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Morphological and productive traits of middle-early maize hybrids in conditions of intensive nutrition

dc.contributor.advisorGlamočlija, Đorđe
dc.contributor.otherDragičević, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherŽivanović, Ljubiša
dc.contributor.otherStanojković-Sebić, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherMandić, Violeta
dc.creatorPandurović, Željko Lj.
dc.description.abstractZahvaljujući nepovoljnim uslovima (niskoj pH vrednosti i visokom sadržaju mobilnog aluminijuma), na pseudoglejnim zemljištima je otežana proizvodnja kukuruza. Cilj ogleda je bio da se ispita uticaj različitih mera popravke pseudogleja na morfološke i proizvodne osobine različitih hibrida FAO grupe zrenja 500. Ogled je bio postavljen tokom 2008., 2009. i 2010. godine po split-split plot sistemu u četiri ponavljanja. Proučavani su hibridi: ZP SC 544, ZP SC 578, NS SC 5043, NS SC 540, KWS Luce i KWS Mikado. Ishrana je proučavana u četiri nivoa: kontrola, NPK, NPK+CaCO3 i NPK+stajnjak+CaCO3, a gustine u dva nivoa i to 54.900 i 59.500 biljaka ha-1. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su najveći uticaj na ispitivane osobine ispoljili faktori hibrid i ishrana, dok je gustina uglavnom nije pokazala značajan uticaj. Gustine uglavnom imaju uticaja na visinu stabla, masu klipa, masu zrna, masu 1000 zrna, randman i prinos zrna. Razmatrajući u trogodišnjem proseku, visinu biljaka, visinu stabla do klipa, broj listova, dužinu klipa, broj redova, masu klipa, masu zrna, masu 1000 zrna i randman može se konstatovati da je dovoljna samo primena NPK mineralnih hraniva, a da varijante sa krečnjakom i stajnjakom daju neznatno povećanje koje je skoro zanemarljivo. Jedino za broj zrna na klipu i prinos najveće vrednosti su ostvarene u varijanti NPK+CaCO3. Klaster analiza je pokazala da je prinos hibrida ZP578 i ZP544 najsličniji u ređem usevu u kontroli, dok hibridi NS 540 i KWS Mikado postižu slične vrednosti prinosa u obe gustine. Hibridi KWS Luce i KWS Mikado imaju najsličniji prinos u ređem usevu pri upotrebi NPK mineralnih hraniva. Hibrid ZP 544 je racionalnije gajiti u gušćem usevu sa dodatim NPK hranivima i krečnjakom, dok se hibrid KWS Luce može gajiti podjednako u obe gustine, uz upotrebu NPK hraniva...sr
dc.description.abstractUnfavorable conditions present on lowland pseudogley (low pH and high content of mobile aluminium) affects maize production. Aim of the experiment was to examine the influence of different repairing measures of pseudogley on morphological and productive traits of maize hybrids from FAO maturity group 500, during 2008, 2009 and 2010. Experiment was settled up in split-split plot system, with four replications. ZP SC 544, ZP SC 578, NS SC 5043, NS SC 540, KWS Luce and KWS Mikado were examined hybrids, while the mineral nutrition was examined in four levels: control, NPK, NPK+CaCO3 and NPK+manure+CaCO3, and crop density was in two levels: 54,900 and 59,500 plants ha-1. Results indicated that the highest impact on exaimed traits were showed hybrid and nutrition, while the crop density was insignificant. Crop density significantly influenced plant height, cob weight, grain weight, 1,000 grain weight, shelling percentage and grain yield. Three years average of plant height, height to ear, number of leaves, cob length, number of rows per cob, cob weight, grain weight, 1,000 grain weight and shelling percentage pointed that only NPK application was enought for value increasing and variants with lime and manure gave only slight increase of values, while number of grains per cob and grain yield had the highest values in NPK+CaCO3 variant. Cluster analysis showed that yield of ZP 578 and ZP 544 hybrids had the similar values in lower crop density, while NS 540 and KWS Mikado had similar values in both densities.KWS Luce and KWS Mikado had similar yield values in lower crop density in combination with NPK nutrients. Hybrid ZP 544 is reasonable to grow in higher density with application of NPK+CaCO3, while KWS Luce could be equally grow in both densities with NPK application...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjecthibridi kukuruzasr
dc.subjectmaize hybridsen
dc.subjectcrop densityen
dc.subjectplant nutritionen
dc.subjectmorphological and productive traitsen
dc.subjectgustine usevasr
dc.subjectishrana biljakasr
dc.subjectmorfološke i proizvodne osobinesr
dc.titleMorfološke i proizvodne osobine srednjeranih hibrida kukuruza u uslovima pojačane ishrane biljakasr
dc.titleMorphological and productive traits of middle-early maize hybrids in conditions of intensive nutritionen
dcterms.abstractГламочлија, Ђорђе; Драгичевић, Весна; Живановић, Љубиша; Станојковић-Себић, Aлександра; Мандић, Виолета; Пандуровић, Жељко Љ.; Морфолошке и производне особине средњераних хибрида кукуруза у условима појачане исхране биљака; Морфолошке и производне особине средњераних хибрида кукуруза у условима појачане исхране биљака;

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