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The influence of diet on lipid content and fatty acid composition of carp meat (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) in the semi-intensive rearing system

dc.contributor.advisorMarković, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherŽivković, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherSpirić, Aurelija
dc.contributor.otherDulić, Zorka
dc.contributor.otherParunović, Nenad
dc.creatorTrbović, Dejana K.
dc.description.abstractRezime: Istraživanja koja su realizovana u okviru ove doktorske disertacije imala su za cilj da daju doprinos proučavanju promena hemijskog i masnokiselinskog sastava šarana (Cyprinus carpio) gajenog u dva ribnjaka sa poluintenzivnim uzgojem, u zavisnosti od vrste dodatne hrane (ekstrudirana hrana i kukuruz), u završnoj fazi uzgoja dvogodišnje ribe za konzum. Rast i povećanje mase ribe povezano je sa povećanjem sadržaja proteina, lipida, vlage, mineralnih materija, itd. Količine hranljivih materija koje su se deponovale u mesu šarana u toku uzgoja i prihranjivanja sa dve vrste dodatne hrane analizirane su alometrijskom i izometrijskom linearnom regresijom. Uticaj dodatne hrane procenjen je poređenjem izometrijskih koeficijenata b pomoću t testa. Rezultati su pokazali da se prihranjivanjem šarana ekstrudiranom hranom tokom uzgoja deponovala veća količina proteina u mesu ribe, dok se prihranjivanjem šarana kukuruzom deponovala veća količina lipida. Višestrukom linearnom regresijom (MLR) utvrđen je odnos između sadržaja proteina, lipida i vlage u mesu šarana, kao i doprinos koji su proteini i lipidi imali u povećanju mase šarana. Dobijeni rezultati su značajni za bolje razumevanje biohemijskih procesa koji se odigravaju u toku rasta šarana. U cilju definisanja razlika u hemijskom sastavu i sastavu masnih kiselina između, ukupno, 62 uzorka šarana, prema vrsti dodatne hrane, korišćene su analiza varijansi i multivarijantna analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA). Rezultati su pokazali da je sadržaj proteina (P < 0,01) i vlage (P < 0,001) bio značajno veći kod šarana prihranjivanih ekstrudiranom hranom, dok je sadržaj lipida bio značajno veći (P < 0,001) kod šarana prihranjivanih kukuruzom. Šarani se nisu značajno razlikovali u sadržaju pepela. Prema vrsti prihrane, šarani se nisu razlikovali u sadržaju zasićenih masnih kiselina. Mononezasićene masne kiseline su bile značajno veće kod šarana prihranjivanih kukuruzom (P < 0,0001), u svim mesecima izlova, u odnosu na šarane prihranjivanih ekstrudiranom hranom...sr
dc.description.abstractAbstract: The studies that have been carried out in the framework of the present doctoral thesis were aimed to contribute to the study of changes in the chemical and fatty acid composition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) farmed in two fish farms with semi-intensive farming, depending on the type of supplementary feed (extruded feed and corn), in the final stage of farming of two-year fish for consumption. The growth and increase in body weight of the fish are associated with the increase in the content of proteins, lipids, moisture, mineral substances, etc. The amount of nutrients that had been deposited in the flesh of common carp during the farming and additional nutrition with two supplemental types of feed was analysed using the allometric and isometric linear regression. The effect of the supplemental feed was evaluated by comparing isometric coefficients b by the use of t test. The results showed that the use of extruded feed in carp farming resulted in deposition of greater amounts of proteins in the fish meat, while the use of corn in nutrition of carp influenced deposition of greater amounts of lipids. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to determine the relationship between the contents of proteins, lipids and moisture in the meat, as well as the contribution of proteins and lipids in the increase of the body mass of carp. The results obtained are important for a better understanding of the biochemical processes that take place during the growth of carp. In order to establish differences in the chemical composition and the fatty acid profiles among a total of 62 samples of carp, according to the type of supplementary feed, analysis of variance and multivariate principal components analysis (PCA) were used. The results showed that the protein (P < 0.01) and moisture content (P < 0.001) were significantly higher in carp supplementary fed extruded feed, while the content of lipids was significantly higher (P < 0.001) in carp supplementary fed corn. Carp were not significantly different in ash content. According to the type of supplementary feed, carp did not differ in the content of saturated fatty acids...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31075/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46009/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectcommon carpen
dc.subjectdodatna hranasr
dc.subjecthemijski sastavsr
dc.subjectregresione analizesr
dc.subjectsastav masnih kiselinasr
dc.subjectanaliza glavnih komponenti (PCA)sr
dc.subjectsupplementary feeden
dc.subjectchemical compositionen
dc.subjectregression analysisen
dc.subjectfatty acid compositionen
dc.subjectprincipal component analysis (PCA)en
dc.titleUticaj načina ishrane na sadržaj lipida i sastav masnih kiselina u mesu šarana (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) u poluintenzivnom sistemu gajenjasr
dc.titleThe influence of diet on lipid content and fatty acid composition of carp meat (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) in the semi-intensive rearing systemen
dcterms.abstractМарковић, Зоран; Паруновић, Ненад; Живковић, Душан; Спирић, Aурелија; Дулић, Зорка; Трбовић, Дејана К.;

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