Приказ основних података о дисертацији

dc.contributor.advisorLilić, Stevan
dc.contributor.otherDrenovak-Ivanović, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherDimitrijević, Predrag M.
dc.creatorMilenković, Marko P.
dc.description.abstractЈавна управа, као и начин на који она обавља своје послове, доживела је велику трансформацију у последњих тридесет година услед значајних глобалних политичких, правних и економских промена. Важан аспект управних реформи представља широко распрострањено коришћење јавних агенција као облика организације управе, у циљу обављања растућег броја послова који захтевају висок ниво специјализованих знања.sr
dc.description.abstractPublic administration organisation and the performance of public tasks have significantly altered over the past 30 years through global political, legal and economic change. An important aspect of the administrative reforms is the widespread use of public agencies as a model of administrative organisation to perform an increasing number of specific tasks requiring high levels of expertise. This PhD thesis analyses the agencification of public administration and the specificities of the process in the field of environmental protection at the European level and in Serbia. The main focus of the research is on the legal aspects of the phenomenon, namely the regulatory functions of agencies at the European level: their interaction with other relevant bodies and actors in the regulatory process; their performance of different administrative tasks (including inspections); and their decision-making roles. The thesis examines specific aspects of the agencification process, the transformation of Serbian public administration in the context of European integration, and the influence this transformation has had on environmental governance. The goal of the research is to examine the evolution and current position of environmental agencies in the European Union’s and Serbia’s legal orders, to analyse the agencies’ interaction with complex administrative arrangements developed at the supranational level, and to argue for enhancing their independence and (regulatory) competencies. The further goal is to contribute to legal scholarship on agencification at national and supranational levels, and especially in the field of environmental protection. The thesis consists of the introduction, three parts and the conclusion. The introduction frames and contextualises the research topic, goals and scientific relevance, and it provides a methodological framework. Part one examines the agencification process primarily at the European level but also nationally. The thesis draws attention to EU-level agency position, typology and administrative decision-making, which are highlighted as challenging issues for legal analysis.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Правни факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179023/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectjavne agencijesr
dc.subjectPublic agenciesen
dc.subjectPravo životne sredinesr
dc.subjectEvropska unijasr
dc.subjectorganizacija upravesr
dc.subjectupravna delatnostsr
dc.subjectimplementacija propisasr
dc.subjectdonošenje odlukasr
dc.subjectevropske integracije Srbijesr
dc.subject%nvironmental lawen
dc.subjectEuropean Unionen
dc.subjectadministrative organisationen
dc.subjectadministrative activitiesen
dc.subjectimplementation of legislationen
dc.subjectEuropean integration of Serbiaen
dc.titleЈавне агенције и заштита животне средине у праву Европске уније и у праву Србијеsr
dcterms.abstractЛилић, Стеван; Дреновак-Ивановић, Мирјана; Димитријевић, Предраг М.; Миленковић, Марко П.; Javne agencije i zaštita životne sredine u pravu Evropske unije i u pravu Srbije;

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