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The study of influence of biostimulation factors on microbiological degradation of main components in petroleum-type pollutant

dc.contributor.advisorJovančićević, Branimir
dc.contributor.otherVrvić, Miroslav
dc.contributor.otherGržetić, Ivan
dc.contributor.otherAntić, Mališa
dc.contributor.otherBeškoski, Vladimir
dc.creatorRamadan, Muftah Mohamed Ali
dc.description.abstractCilj ove teze bio je ispitivanje uticaja biostimulacionih faktora na degradaciju glavnih komponenti naftnog zagadjivača. Kao najznačajnije komponente, sa stanovišta hemije životne sredine, odabrani su aromatični ugljvodonici u naftnom zagadjivaču. Zemljište zagađeno mazutom je iskopano zagađeno zemljište iz kruga jedne termoelektrane. Usled kvara objekata termoelektrane zemljište je bilo zagađeno mazutom i sedimentom iz rezervoara za mazut tokom godinu dana. Zemljište zagađeno mazutom je ravnomerno raspoređeno preko neispranog i nesortiranog peska iz reke Save. Rečni pesak je dodat kao materijal za povećanje zapremine i poroznosti. Piljevina od topole, bukve i hrasta je dodata kao materijal za povećanje retencionog kapaciteta vode ali i kao dodatni izvor ugljenika. U cilju homogenizacije komponente su promešane. Čitav homogenizovan materijal je zatim formiran u oblik halde. Konzorcijum mikroorganizama je izolovan iz zagađenog zemljišta. „Analytical profile index“ testovi su korišćeni za identifikaciju mikroorganizama. Broj mikroorganizama je određivan zasejavanjem odgovarajućih serijskih razblaženja na agrne ploče inkubirane na 28 °C. Nakon formiranja halda je jednom mesečno prskana biomasom mikrobiološkog konzorcijuma izolovanog iz zemljišta kontaminiranog mazutom (reinokulacija) i hranljivim supstancama (biostimulacija). Biosurfaktant tipa „biosolve“ je dodat haldi radi rastvaranja naftnog zagađivača. Tokom bioremedijacije halda je kvašena, okretana i mešana svake dve sedmice radi održavanja potrebne vlage i aerisanosti. Na početku ispitivanja, odmah nakon mešanja ali pre dodatka piljevine, biomase, hranljivih supstanci i biosurfaktanta, približno 10 m3 smeše sa halde je odvojeno sa strane za potrebe korišćenja kao kontrolna halda. Celokupana analitički postupak koji je primenjen na uzorke halde primenjen je i na kontrolne uzorke tokom nezavisnog paralelnog eksperimenta nebiostimulisane biodegradacije. Tokom perioda od šest meseci, uzorci su prikupljeni pet puta...sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis was the investigation of the influence of biostimulation factors on degradation of the main components of petroleum pollutant. As the most significant component, from the environmental chemistry point of view, the aromatic hydrocarbons in oil pollutant were chosen. The heavy fuel oil polluted soil was excavated contaminated soil from an energy power plant. Due to a breakdown of the energy power plant facilities, the soil had been polluted with heavy fuel oil (mazut) and sediment from a heavy fuel oil reservoir for a year. The mazut polluted soil was uniformly distributed over not rinsed ungraded sand from the Sava River. River sand was added as a bulking and porosity increasing material. The sawdust from poplar, beech, and oak was added in order to increase the retention water capacity, but as alternative additional carbon source as well. To ensure homogeneity, the components were mixed. The entire homogenized material was then formed into a biopile shape. A consortium of microorganisms was isolated from the polluted soil. Analytical profile index tests were used for identification of microorganisms. The number of microorganisms was determined by plating appropriate serial dilutions on agar plates incubated at 28 °C. After formation the biopile was sprayed once a month with the biomass of microbial consortia isolated from the heavy fuel oil – contaminated soil (re-inoculation) and nutritive substances (biostimulation). Biosurfactant of biosolve type was applied on the biopile to solubilize the oil pollutant. During bioremediation, the biopile was watered, turned and mixed each 2 weeks to maintain the required moisture and aeration levels. At the beginning of the study, immediately after mixing, but before the addition of sawdust, biomass, nutrient substances, and biosurfactant, approximately 10 m3 of the biopile mixture was set aside on the same waterproof asphalt surface, to be used as a control pile. The complete analytical procedure that was applied to the samples was also applied to the control samples during an independent parallel non-biostimulated biodegradation experiment...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectresidual fuel oilen
dc.subjectmethyl-phenanthrene isomersen
dc.subjectMetilfenantrenski izomerisr
dc.titleProučavanje uticaja biostimulacionih faktora na mikrobiološku razgradnju glavnih komponenata u zagađivaču naftnog tipasr
dc.titleThe study of influence of biostimulation factors on microbiological degradation of main components in petroleum-type pollutanten
dcterms.abstractЈованчићевић, Бранимир; Aнтић, Малиша; Гржетић, Иван; Бешкоски, Владимир; Врвић, Мирослав; Рамадан, Муфтах Мохамед Aли; Проучавање утицаја биостимулационих фактора на микробиолошку разградњу главних компонената у загађивачу нафтног типа; Проучавање утицаја биостимулационих фактора на микробиолошку разградњу главних компонената у загађивачу нафтног типа;

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