Приказ основних података о дисертацији

The role of civil and political actors in the process of institutional reform and capacity development of the judiciary in Serbia from 2002 to 2012

dc.contributor.advisorStojiljković, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherMilenković, Dejan
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Vesna
dc.creatorPurić, Olivera V.
dc.description.abstractRad istražuje ulogu i doprinos razvojne pomoći u procesu programiranja i implementacije pravosudne reforme u Srbiji od 2002. do 2012. godine. Pojam razvojne pomoći u ovom radu obuhvata donacije i projektnu pomoć međunarodnih partnera u širem smislu, što obuhvata kako međunarodne organizacije tako i razvojne agencije i/ili programe stranih država. Pod pravosudnom reformom rad primarno podrazumeva postizanje nezavisnosti pravosuđa u čijoj je osnovi stručnost nosilaca pravosudne funkcije. Stoga, posebno mesto u istaživanju zauzima jedinstveni slučaj transformacije Pravosudne akademije od projekta do državne institucije u funkciji osnaživanja kriterijuma stručnosti. Osnovna hipoteza rada je da je uspešnost reforme pravosuđa uslovljena primenom kriterijuma stručnosti u izboru, vrednovanju i napredovanju nosilaca pravosudne funkcije. Sprovedeno istraživanje potvrđuje hipotezu i donosi zaključak da nije postignut značajan uspeh u reformi pravosuđa u Srbiji. Utvrdili smo da su stagnaciji reforme doprineli, u jednakoj meri, s jedne strane, međunarodni partneri nekoherentnim pristupom programiranju reforme, a s druge, nacionalni partneri u Srbiji nedostatkom stvarne potražnje za reformom. Sadejstvom ovih razvojnih partnera u primeni tehnika izomorfne mimikrije i preuranjenog opterećenja došlo se do mešovitog rezultata - kapaciteti pravosuđa u Srbiji su u izvesnoj meri uvećani ali nezavisnost suda nije. Rad na osnovu ovih nalaza daje preporuke za unapređenje programiranja i realizaciju reforme pravosuđa kao što su koherentni strateški mehanizmi, koordinacija razvojnih partnera i depolitizacija reformskog procesa.sr
dc.description.abstractThe study explores the role and contribution of development assistance within the process of programming and implementation of judicial reform in Serbia from 2002 to 2012. The notion of development assistance, according to the study, includes donations and project assistance from international partners in a wider sense such as from international organizations, development agencies and/or bilateral assistance. The study defines judicial reform as the independence of the judiciary, which is based on the competency of judges and prosecutors. Thus, special attention is given to the unique case of the transformation of the Judicial Academy from a project to a state institution with the mandate to enhance the competency criteria and the merit based system for judges and prosecutors. The basic hypothesis of the study is that the success of judicial reform is conditioned by the application of competency criteria in the appointment, evaluation and career advancement of judges and prosecutors. The research confirms the hypothesis and leads to the conclusion that the judicial reform in Serbia did not achieve significant successes. It concludes that both the international and national partners contributed equally to the stagnation of the judicial reform process. While international partners applied incoherent approaches, through their reform programming, the national partners exercised a lack of genuine reform demand and commitment. The joint actions of these development partners in the implementation of techniques of isomorphic mimicry and the premature load bearing led to mixed results – the capacity of the judiciary in Serbia has been increased to a certain extent, but the independence of the judiciary has not been reached. The study, based on these conclusions provides recommendations for the improvement of programming and implementation of judicial reform such as through a coherent strategic programming mechanism, coordination of development partners and depolarization of the reform process.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет политичких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectDemokratska tranzicija i konsolidacijasr
dc.subjectdemocratic transition and consolidationen
dc.subjectrazvojna pomoćsr
dc.subjectreforma pravosuđasr
dc.subjectprogramiranje reformesr
dc.subjectnezavisnost pravosuđasr
dc.subjectstručnost nosilaca pravosudne funkcijesr
dc.subjectPravosudna akademijasr
dc.subjectdevelopment assistanceen
dc.subjectjudicial reformen
dc.subjectreform programmingen
dc.subjectindependence of judiciaryen
dc.subjectcompetency of judges and prosecutorsen
dc.subjectthe Judicial Academyen
dc.titleUloga civilnih i političkih aktera u procesima institucionalne reforme i razvoja kapaciteta pravosuđa u Srbiji od 2002. do 2012. godinesr
dc.titleThe role of civil and political actors in the process of institutional reform and capacity development of the judiciary in Serbia from 2002 to 2012en
dcterms.abstractСтојиљковић, Зоран; Миленковић, Дејан; Петровић, Весна; Пурић, Оливера В.; Улога цивилних и политичких актера у процесима институционалне реформе и развоја капацитета правосуђа у Србији од 2002. до 2012. године; Улога цивилних и политичких актера у процесима институционалне реформе и развоја капацитета правосуђа у Србији од 2002. до 2012. године;

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