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Improving the efficiency of methods for measurement of electric field strength in the vicinity of public mobile system base stations

dc.contributor.advisorNešković, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherNešković, Nataša
dc.contributor.otherBorenović, Miloš
dc.contributor.otherReljin, Irini
dc.contributor.otherOlćan, Dragan
dc.creatorKoprivica, Mladen
dc.description.abstractRastući zahtevi korisnika za pristupačnim i visokokvalitetnim telekomunikacionim servisima doveli su do intenzivnog razvoja sistema i uređaja za bežične komunikacije. Zbog prostorne rasprostranjenosti naročito se ističu javni mobilni sistemi (GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications, DCS - Digital Communication System, UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System, LTE - Long-Term Evolution). Sa obzirom da ovi sistemi kao osnov za međusobnu komunikaciju koriste elektromagnetne talase, javlja se potreba za objektivnim sagledavanjem nivoa elektromagnetnog zračenja u životnom okruženju. Da bi se uticaj elektromagntetnog zračenja na ljude kontrolisao, usvojene su norme kojima se ograničava izlaganje, iskazane kroz bazična ograničenja i izvedene referentne granične nivoe. U okviru ove disertacije dat je pregled bazičnih ograničenja i referentnih graničnih nivoa definisanih Pravilnikom o granicama izlaganja nejonizujućim zračenjima, ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) preporukom, FCC (Federal Communications Commission) preporukom, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standardom i ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) standardom. Da bi se ispitala usklađenost instalacije bazne stanice sa referentnim graničnim nivoima, sprovode se merenja intenziteta elektromagnetnog polja u okolini baznih stanica, korišćenjem metoda definisanih međunarodnim standardima. Ove metode se razvijaju i nadograđuju u skladu sa razvojem telekomunikacih sistema, kao i poboljšanjima mernih uređaja. Važan segment u razvoju ovih metoda, koji je posebno aktuelan u poslednje vreme, je određivanje merne nesigurnosti rezultata merenja. U ovoj disertaciji, predložena je praktična metoda za procenu merne nesigurnosti rezultata merenja intenziteta električnog polja, za slučajeve širokopojasnog mernog sistema i frekvencijski selektivnog mernog sistema. Ova metoda bazirana je na zakonu propagacije...sr
dc.description.abstractIncreasing user demand for accessible and high quality telecommunication services has led to intensive development of systems and devices for wireless communications. Because of their wide distribution, public mobile systems (GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications, DCS - Digital Communication System, UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System, LTE - Long-Term Evolution) are the most important. Having in mind that these systems use electromagnetic waves as basis for the communication, there is a need for an objective assessment of the electromagnetic radiation level in the living environment. To control the influence of electromagnetic radiation on people, norms that limit human exposure were adopted and stated as basic restrictions and reference levels. In this dissertation, an overview of basic restrictions and reference levels defined with Regulation on the limits of exposure to non-ionizing radiation, ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines, FCC (Federal Communications Commission) recommendation, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standard and ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) standard, is given. In order to evaluate compliance of base station with reference levels, measurement of electromagnetic field in the vicinity of base station should be conducted, using methods defined by the international standards. These methods are developed and upgraded in line with the development of telecommunication systems as well as with the improvements to the measuring devices. An important part in the development of these methods, which is especially important in recent time, is evaluation of measurement result uncertainty. In the dissertation, practical procedure for evaluation of uncertainty of electric field strength measurements, for the cases of broadband and frequency selective measurement system, is developed. This procedure is based on the low of propagation of uncertainty, and...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Електротехнички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectbazna stanica javnog mobilnog sistemasr
dc.subjectnejonizujuće zračenjesr
dc.subjectizloženost ljudisr
dc.subjectelektromagnetno poljesr
dc.subjectintenzitet električnog poljasr
dc.subjectmerna nesigurnostsr
dc.subjectmonoaksijalna antenasr
dc.subjectizotropna merenjasr
dc.subjectdugoročna promenljivostsr
dc.subjectindeks izloženostisr
dc.subjectpublic mobile system base stationen
dc.subjectnon-ionizing radiationen
dc.subjecthuman exposureen
dc.subjectelectromagnetic fielden
dc.subjectelectric field strengthen
dc.subjectmeasurement uncertaintyen
dc.subjectmono-axial antennaen
dc.subjectisotropic measurementsen
dc.subjectlong-term variabilityen
dc.subjectexposure indexen
dc.titlePovećanje efikasnosti metoda za merenje intenziteta električnog polja u okolini baznih stanica javnih mobilnih sistemasr
dc.titleImproving the efficiency of methods for measurement of electric field strength in the vicinity of public mobile system base stationsen
dcterms.abstractНешковић, Aлександар; Нешковић, Наташа; Бореновић, Милош; Рељин, Ирини; Олћан, Драган; Копривица, Младен; Повећање ефикасности метода за мерење интензитета електричног поља у околини базних станица јавних мобилних система; Повећање ефикасности метода за мерење интензитета електричног поља у околини базних станица јавних мобилних система;

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