Приказ основних података о дисертацији

The assessment of food hypersensitivity, attitudes and knowledge on pre-packaged food in obese population

dc.contributor.advisorJorga, Jagoda
dc.contributor.otherStojković, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherPlećaš, Draga
dc.contributor.otherVasiljević, Nađa
dc.contributor.otherRakin, Marica
dc.creatorDavidović, Dragana B.
dc.description.abstractUvod: Prevalencije gojaznosti i preosetljivosti na hranu u poslednjim decenijama beleže porast. Veza između stanja uhranjenosti i alergijskih bolesti opažena je i u ranijim istraživanjima, ali je procena povezanosti stanja uhranjenosti sa reakcijama preosetljivosti na hranu retko bila predmet interesovanja istraživača. Obeležavanje namirnica je jedna od najvažnih javno-zdravstvenih mera imajući u vidu rastuću prevalenciju bolesti povezanih sa ishranom. Podaci studija ukazuju na pozitivnu vezu između korišćenja deklaracije i pravilnije ishrane. Veza stanja uhranjenosti i čitanja, korišćenja i razumevanja deklaracije je slabo poznata. Ciljevi: Utvrditi povezanost reakcija preosetljivosti na hranu i stanja uhranjenosti. Utvrditi stavove ispitanika o obeležavanja upakovanih prehrambenih proizvoda i proceniti razumevanje datih informacija (nutritivne informacije i informacije o mogućim alergenima) u zavisnosti od stanja uhranjenosti. Metod: Istraživanje je obuhvatio 1300 pacijenata Savetovališta za ishranu Insitituta za higijenu Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Svim pacijentima izvršena su antropometrijska merenja i procena stanja uhranjenosti. Na osnovu Indeksa telesne mase – BMI ispitanici su klasifikovani u tri kategorije: pedgojazni (BMI 25 – 29.9 kg/m²), gojazni (BMI 30.0 – 39.9 kg/m²) i "masivno" gojazni (BMI ≥ 40.0 kg/m²). Putem specifičnog upitnika evidentirano je postojanje preosetljivosti na hranu kao i drugih alergijskih bolesti u prošlosti. Pacijentima koji su prijavili preosetljivost na hranu određivani se nivoi specifičnih imunoglobulina E na alergene hrane. Za procenu stavova i znanja o deklarisanju namirnica korišćen je upitnik prilagođen ovom istraživanju. Aktuelna problematika sagledana je predhodnom analizom deklaracija na 2138 upakovanih prehrambenih proizvoda prisutnih na našem tržištu...sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The prevalence of both obesity and food hypersensitivity has been increasing over the last decades. A relationship between obesity and allergic disease has been observed before, and food sensitization has rarely been examined in relation to body weight. Having in mind the growing prevalence of diet-related diseases, one of the most important preventive measures is promoting nutrition labeling. Observational studies have consistently found a positive correlation between using nutrition labels and healthier diets. Little is known about correlation between nutritional status and reading, using and understanding food labels. Aims: To determine the correlation between food hypersensitivity and nutritional status. To examine respondents attitudes on the labeling of pre-packaged foods and to examine the understanding of the information (nutrition information and information on potential allergens) depending on the nutritional status. Methods: The study included 1300 patients who were treated at the Dietetic Unit, Institute of hygiene and medical ecology, School of medicine Belgrade University. For all participants anthropometric parameters and data of nutritional status were collected. According to body mass index – BMI respondents were classified into three categories: overweight (BMI 25 – 29.9 kg/m²), obese (BMI 30.0 – 39.9 kg/m²) and "massive" obese (BMI ≥ 40.0 kg/m²). To get data about food hypersensitivity and other allergic diseases in the past specific questionnaire was applied. The specific IgE test for food allergens was done to those who were suspected to have food hypersensitivity. To assess consumers’ attitudes and knowledge on food labells specific questionnaire adapted to this study was used. To asses current problems on food labells, 2138 pre-packaged food products in the our territory were analyzed.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/175067/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectpreosetljivost na hranusr
dc.subjectfood hypersensitivityen
dc.subjectnutrition declarationen
dc.titleProcena preosetljivosti na hranu, stavova i znanja o prehrambenim proizvodima u gojaznih osobasr
dc.titleThe assessment of food hypersensitivity, attitudes and knowledge on pre-packaged food in obese populationen
dcterms.abstractЈорга, Јагода; Стојковић, Мирјана; Плећаш, Драга; Васиљевић, Нађа; Ракин, Марица; Давидовић, Драгана Б.; Процена преосетљивости на храну, ставова и знања о прехрамбеним производима у гојазних особа; Процена преосетљивости на храну, ставова и знања о прехрамбеним производима у гојазних особа;

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