora performansi u upravljanju proizvodnjomsr
dc.title.alternativeA model for selecting adequate set of performance indicators in production management.en
dcterms.abstractЛечић-Цветковић, Даница; Мартић, Милан; Бојовић, Небојша; Омербеговић-Бијеловић, Јасмина; Васиљевић, Драган; Aтанасов, Никола; Модел за избор адекватног скупа индикатора перформанси у управљању производњом; Модел за избор адекватног скупа индикатора перформанси у управљању производњом;

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