Приказ основних података о дисертацији

Migraine population study in Belgrade

dc.contributor.advisorRavanić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherSlankamenac, Petar
dc.contributor.otherPantović, Mihailo M.
dc.contributor.otherPantović, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherJevtović, Isidor
dc.creatorSretenović, Srđan Lj.
dc.description.abstractMigrena je bolest koja se danas tretira kao hronično oboljenje koje umnogome ugrožava kvalitet života obolelih, naročito žena, čak više nego cerebrovaskularne i kardiovaskularne bolesti. Epidemiološke studije migrene sa pravom ističu značaj njene raširenosti. Sa aspekta neuroepidemiologije migrene u Srbiji, istraživanja učestalosti i faktora rizika koji su relevantni, praktično su nepotpuna. Cilj rada: je da prikaže sociodemografske i kliničke karakteristike osoba sa migrenom u populaciji urbanog stanovništva. Metode rada: Studijski podaci dobijeni su tokom epidemiološke ankete sprovedene na oko 2.000 ispitanika koji su imali od 16 do 82 godine, oba pola, a po prethodno standardizovanom anketnom upitniku. Sprovedena je terenska studija, sa ličnim intervjuisanjem, maja 2006. godine u Beogradu. Rezultati: Učestalost migrene u populaciji analiziranih ispitanika (772 muškarca, 1.228 žena) prema ukupnom uzorku bila je 11,05% (kod žena 12,95%, kod muškaraca 8,03%). Distribucija osoba sa migrenom u dobnim grupama bila je sledeća: < 20 godina 6,33%, 20–29 41,18%, 30–39 16,29%, 40–49 16,29%, 50–59 12,67% i > 59 7,24%. Simptomi aure bili su prisutni kod 3,2% ispitanika. Većina obolelih od migrene je imalo jedan izolovani provokativni faktor (40,72%), i to je najčešće bio stres. Najčešći konkomitantni simptomi migrenskih ataka bili su: fotofobija (kod 14,93% obolelih) i mučnina u 11,76%. Većina obolelih od migrene imala je formalno obrazovanje: 54,3% višu školu/univerzitet, 43,44% srednju školu, a 2,26% osmogodišnje obrazovanje. Osobe sa malim ukupnim mesečnim prihodima ređe su obolevale od migrene (4,52%) nego osobe koje više zarađuju (44,34%). Zaključak: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, nisu utvrđene značajne razlike u vrednostima posmatranih parametara u poređenju sa sličnim studijama sprovedenim u Evropi i SAD. Bolje edukovano i bogatije stanovništvo češće boluje od migrene.sr
dc.description.abstractMigraine is a disease which is considered as a chronic disease that significantly threatens the quality of patients life, particularly women, even more than cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. Migraine epidemiological studies rightly emphasize importance of its scope. From the point of view of migraine neuroepidemiology in Serbia, research in the prevalence and relevant risk factors are practically incomplete. Objective: The objective of this paper is to present sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people with migraine in the Belgrade citizens population. Methods: Study data were collected during the epidemiological survey performed on about 2000 respondents aged between 16-82 years, of both genders, in accordance with the standard predefined questionnaire. The field study has been performed, with personalized interview, during May 2006, in Belgrade. Results: Migraine frequency in the population of analyzed subjects (772 males, 1228 females) was 11,05% (for females 12,95%, for males 8,03%). The distribution of people with migraine in age groups was the following: <20 years 6,33%, 20-29 41,18%, 30-39 16,29%, 40-49 16,29%, 50-59 12,67% and >59 7,24%. The symptoms of аura were present in 3,2% of subjects. Most patients suffered by migraine had one isolated provocative factor (40,72%), and mostly it has been caused by stress.The most common accompanying symptoms of migraine attack were: photophobia (in 14,93% sufferers) and nausea (11,76%). The majority of migraineurs had formal education: 54,3% college/university, 43,44% high school, and 2,26% elementary school degree. The people with low monthly income had less frequent migraine (4,52%), compared to those who earn more (44,34%). Conclusion: In accordance with the produced results, significant differences of values of the evaluated parameters were not found in comparison to similar studies performed in Europe and USA. Better educated and richer population more frequently suffers of migraine.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет медицинских наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjecturbana populacijasr
dc.titlePopulaciona studija migrene u Beogradusr
dc.titleMigraine population study in Belgradeen
dcterms.abstractРаванић, Драган; Сланкаменац, Петар; Пантовић, Михаило М.; Јевтовић, Исидор; Пантовић, Весна; Сретеновић, Срђан Љ.; Популациона студија мигрене у Београду; Популациона студија мигрене у Београду;

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