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Improvement of the key indicators of business performance in the foundry industry

dc.contributor.advisorArsovski, Slavko
dc.contributor.otherStefanović, Miladin
dc.contributor.otherSlavković, Radomir
dc.contributor.otherFilipović, Jovan
dc.contributor.otherAdamović, Dragan
dc.creatorJovičić, Aleksandar I.
dc.description.abstractUnapređenje ključnih indikatora perofrmansi poslovanja u industriji livarstva radi dostizanja globalnih standarda procesne i resursne efikasnosti od opšteg je interesa za srpske livnice s obzirom na dokazanu polaznu hipotezu ove disertacije da su ključni indikatori performansi poslovanja srpskih livnica na nižem nivou u odnosu na ruske i evropske livnice. Doprinos ove disertacije se može posmatrati iz naučne perspektive i perspektive poslovne prakse u industriji livarstva. U naučnom smislu, doprinos disertacije se može predstaviti na sledeći način: - izvršeno je snimanje stanja u industriji livarstva u Srbiji i izvršeno je upoređivanje (benčmarking) performansi srpskih livnica s performansama evropskih, ruskih i svetskih livnica; - definisan je BSC model za livnice; - na bazi modela realizovano je i primenjeno u realnom okruženju softversko rešenje primenom modifikovanog softvera BSC DESIGNER i na bazi njega prikazan stepen ostvarenja poslovnih ciljeva u srpskim livicama; - potvrđeno je da su ključni indikatori performansi poslovanja u srpskim livnicama su na nižem nivou u odnosu na evropske i ruske livnice; - potvrđeno je da se metod vektora podrške SVM može uspešno koristiti pri unapređenju tehnoloških procesa u livnicama; - potvrđeno je da se optimizacija procesa livenja može ostvariti regresionom analizom primenjenom na odlivke otporne na habanje; - potvrđeno je da se primenom BSC metoda iskazuje efektivnost poslovnih procesa u livnicama, a na bazi toga nivo organizacionog učenja. Praktični doprinos disertaciji se odnose na: - izradu softverskog rešenja primenom modifikovanog softvera BSC DESIGNER i njegovu primenu u srpskim livicama; - unapređenjene tehnološkog procesa u livnici Guča primenom SVM metoda na primeru odlivaka otpornih na habanje; - optimizaciju procesa livenja primenom regresione analize na primeru odlivaka otpornih na habanje u livnici Guča; - unapređenje ključnih indikatora performansi poslovanja na primeru livnice Guča i povećanje efektivnost poslovnih procesa u livnici primenom BSC modela.sr
dc.description.abstractImprovement of the key indicators of business performance in foundry industry in order to achieve global standards of process and resource efficiency is of general interest for the Serbian foundries due to the proven initial hypothesis of this dissertation that the key performance indicators of business of Serbian foundries at a lower level compared to the Russian and European foundries. The contribution of this dissertation can be seen from the scientific perspective and the perspective of business practices in the industry of casting. In scientific terms, the contribution of the dissertation can be divided as follows: - Taken of the situation in the foundry industry in Serbia the comparison has been carried out (benchmarking) between the performance of Serbian foundry with performance of European, Russian and worlds foundries; - Definition of BSC model for foundry; - Based on the model, software solution using the modified software BSC Designer was implemented and applied in a realistic environment and based on,it shows the level of achievement of the business goals of the Serbian foundries; - It is confirmed that the key performance indicators of business in Serbian foundries are at a lower level compared to European and Russian foundries; - It is confirmed that the Support Vector Machine - SVM model can be successfully used in improving of technological process in foundries; - It is confirmed that the casting process optimization is possible to achieve by regression analysis applied to a wear-resistant castings; - It is confirmed that the implementation of the BSC method shows the effectiveness of business processes in foundries and the level of oPractical contribution of dissertation is refer to: - Making software solutions using modified softwre BSC Designer and its application in the Serbian foundries; - Advancing technological processes in foundry Guca using SVM model on example of wear resistant castings; - Optimization of casting process using regression analysis on the example of wear resistant castings foundry in Guca; - Improving key indicators of business performance in the case of foundry Guca and increase the effectiveness of business processesrganizational learning on that basis.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет инжењерских наукаsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/35037/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectindustrija livarstvasr
dc.subjectBSC modelsr
dc.subjectorganizaciono učenjesr
dc.subjectindustry of castingen
dc.subjectBSC modelen
dc.subjectorganizational learningen
dc.titleUnapređenje ključnih indikatora performansi poslovanja u industriji livarstvasr
dc.titleImprovement of the key indicators of business performance in the foundry industryen
dcterms.abstractAрсовски, Славко; Aдамовић, Драган; Стефановић, Миладин; Славковић, Радомир; Филиповић, Јован; Јовичић, Aлександар И.; Унапређење кључних индикатора перформанси пословања у индустрији ливарства; Унапређење кључних индикатора перформанси пословања у индустрији ливарства;

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