Приказ основних података о дисертацији

Socio-psychological factors of organizational citizenship behavior

dc.contributor.advisorČizmić, Svetlana
dc.contributor.otherĐurišić Bojanović, Mirosava
dc.contributor.otherĐurić, Veljko
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Ivana
dc.creatorMirković, Biljana Lj.
dc.description.abstractIndividualno diskreciono ponašanje zaposlenih koje nije direktno prepoznato od strane formalnog sistema nagraivanja u organizaciji, a koje potpomaže efikasno funkcionisanje organizacije zovemo odgovornim organizacionim ponašanjem. Odgovorno organizaciono ponašanje zaposlenih olakšava koordinaciju aktivnosti u organizaciji, povecava produktivnost zaposlenih, povecava stabilnost organizacijskih performansi i omogucava efikasnije prilagoavanje organizacije promjenama u okruženju. Za dispozicione karakteristike zaposlenih, poput dimenzija licnosti i stavova prema radu i organizaciji, pokazano je da imaju znacajnu ulogu u ispoljavanju odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja zaposlenih. S druge strane, malo se zna o ulozi karakteristika organizacije i vrijednosti nacionalne kulture u ispoljavanju odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja zaposlenih. Stoga je pred istraživanje postavljeno slijedece pitanje: da li se na osnovu dimenzija petofaktorskog modela licnosti, stavova prema radu i organizaciji i karakteristika organizacije može predvidjeti odgovorno organizaciono ponašanje zaposlenih, te koja od ovih karakteristika u najvecoj mjeri predvia odgovorno organizaciono ponašanje zaposlenih? Zanimalo nas je i da li postoje razlike u izraženosti odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja zaposlenih s obzirom na demografske karakteristike zaposlenih: pol, starost, nivo obrazovanja i dužinu radnog staža, te da li postoji razlika u izraženosti odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja zaposlenih s obzirom na pripadnost nacionalnoj kulturi, u ovom slucaju nacionalnoj kulturi Republike Srpske i Austrije. Pored toga, zanimalo nas je i da li vrijednosti nacionalne kulture moderiraju odnos izmeu dimenzija licnosti, stavova prema radu i organizaciji, karakteristika organizacije i odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja zaposlenih. Da bismo odgovorili na postavljena pitanja sprovedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 651 zaposlenika, odnosno 332 zaposlenih iz 14 organizacija društvenog i privatnog sektora iz Republike Srpske sa teritorije grada Banja Luke i 319 zaposlenih iz 13 organizacija društvenog i privatnog sektora iz Austrije sa teritorije grada Beca. Socio-psihološki cinioci odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja Rezultati su pokazali da odanost organizaciji daje najveci doprinos odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Republike Srpske i Austrije, a odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Austrije snažan doprinos daje i zadovoljstvo poslom. Niži ali znacajan doprinos odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Republike Srpske i Austrije daje i savjesnost, a odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Austrije znacajan doprinos daje i ekstraverzija. Organizaciona pravda doprinosi odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Republike Srpske i Austrije jedino putem odanosti organizaciji, a odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Austrije i putem zadovoljstva poslom. Podržavajuce i direktivno rukovoenje jedino putem zadovoljstva poslom daju znacajan doprinos odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Austrije. Ovi nalazi govore u prilog tome da najsnažniji efekt na odgovorno organizaciono ponašanje zaposlenih ostvaruju stavovi prema radu i organizaciji, da dimenzije licnosti nemaju tako snažan efekt na odgovorno organizaciono ponašanje zaposlenih kao stavovi prema radu i organizaciji, te da se efekt karakteristika organizacije na odgovorno organizaciono ponašanje zaposlenih ostvaruje indrektno – putem stavova prema radu i organizaciji. Nacionalna kultura moderira snagu i znacaj dimenzija petofaktorskog modela licnosti, stavova prema radu i organizaciji i karakteristika organizacije u predvianju odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja zaposlenih. Kada je rijec o dimenzijama licnosti, odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Republike Srpske pozitivno doprinosi jedino savjesnost, a odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Austrije, uz savjesnost koja ima najveci pozitivni doprinos, pozitivno doprinosi i ekstraverzija. Što se tice stavova prema radu, odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Republike Srpske pozitivno doprinosi jedino odanost organizaciji, a odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Austrije, uz odanost organizaciji koja ima najveci pozitivni doprinos, znacajan doprinos daje i zadovoljstvo poslom – pri tome zadovoljstvo nagraivanjem negativno doprinosi odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju, a zadovoljstvo meuljudskim odnosima pozitivno doprinosi odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih. Kada je rijec o karakteristikama organizacije, organizaciona pravda pozitivno doprinosi odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Republike Srpske jedino putem odanosti organizaciji, a odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju zaposlenih iz Austrije, osim putem odanosti organizaciji, još Socio-psihološki cinioci odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja snažnije i putem zadovoljstva meuljudskim odnosima. Podržavajuce i direktivno rukovoenje daju znacajan doprinos odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju jedino zaposlenih u Austriji i to putem zadovoljstva poslom – pri tome podržavajuce rukovoenje pozitivno doprinosi zadovoljstvu nagraivanjem, a direktivno rukovoenje negativno doprinosi zadovoljstvu meuljudskim odnosima. Pored toga, rezultati pokazuju da su zaposleni iz Republike Srpske skloniji odgovornom organizacionom ponašanju od zaposlenih Austrije. Takoe, rezultati pokazuju da su žene sklonije interpersonalnom odgovornom postupanju, da su zaposleni sa završenom srednjom školom, višom školom i fakultetom ili postdiplomskim studijem skloniji interpersonalnom odgovornom postupanju od zaposlenih sa završenom osnovnom školom ili manje, te da su zaposleni starosti 56 godina i više najskloniji organizacijski odgovornom postupanju, a da su zaposleni starosti do 25 godina najmanje skloni organizacijski odgovornom postupanju.sr
dc.description.abstractIndividual discretionary behavior of employees which is not directly recognized by the formal system of rewarding in the organization, and which supports the effective functioning of the organization is called organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational citizenship behavior of employees facilitates the coordination of activities within the organization, increases the productivity of employees, enhances the stability of organizational performance and provides more effective adjustment of the organization to the changes in its surrounding. It is proven that dispositional characteristics of employees, such as personality traits and attitudes towards the work and organization, have important role in expressing the organizational citizenship behavior of employees. On the other hand, we do not know much about the role that the characteristics of organization and values of national culture have in expressing the organizational citizenship behavior of employees. Therefore, prior to the research we asked the following question: is it possible to predict the organizational citizenship behavior of employees on the basis of dimensions of five-factor model of personality, attitudes towards work and organization and characteristics of organization, and which of these characteristics predict the organizational citizenship behavior of employees to the greatest extent? We were also interested in finding out if there were any differences in the expression of the organizational citizenship behavior of employees considering the demographic characteristics of employees such as the gender, age, educational level and length of service, as well as if there was difference in the expression of the organizational citizenship behavior of employees with regard to affiliation to a certain national culture, in this case the national cultures of the Republic of Srpska and Austria. In addition to this, we were also interested in discovering if the values of national culture moderate the relations between the personality traits, attitudes towards work and organization, characteristics of organization and organizational citizenship behavior of employees. In order to provide answers to the above questions we conducted a research on the sample of 651 employees, i.e. 332 employees from 14 organizations of the public and private Socio-psihološki cinioci odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja sector from the Republic of Srpska, territory of the city of Banja Luka and 319 employees from 13 organizations of the public and private sector from Austria, territory of the city of Vienna. The results showed that the commitment to the organization gives the largest contribution to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in the Republic of Srpska and Austria, while the job satisfaction provides strong contribution to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Austria. Lower, but also significant, contribution to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in the Republic of Srpska and Austria is given due to the conscientious, while the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Austria is due to the extroversion. Organizational justice contributes to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in the Republic of Srpska and Austria only through the loyalty to organization, while the same contributes to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Austria through the job satisfaction as well. Supportive and directive management may contribute to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Austria only through the job satisfaction. These findings support the fact that the attitude towards the work and organization has the strongest effect on the organizational citizenship behavior of employees, that personality traits do not have such a powerful effect on the organizational citizenship behavior of employees as the attitudes towards work and organization, and that the characteristics of organization influence the organizational citizenship behavior of employees indirectly – through the attitudes towards work and organization. National culture moderates the strength and the importance of dimensions of the five-factor personality model, attitudes towards the work and organization and characteristics of organization in predicting the organizational citizenship behavior of employees. When it comes to the personality traits, only conscientious positively contributes to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in the Republic of Srpska, while in Austria conscientious has the greatest positive contribution to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees which is also positively influenced by extraversion. As far as the attitude towards the work is concerned, the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in the Republic of Srpska is positively contributed only by the loyalty to organization, which has the largest positive contribution to the Socio-psihološki cinioci odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Austria, but here a significant contribution is also given by the job satisfaction – at the same time the satisfaction due to rewarding negatively contributes to the organizational citizenship behavior while the satisfaction due to the interpersonal relationships positively contributes to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees. When it comes to the characteristics of organization, the organizational justice positively contributes to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in the Republic of Srpska only through the loyalty to organization, while the loyalty to organization and satisfaction due to the interpersonal relationships positively contribute to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Austria. Supportive and directive leadership give significant contribution to the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Austria only, due to the job satisfaction – supportive leadership positively contributes to the satisfaction due to rewarding, while directive leadership negatively contributes to satisfaction due to the interpersonal relationships. In addition, results show that the employees in the Republic of Srpska are more prone to the organizational citizenship behavior than the employees in Austria. The results proved that the women are more inclined to interpersonal citizenship behavior, that the employees holding a high-school degree, college degree or master's degree are more prone to interpersonal citizenship behavior than the employees holding only elementary school degree or less. It also showed that the employees who are 56 and older are the most prone to the organizational citizenship behavior, while the employees who are up to 25 years old are the least prone to the organizational citizenship behavior.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectodgovorno organizaciono ponašanjesr
dc.subjectorganizational citizenship behavioren
dc.subjectpersonality traitsen
dc.subjectattitude towards work and organizationen
dc.subjectnational cultureen
dc.subjectdimenzije licnostisr
dc.subjectstavovi prema radu i organizacijisr
dc.subjectkarakteristike organizacijesr
dc.subjectnacionalna kulturasr
dc.titleSocio-psihološki činioci odgovornog organizacionog ponašanjasr
dc.titleSocio-psychological factors of organizational citizenship behavioren
dcterms.abstractЧизмић, Светлана; Петровић, Ивана; Ђурић, Вељко; Ђуришић-Бојановић, Мирослава; Мирковић, Биљана Љ.; Социо-психолошки чиниоци одговорног организационог понашања; Социо-психолошки чиниоци одговорног организационог понашања;

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