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Interactive teaching of mathematics in younger grades of primary school

dc.contributor.advisorDejić, Mirko
dc.contributor.otherLipkovski, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherBanđur, Veljko
dc.creatorMrđa, Mirela R.
dc.description.abstractDisertacija je zasnovana na kompleksnom istraživanju čiji su rezultati empirijski pozitivno evaluirani. U skladu sa savremenom metodikom nastave matematike, stepen interaktivnosti nastave/učenja predstavlja osnovni kriterijum kvaliteta procesa osnovnog matematičkog obrazovanja. Shodno tome, cilj našeg istraživanja je da sačinimo originalnu i realno izvodljivu metodiku nastave/učenja matematike u mlađim razredima osnovne škole, sa što većim stepenom interaktivnosti. U tu svrhu, dominantnim korišćenjem metode komparativne teorijske analize, sačinili smo teorijske osnove istraživanja. Deskriptivno-analitičkom metodom odredili smo pojam i karakteristike interaktivne nastave, odabrali i opisali najbitnije nastavne sisteme i metode, oblike rada i nastavna sredstva. Metodički pristup interaktivnoj nastavi, za svaki razred posebno, sadrži originalne metodičke okvire sa modelima interaktivne obrade svih nastavnih jedinica. Metodiku interaktivne nastave matematike u četvrtom razredu smo posebno pažljivo sačinili i podrobno opisali, jer je na osnovu nje radila eksperimentalna grupa. Pri tom smo uniformno koristili originalnu strukturu operativne faze časova interaktivne obrade nastavnih jedinica. Najbitniju prednost u interaktivnoj obradi nastavnih jedinica, po opisanoj strukturi, čini značajno veće angažovanje misaonih aktivnosti učenika na osnovu kojih se vrši zaključivanje. Pri tom se induktivno zaključivanje koristi u značajno manjoj meri, uglavnom za potvrđivanje, proširivanje i objedinjavanje obrađenih sadržaja. Iako se empirijsko istraživanje odnosi samo na uzorak iz populacije učenika četvrtih razreda, može se pretpostaviti da bi radom po našoj metodici učenici postigli još bolje rezultate. Korišćenje računara koje nismo uključili u rad eksperimentalne grupe, pozitivno bi uticalo na postignuće učenika u interaktivnom učenju
dc.description.abstractThe thesis is based on a complex research whose results were empirically positively evaluated. According to the modern methodic of teaching mathematics, the degree of interactivity in teaching/learning represents a basic criteria the quality of the process of primary mathematical education. Therefore, the objective of our research is to make an original relatively feasible methodic of teaching/learning of mathematics in younger grades of primary school, with the highest possible degree of interactivity. For this purpose, we created theoretical research fundamentals by dominantly using methods of comparative theoretical analysis. By using the descriptiveanalytic method we defined the term and the characteristics of interactive teaching, selected and described the most important teaching systems and methods, forms of work and teaching aids. Methodic approach to teaching of mathematics, for each grade in particular, consists of original methodic frames with models of interactive processing of all teaching units. Methodic of interactive teaching of mathematics in fourth grade was particularly carefully made and thoroughly described because the work of the experimental group was based on it. Thereby we uniformly used the original structure of the operative stage of the classes of interactive processing of teaching units. The most important advantage of interactive processing of teaching units, according to the structure described, consist of a significantly greater engagement of brain activity of the pupil on basis of which the pupil reasons. Thereby inductive reasoning is used significantly less, mostly for confirmation, expansion and consolidation of the processed content. Although the empirical research relates only to the pattern of population of pupils from the fourth grade, it can be assumed that by working according to our methodic the pupils would achieve even greater results. Usage of computers which was not included in the work of the experimental group would have a positive impact of the pupils’ achievements in interactive learning of mathematics.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Учитељски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectinteraktivna nastava/učenjesr
dc.subjectinteractive teaching/learningen
dc.subjectproblemska situacijasr
dc.subjectfleksibilna diferencijacijasr
dc.subjectrad u blago heterogenim grupamasr
dc.subjectmetodički okvirisr
dc.subjectmodeli interaktivne obradesr
dc.subjectproblem situationen
dc.subjectflexible differentiationen
dc.subjectwork in slightly heterogeneous groupsen
dc.subjectmethodic framesen
dc.subjectmodels of interactive processingen
dc.subjectempiric evaluationen
dc.titleInteraktivna nastava matematike u mlađim razredima osnovne školesr
dc.titleInteractive teaching of mathematics in younger grades of primary schoolen
dcterms.abstractДејић, Мирко; Липковски, Aлександар; Банђур, Вељко; Мрђа, Мирела Р.; Интерактивна настава математике у млађим разредима основне школе; Интерактивна настава математике у млађим разредима основне школе;

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