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Mandatory legal aid in criminal proceedings

dc.contributor.advisorJekić, Zagorka
dc.contributor.otherZlatić, Milica
dc.contributor.otherAćimović, Mihajlo
dc.creatorMršević, Zorica
dc.description.abstractObavezna odbrana je stručna odbrana, u zakonski određenim slučajevima obavezna u krivičnom postupku za okrivljene izloženim povećanim procesnim rizicima. Ti rizici uzrokovani su nekim ličnim hendikepima koji dovode do smanjene procesne kompetencije, težinom krivičnih dela, kao i nekim drugim procesnim okolnostima koje im otežavaju ili čak potpuno onemogućavaju ličnu odbranu. Analiziraju se ciljevi postojanja i funkcionisanja obavezne odbrane unutar krivičnog postupka kao i njen uticaj na tok postuka. U tezi se, pored domaće i inostrane teorije, koriste i rezultati četiri opsežna istrživanja: „Osuđenici o advokatima“, „Advokati o obaveznoj odbrani“, „100 okrivljenih Okružnog suda u Beogradu“ i „Stručna odbrana okrivljenih za krivična dela privrednog kriminaliteta“. Teza je sistematizovana u četiri poglavlja od kojih Prvo obuhvata definisanje obavezne odbrane, kao i odnos sa drugim srodnim vidovima odbrane, posebno odbranom siromašnih. U Drugom poglavlju se kroz istorijski i uporedno pravni prikaz uočava geneza i univerzalnost ovog procesnog instituta u prošlim i savremenim krivičnim postupcima. Treće poglavlje sadrži analizu pozicije i uloge obavezne odbrane u krivičnom postupku i njenu osnovanost na pocesnim načelima savesnosti, nezavisnosti, monofukcionalnosti i zamenljivosti. Analiziraju se posebni slučajevi obavezne odbrane kao i sličnosti i razlike sa srodnim institutima građanskog i upravnog postupka, kroz zajednički ratio legis upoređivanih instituta. Četvrto poglavlje sadrži izlaganje o položaju i ulozi obaveznog branioca u pojedinim fazama krivičnog postupka, od prethodnog postupka sve do postupka po vanrednim pravnim lekovima. Zaključna razmatranja daju moguće smernice daljeg razvoja tog instituta na osnovu svih sakupljenih, sistematizovanih i izloženih saznanja o obaveznoj odbrani. Predlaže se da obaveznost počne sa prvim ispitivanjem okrivljenog i da se mora popraviti kvalitet odbrane po službenoj dužnosti, pošto se najveći broj obaveznih odbrana realizuje upravo na taj oficijelni način. Predlaže se niz mera kako da obavezna odbrana bude pre svega put profesionalne afirmacije advokata a ne samo neudobna dužnost. Uočava se da je poverenje između branioca i okrivljenog presudno za kvalitet odbrane, više nego materijalni momenat pa se predlažu mere za jačanje tog elementa obavezne odbrane.sr
dc.description.abstractMandatory legal aid is defence by attorney, implemented in criminal proceedings in cases when defendants are exposed to high procedural risks, e.g. if charged for serious crimes, or when there are reasons of a personal nature which made them incompetent for personal defence or even to realise the need of having an attorney to defend him. Mandatory legal aid reflects concern of society for defendants in these cases. There is analysed the existence and functioning of mandatory defense within the criminal proceedings as well as its influence on the proceedings. Iin addition to domestic and foreign theories, in the thesis are used the results of four extensive researches: "Prisoners of lawyers", "Lawyers on mandatory legal aid", "100 defendants in cases of the District Court in Belgrade" and "Expert defense of the defendants chareged for offenses of fraud". The thesis is systematized in four chapters of which the First one involves defining the mandatory legal aid and the relationship with other related aspects and other kinds of defense, especially defense of the poor. In the Second chapter, through comparative and historical legal display, it was shown the genesis, universality and versatility of this institute in modern criminal proceedings. The Third Chapter comprises the analyse of the position and role of mandatory legal aid in criminal proceedings, special cases of mandatory legal aid, as well as the similarities and differences with related institutes of civil and administrative proceedings. There are also analysis of the legal aid ground on procedural principles of conscientiousness, independence, mono- funcionality and substitutability. Thus is provided the complete image displayed through the establishment of relationships between these elements, and the consequences on other procedural institutions and relationships that are considered. The Fourth Chapter contains a presentation on the status and role of mandatory legal aid counsel in all stages of criminal proceedings, from the previous procedure to proceedings of the extraordinary legal remedies. Concluding observations provide possible directions of further development of the institute on the basis of all collected, systematized and presented findings on mandatory legal aid. It is proposed that the mandatoru legal aid starts with the first examination of the defendant and that it must be improved the quality of ex officio legal aid since the largest number of mandatory legal aid is realized officially. Series of measures are also proposed as to reform mandatory legal aid as prominent attorneys’duty leading to professional affirmation, rather than only uncomfortable, undesired duty. It is emphasizes that the trust between attorney and the defendant is crucial for the quality of defense, more than its financial aspects. Therefore several measures are proposed to strengthen the relation of the defence attorney and the defendants.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Правни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectobavezna odbranasr
dc.subjectmandatory legal aiden
dc.subjectprocesna nekompetencija okrivljenogsr
dc.subjecttežina krivičnog delasr
dc.subjectodnos sa odbranom siromašnihsr
dc.subjectbranilac po službenoj dužnostisr
dc.subjectbranilac pri prvom ispitivanju okrivljenogsr
dc.subjectobavezeni branilac u postupcima po pravnim lekovimasr
dc.subjectpoverenje između stručnog branioca i okrivljenogsr
dc.subjectprocedural incompetence of the defendanten
dc.subjecttheserious nature of the charged crimeen
dc.subjectthe relationship with the defense of the pooren
dc.subjectoffical defence attorneyen
dc.subjectofficial attorney as mandatory at the first cross examination of the defendanten
dc.subjectthe defence attorney as mandatory in proceedings of legal remediesen
dc.subjecttrust between the defnece attorney and the defendanten
dc.titleObavezna odbrana u krivičnom postupkusr
dc.titleMandatory legal aid in criminal proceedingsen
dcterms.abstractЈекић, Загорка; Златић, Милица; Aћимовић, Михајло; Мршевић, Зорица; Обавезна одбрана у кривичном поступку; Обавезна одбрана у кривичном поступку;

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