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Enantiodivergent total synthesis of selected styryl lactones and preliminary evaluation of their cytotoxicity

dc.contributor.advisorPopsavin, Velimir
dc.contributor.otherĆirin-Novta, Vera
dc.contributor.otherSakač, Marija
dc.contributor.otherŠolaja, Bogdan
dc.creatorBenedeković, Goran
dc.description.abstractU radu je ostvarena enantiodivergentna totalna sinteza oba enantiomera goniofufurona, 7-epi-goniofufurona i krasalaktona C polazeći iz D-glukoze. Ključne faze u sintezi 7-epi-(+)-goniofufurona bile su stereoselektivna adicija fenilmagnezijum bromida na aldehidnu grupu pogodno zaštićene dialdoze, i stereospecifično formiranje furano-laktonskog prstena ciklokondenzacijom odabranog hemiacetalnog derivata sa Meldrum-ovom kiselinom. Sinteza (+)-goniofufurona i (+)-krasalaktona C zahtevala je inverziju konfiguracije na C-5 u zajedničkom intermedijeru, koja je efikasno ostvarena u uslovima Mitsunobu-ove reakcije, ili alternativno oksidacijom benzilne hidroksilne grupe u prohiralni keton, uz naknadnu stereoselektivnu redukcijom sa borohidridom. Sličan pristup je zatim primenjen za sintezu neprirodnih (−)-enantiomera goniofufurona, 7-epi-goniofufurona i krasalaktona C, dva nova konformaciono ograničena analoga (+)- i (−)-goniofufurona (oksetani 36 i ent-36), kao i odgovarajućih 7-deoksigenovanih derivata (31 i ent-31). Takodje je razvijena i prva totalna sinteza prirodnog (+)-krasalaktona B (3) i alternativna sinteza (+)-krasalaktona C (4) polazeći iz D-glukoze. Selektivni pristup molekulima 3, odnosno 4 omogućen je promenom uslova za TBDPS deprotekciju u finalnom intermedijeru 53. Osnovna karakteristika pomenutih pristupa je njihova generalnost i fleksibilnost. Na taj način je omogućena sinteza serije analoga i derivata (+)-goniofufurona, ili 7-epi-goniofufurona, uključujući i do sada nepoznate 7-epi-(+)-krasalaktone B (6) i C (7), 5,7-di-O-cinamoil derivate 8 i 9, 5,7-di-O-izopropilidenske derivate 5 i 10, kao i više lipofilnih derivata (jedinjenja 26, 30, 33, 65, ent-30 i ent-33). Konačno, u drugom delu rada, ispitan je uticaj sintetizovanih stiril-laktona na rast odabranih tumorskih ćelijskih linija in vitro.sr
dc.description.abstractEnantiodivergent total syntheses of both (+)- and (−)-enantiomers of goniofufurone, 7-epi-goniofufurone and crassalactone C have been accomplished starting from D-glucose. The key steps of the synthe-sis of 7-epi-(+)-goniofufurone were a stereo-selective addition of  phenyl magnesium bromide to a protected dialdose, followed by a stereospecific furano-lactone ring formation by condensation of a partially protected lactole with Meldrum’s acid. The synthesis of (+)-goniofufurone and (+)-crassalactone C required a configurational inversion at C-5 in the common intermediate that was efficiently achieved under the standard Mitsunobu conditions, or alternatively through a sequential oxidation of the benzylic hydroxyl group followed by a stereo-selective reduction with borohydride. A similar approach was applied to the synthesis of the unnatural enantiomers of goniofufurone, 7-epi-goniofufurone and crassalactone C, two novel, conformationally constrained analogues of both (+)- and (−)-goniofufurone (oxetanes 34 and ent-34). as well as the corresponding 7-deoxygenated derivatives (31 and ent-31). We have also developed the first total synthesis of (+)-crassalactone B (2) and an alternative synthesis of (+)-crassalactone C (3) starting from D-glucose. Finally, the synthesized styryl-lactones were evaluated for their antiproliferative activity against a panel of human tumor cell lines.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectCitotoksični stiril-laktonisr
dc.subjectCytotoxic styryl lactonesen
dc.subjectgoniofufuron i 7-epi-goniofufuronsr
dc.subjectkrasalaktoni B i Csr
dc.subjectsinteza analogasr
dc.subjectGrignard-ova reakcijasr
dc.subjectMitsunobu-ova reakcijasr
dc.subjectMeldrum-ova reakcijasr
dc.subjectstereoselektivna redukcijasr
dc.subjectantiproliferativna aktivnost.sr
dc.subjectcrassalactones B and Cen
dc.subjectsynthesis of analoguesen
dc.subjectGrignard reactionen
dc.subjectMitsunobu reactionen
dc.subjectMeldrum reactionen
dc.subjectstereoselective reductionen
dc.subjectantiproliferative activityen
dc.titleEnantiodivergentna totalna sinteza odabranih stiril laktona i preliminarno ispitivanje njihove citotoksičnostisr
dc.titleEnantiodivergent total synthesis of selected styryl lactones and preliminary evaluation of their cytotoxicityen
dcterms.abstractПопсавин, Велимир; Ћирин-Новта, Вера; Шолаја, Богдан; Сакач, Марија; Бенедековић, Горан; Енантиодивергентна тотална синтеза одабраних стирил лактона и прелиминарно испитивање њихове цитотоксичности; Енантиодивергентна тотална синтеза одабраних стирил лактона и прелиминарно испитивање њихове цитотоксичности;

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