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Invariance of motor patterns in side-volleyed kick in football

dc.contributor.advisorIlić, Duško
dc.contributor.otherJanković, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherMolnar, Slavko
dc.creatorKostić, Saša B.
dc.description.abstractPredmet ove studije je stepen uspešnosti izvođenja bočnog volej udarca u fudbalu u osdnosu na kinematiku lopte i mehaničke uslove izvođenja pokreta. Studija je izrađena sa ciljem da se kod vrhunskih fudbalera odredi, iz aspekta razmene brzine i preciznosti, šema optimizovanja kretanja po kriterijumu efikasnosti i ekonomičnosti bočnog volej udarca. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 30 ispitanika – profesionalnih fudbalera koji su članovi nacionalne selekcije Srbije, i koji nastupaju u inostranim klubovima (FC Chelsea, FC Benfica, FC Genk, FC München 1860, FC Leiria, FC Košice, FC Luch – Energia, FC London City) i Super lige Srbije (FK Crvena zvezda, FK Partizan, FK OFK Beograd). Ispitanici su imali zadatak da izvedu bočni volej udarac gađajući gol loptom koja im je dolazila u tri visine i tri brzine. Uzorak varijabli se sastojao iz dve kriterijumske (brzina i visina lopte) i 25 prediktorskih varijabli. Merenje kinematskih varijabli je izvršeno u hali Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja pomoću 3D infra-crvenog sistema QUALISYS. Dobijeni podaci su obrađeni deskriptivnom i komparativnom statistikom. Utvrđena su dva načina izvođenja bočnog volej udarca u odnosu na brzinu i visinu lopte. Za visoke i brze lopte pokret se izvodi „zamrznutom“ pozicijom segmenata kinetičkog lanca, tj. koristi se relativno simultana kinematička šema. Za niske i spore lopte koristi se otvorena kinematička šema („bič“). Utvrđeno je postojanje promena u kinematičkoj adaptaciji lokomotornog aparata na različite mehaničke uslove izvođenja pokreta bočnog volej udarca. Povećanjem brzine dolazeće lopte povećava se brzina realizacije pokreta i skraćuje egzekutivna faza po trajanju. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se po principu Bernštajnovih sinergija slaganje brzina pojedinačnih segmenata odvija na različit način u odnosu na zadatu brzinu lopte. Potvrđena je generalna teorija upravljanja brzim pokretima u delu koji ukazuje da se fudbaler iz aspekta vizuelne percepcije najmanje adaptira na prebrze i prespore lopte. Postoji direktan uticaj brzine i visine lopte na održanje dinamičke stabilnosti sistema. Postoji sličan način upravljanja pokretom za niske i srednje lopte kada je u pitanju kontrola trajanja...sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this study is the degree of success of performing a side kick volley in football compared to the kinematics of the ball and the mechanical conditions of the movement performance. The study has been aimed in order to determine (define), from the aspect of the speed exchange rate and accuracy, the pattern of the optimizing the movement on the criterion of the side kick volley efficiency in the professional football players. The research has been conducted on 30 (thirty) subjects – the professional football players who are the members of the Serbian national team and who play in the foreign clubs (FC Chelsea, FC Benefica,FC Genk, FC München 1860 ,FC Leiria,FC Kosice, FC Luch – Energia, FC London City) and the members of the Serbian Super League ( FC Crvena Zvezda, FC Partizan, FC OFK Beograd). The respondents were asked to perform the side kick volley goal by hitting the ball coming in three (3) heights and three (3) speeds. The sample of the variables consisted of two (2) criteria (the speed and the height of the ball) and 25 predictor variables. The measurement of the kinematic variables has been carried out in the hall of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education with the 3D infra – red system QUALISYS. The gathered data have been analysed by the descriptive and comparative statistics. Two ways of performing the side kick volley in terms of the speed and the height of the ball have been given. For the high and fast balls the movement is being performed in the frozen position of the kinetic chain segments, i. e. the relatively simultaneous kinematic scheme is being used. For the low and slow balls the open kinematic scheme (“whip”) is being used. The existance of the changes in kinematic adaptation of the locomotor system to different mechanic conditions when performing the side volley shot has been indetified. With (by) the increase of the coming ball speed, the speed of the realization of the movement is being increased and the lasting of the executive phase is being reduces. The results indicate that, by the principle of Bernstein’s synergies, the matching of the speeds of the individual segments has been performed in a a way different from the given speed of the ball. The general theory of the fast movement control, in the section indicating that the football player, from the aspect of visual perception adapts the least to the balls coming too fast or too slow, has been confirmed. There is a direct effect of the speed and height of the ball on the maintenance of the dynamic stability of the system. There is a similar way of managing the movement for the low and medium balls considering the control of the lasting period...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитањаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectbočni volejsr
dc.subjectside volleyen
dc.subjectfootball playersen
dc.subjectkinematic schemeen
dc.subjectbiomechanical variablesen
dc.subjectkinematička šemasr
dc.subjectbiomehaničke varijablesr
dc.titleInvarijantnost motornih obrazaca pri bočnom volej udarcu u fudbalusr
dc.titleInvariance of motor patterns in side-volleyed kick in footballen
dcterms.abstractИлић, Душко; Молнар, Славко; Јанковић, Aлександар; Костић, Саша Б.; Инваријантност моторних образаца при бочном волеј ударцу у фудбалу; Инваријантност моторних образаца при бочном волеј ударцу у фудбалу;

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