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Integrated city logistics solutions performance modelling

dc.contributor.advisorVidović, Milorad B.
dc.contributor.otherZečević, Slobodan M.
dc.contributor.otherBrnjac, Nikolina
dc.creatorTadić, Snežana R.
dc.description.abstractGrad je mesto najveće koncentracije ljudi, privrednih i društvenih delatnosti, a logistika je izuzetno važna za njegovo funkcionisanje. Isporuka robe je preduslov urbanog života, a od efikasnosti logističkog sistema zavise poslovne aktivnosti kojima se ostvaruje bogatstvo i razvoj gradskih sredina. Ipak, logističke aktivnosti nisu poželjne u gradu. Realizacija robnih tokova ima negativne efekte na životno okruženje, bezbednost saobraćaja i narušava kvalitet života. Sa rastom populacije i ekonomskim razvojem urbanih sredina, rastu i problemi realizacije logističkih tokova. U cilju smanjenja negativnih uticaji i veće efikasnosti logističkog sistema, definišu se različite mere, inicijative i koncepcije city logistike. Rešavanje problema složenog sistem logistike grada zahteva obimna istraživanja, sveobuhvatnu analizu i integrisano planiranje. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje parametara, performansi city logistike. Međutim, skup performansi i način utvrđivanja nisu standardizovani, a permanentno praćenje dela parametara predstavlja izuzetak prisutan samo u nekim gradovima. Usled nedostatka performansi, urbane vlasti i planeri nemaju kompletnu sliku logistike, a bez poznavanja postojećeg stanja nije moguće ni traženje efikasnog rešenja. Prilikom definisanja i izbora koncepcije city logistike neophodno je razmotriti karakteristike grada i ciljeve svih interesnih grupa. Gradovi se razlikuju po demografskim, geografskim, privrednim, ekonomskim, sociološkim, kulturološkim i istorijskim karakteristikama, pa inicijative i koncepcije city logistike nemaju iste efekte, a u nekim gradovima nisu ni primenjive. Osnovni problemi nisu uvek dobro definisani, a povezanost sa predloženim merama i karakteristikama grada nekad ne postoji, iako je to cilj. Sa druge strane, svi učesnici city logistike žele atraktivan grad po svim kriterijumima, ali su pojedinačni ciljevi najčešće u konfliktu. Opisani problem se rešava definisanjem velikog broja kriterijuma koji će u obzir uzeti sve zahteve i interese zainteresovanih strana i velikog broja faktora koji odražavaju karakteristike grada...sr
dc.description.abstractCity is a place with the highest concentration of people, economic and social activities, and logistics is exceptionally important for its functioning. Freight delivery is a prerequisite for urban life, whilst business activities generating wealth and development in metropolitan areas depend on the logistics system’s efficiency. And yet, logistics-related activities are not desirable in a city. Implementation of freight flows has an adverse impact on the living environment and traffic safety, and it also impairs the quality of life. With an ever-growing population and economic development of urban areas, problems in the implementation of logistics flows are further exacerbated. In order to reduce the negative impact as well as to boost the logistics system’s efficiency, a variety of measures, initiatives and concepts of city logistics are defined. Resolving problems in a complex system of the city logistics requires extensive research, comprehensive analysis and integrated planning. The goal of such a research is to lay down parameters for the city logistics performance characteristics. However, the set of performance characteristics and the manner in which they are determined are not standardised, whilst permanent monitoring of some parameters is an exception present only in some cities. Due to unavailability of performance characteristics, urban authorities and planners lack the logistics big picture. With no knowledge of the existing situation, it is not possible to seek out an efficient solution. When defining and selecting a concept of the city logistics, it is necessary to consider city characteristics and goals of all the stakeholders. Cities differ in terms of their respective demographic, geographic, economic, business-related, sociological, cultural and historical characteristics, hence initiatives and concepts of the city logistics do not bring about the same effects, and in some cities, they are not even applicable. Basic problems are not always well defined, and, at times there is no linkage with the proposed measures and city’s characteristics, even though this is the objective...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Саобраћајни факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36006/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectcity logistikasr
dc.subjectcity logisticsen
dc.subjectintegrisano planiranjesr
dc.subjectvišekriterijumsko odlučivanjesr
dc.subjectlutajuće vozilosr
dc.subjectperformance characteristicsen
dc.subjectintegrated planningen
dc.subjectmulti-criteria decision-makingen
dc.subjectroaming vehicleen
dc.titleModeliranje performansi integrisanih city logističkih sistemasr
dc.titleIntegrated city logistics solutions performance modellingen
dcterms.abstractВидовић, Милорад Б.; Зечевић, Слободан М.; Брњац, Николина; Тадић, Снежана Р.;

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