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Organizational factors as a predictors of innovativeness in hotel industry in Serbia

dc.contributor.advisorBlešić, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherPopov-Raljić, Jovanka
dc.contributor.otherGrubić-Nešić, Leposava
dc.contributor.otherTerzić, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherBlešić, Ivana
dc.creatorJovičić, Ana
dc.description.abstractHotelijerstvo predstavlja važnu komponentu razvoja turizma u Srbiji. Predmet doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje trenutnog stanja i stepena inovativnosti hotela u Srbiji. U današnjem poslovnom okruženju sposobnost hotela da pruži inovativna rešenja svojim gostima osnov je za stvaranje i održavanje konkurentske prednosti. Istraživanje stanja inovativnosti jedno je od ključnih sredstava za dobijanje informacija u kojim segmentima poslovanja je neophodno vršiti poboljšanja kako bi se obezbedio optimalan kvalitet hotelskog proizvoda i postigao što bolji poslovni rezultat. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi u kom stepenu organizacioni faktori: transformaciono liderstvo, transakciono liderstvo, dimenzije organizacione klime i dimenzije organizacionog učenje dorpinose inovacijama u hotelima, kao i da ispita meuodnose ovih varijabli. Takodje u disertaciji je ispitano u kojoj meri inovacije utiču na stvaranje vrednosti za goste. Metodologija istraživanja obuhvatila je kabinetsko i terensko istraživanje. Uzorak je ĉinilo 512 ispitanika zaposlenih u 57 hotela prve, druge i treće kategorije u Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da organizacioni faktori kao što su transformaciono liderstvo i transakciono liderstvo, organizaciona klima (dimenzije Kohezija, Podrška inovacijama, Poverenje i Priznanja) i organizaciono učenje utiču na inovativnost hotela, kao i da inovativnost hotela (posebno u pogledu inovacija u odnosu sa klijentima, inovacije tehnologije, procesa i upravljaĉke inovacije) direktno doprinosi stvaranju vrednosti za goste hotela. Rezultati ovog istraživanja predstavljaju novu nauĉnu informaciju i mogli bi biti od značajne pomoći menažmentu i vlasnicima hotela, zaposlenima, strukovnim udruženjima, nastavnim kadrovima u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, naučnicima i istraživačima i drugima interesnim stranama, jer se naučno relevantni rezultati mogu upotrebiti u kreiranju budućih odluka, mera i standarda vezanih za upravljanje ljudskim resursima, otklanjanje prepreka, razvoj i promociju inovativnih aktivnosti i definisanje daljih pravaca razvoja hotelskog proizvoda.sr
dc.description.abstractHotel industry is an important component of tourism development in Serbia. The scope of the doctoral dissertation is to examine the current situation and the level of innovativeness in hotels in Serbia. In today's business environment the ability of a hotel to provide innovative solutions to its guests is the basis for creating and maintaining competitive advantage. The research of the current state of innovativeness is one of the key tools for acquiring information which business segments need to be improved in order to ensure optimal quality of a hotel product and achieve better business results. The aim of the research is to determine the effect of the organizational factors such astransformational leadership, transactional leadership, organizational climate dimensions and organizational learning dimensions on innovations in hotels, as wellas to determine relations between these variables. In addition, the aim of thesis is to determine the effect of innovation on the creation of value for hotel guests. The research methodology involved desk and field research. The sample consisted of 512 respondents employed in 57 hotels of the first, second and third category in Serbia. The results showed that organizational factors such as transformational and transactional leadership, organizational climate (the Cohesion, Support for innovation, Trust and Recognition dimensions) and organizational learning affect hotel innovativeness, as well as that innovations (especially in terms of innovations related to customers, technology innovation, process innovation and management innovation) directly contribute to creating value for the hotel guests. The results of this study are new scientific information and may be a significant practical guide for hotel management, hotel owners, employees, professionals, teaching staff in the tourism and hospitality industry, scientists and researchers and other stakeholders. Scientifically relevant results can be used in making future decisions, measures and standards related to human resources management, removing obstacles, the development and promotion of innovative activities and defining further directions of development of the hotel product.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултет
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47007/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Саду
dc.subjectHotel industry
dc.subjectorganizaciona klima
dc.subjectorganizaciono učenje
dc.subjectvrednost za gosta
dc.subjectorganizational climate
dc.subjectorganizational learning
dc.subjectvalue for gues
dc.titleOrganizacioni faktori kao prediktori inovativnosti u hotelijerstvu Srbijesr
dc.titleOrganizational factors as a predictors of innovativeness in hotel industry in Serbiaen
dcterms.abstractБлешић Ивана; Попов-Раљић Јованка; Грубић-Нешић Лепосава; Терзић Aлександра; Блешић Ивана; Јовичић Aна;

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