Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Examination biological effects of the extract Crataegus nigra Wald. et Kit berries

dc.contributor.advisorJanković, Slobodan
dc.contributor.otherDobrić, Silva
dc.contributor.otherPavlović-Muratspahić, Dragana
dc.contributor.otherStefanović, Srđan
dc.contributor.otherKostić, Marina J.
dc.creatorPopović-Milenković, Marija T.
dc.description.abstractCrataegus nigra, crni glog, može biti žbun ili nisko drvo. Njegovo stanište su plavni, aluvijalni tereni kraj većih reka u Mađarskoj, Srbiji, Hrvatskoj. Sam rod Crataegus je vrlo bogat vrstama i mnoge od njih su detaljno fitohemijski i farmakološki ispitivane. Hemijskom karakterizacijom različitih vrsta roda Crataegus je utvrđeno prisustvo flavonoida, flavonoidnih glikozida, procijanidina, dok su farmakološka ispitivanja pokazala kardioprotektivno, antioksidativno, antimikrobno, gastroprotektivno delovanje. Međutim u dosadašnjim ispitivanjima vrste Crataegus nigra istraživanja su bila usmerena samo na botaničke i morfološke karakteristike. U literaturi nema podataka o hemijskom sastavu i farmakološkim osobinama ove vrste. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se odredi hemijski profil ove vrste gloga, kao i utvrđivanje biološke aktivnosti i farmakoloških efekata vodeno-etanolnog ekstrakta plodova C. nigra. Za predviđene analize pripremljen je ekstrakt plodova C. nigra sa 80% etanolom. Primenom referentne metodologije određen je sadržaj ukupnih fenola, flavonoida i procijanidina. Izvršena je identifikacija fenolnih jedinjenja pomoću 45 standardnih supstanci. U in vitro uslovima primenom DPPH testa određena je antioksidativna aktivnost ekstrakta. Ispitivanje farmakoloških efekata sprovedeno je primenom odgovarajućih metodologija pri čemu je određivan anksiolitički, hipnotički efekat i antimikrobna aktivnost etanolnog ekstrakta plodova crnog
dc.description.abstractCrataegus nigra, black hawthorn, may grow either into shrubs or small trees. Its habitat is the alluvial flood plain along the larger rivers in Hungary, Serbia and Croatia. The genus Crataegus is very rich in species and many of them have been phytochemically and pharmacologically examined thoroughly. Chemical characterization of different species of Crataegus has revealed the presence of flavonoids, flavonoid glycoside, procyanidins, while pharmacological analysis has shown cardioprotective, antioxidative, antimicrobial, gastroprotective effects. However, the previous studies in Crataegus nigra species were focused only on botanical and morphological characteristics. In the literature, there is no data concerning the chemical composition and pharmacological properties of this species. The aim of this research is to determine the chemical profile of this hawthorn species, as well as to determine the biological activity and pharmacological effects of water-ethanol extracts of C. nigra fruits. For the planned analysis, C.nigra fruit extract was prepared in 80% ethanol. Applying reference methodology, the total content of phenols, flavonoids and procyanidins was determined. Phenolic compounds were identified using 45 standard substances. In vitro, antioxidant activity of the extract was determined using DPPH test. Studies on the pharmacological effects were carried out using appropriate methodologies while assessing anxiolytic effect, hypnotic effect and antimicrobial activity of the ethanol extract of black hawthorn fruit. The research findings showed the dominant presence of flavonoid glycosides, among which rutin, isoquercetin and hyperoside stand out by their quantity. The presence of numerous phenolic compounds and procyianidins was proved. The studied extract showed antioxidant effect. When compared with the examined standards (BHT, BHA and quercetin) it was weaker, but it ranked equal in antioxidant activities to other hawthorn species. C.nigra fruit ethanol extract showed significant anxiolytic effect. This statistical significance was noticed as compared to negative control, but was not noticed as compared to positive control (diazepam). Hypnotic effect of the extract also had statistical significance as compared to negative control. Antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria was the strongest at the highest applied concentrations. However, not one of the applied concentrations led to growth inhibition of the fungus Candida albicans.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет медицинских наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectCrataegus nigra Wald. et. Kitsr
dc.subjectfitohemijska anlizasr
dc.subjectantimikrobno dejstvosr
dc.titleIspitivanje bioloških efekata ekstrakta ploda Crataegus nigra Wald. et Kitsr
dc.titleExamination biological effects of the extract Crataegus nigra Wald. et Kit berriesen
dcterms.abstractЈанковић, Слободан; Костић, Марина Ј.; Павловић-Муратспахић, Драгана; Добрић, Силва; Стефановић, Срђан; Поповић-Миленковић, Марија Т.;

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