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Endocrine and metabolic response to maximal exercise test in elite athletes with different body fat percentage

dc.contributor.advisorMazić, Sanja
dc.contributor.otherMicić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherTrajković, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherStarčević, Vesna
dc.creatorĐelić, Marina
dc.description.abstractU poslednjih 20 godina pandemija prekomerne uhranjenosti i gojaznosti u razvijenom svetu, sa ozbiljnim posledicama po ljudsko zdravlje, navela je naučnike da intenziviraju istraživanja regulatornih mehanizama koji leže u osnovi energetske homeostaze. Kako je fizička aktivnost način potrošnje energije i uvek preporučivana mera u cilju smanjenja telesne mase, a naročito mase masnog tkiva, naučno opravdano je bilo ispitati endokrini i metabolički odgovor na različite tipove fizičke aktivnosti kod osoba sa različitim procentom telesnih masti. Cilj istraživanja ovog rada bio je da se ispita da li postoje razlike u endokrinom i metaboličkom odgovoru neposredno nakon testa fizičkog opterećenja i u oporavku kod osoba sa različitim procentom telesnih masti a koji se redovno bave fizičkom aktivnošću (vrhunski sportisti) i ispitanika koji se ne bave aktivno sportom. Ispitivanjem su bili obuhvaćeni vrhunski sportisti muškog pola podeljeni u dve grupe: prvu grupu činili su vrhunski sportisti vaterpolisti (visok procenat telesnih masti za sportiste); drugu grupu činili su odbojkaši (nizak procenat telesnih masti). Kontrolnu grupu činile su osobe muškog pola sličnog uzrasta koje se ne bave fizičkom aktivnošću više od 10 sati nedeljno. Svaki ispitanik je prethodno dao pismeni pristanak za učešće u studiji. Nakon antropometrijskih merenja, svi ispitanici bili su izloženi fizičkom opterećenju na tredmilu u cilju ispitivanja akutnog odgovora. Uzorci krvi uzimani su pre, neposredno nakon testa opterećenja, kao i u 30. minutu oporavka. Izdvojeni serum i/ili plazma bili korišćeni za: biohemijske (lipidni status, slobodne masne kiseline (FFA) i nivo glukoze) i hormonske (insulin, ACTH, kortizol, hormon rasta, leptin, adiponektin i visfatin) analize. U svim primenjenim statističkim metodama nivo statističke značajnosti bio je na granici 0.05. Rezultati. Vrednosti svih antropometrijskih parametara pokazatelja stanja uhranjenosti (ukupnog procenta masti u organizmu, procenta telesnih masti na trbuhu, obim struka, odnosa struk kuk) bile su statistički značajno niže u grupi odbojkaša u odnosu na kontrolu (p<0.05), kao i u odnosu na grupu vaterpolista (p<0.05). U grupi odbojkaša i kontrolnoj grupi uočene su statistički značajno više vrednosti glikemije na kraju testa u odnosu na mirovanje (p<0.05, p<0.01, redom) i 30. minut oporavka (p<0.01, p<0.05, redom). U grupi vaterpolista došlo je do pada nivo FFA na kraju testa (p<0.05) i u 30. minutu oporavka (p<0.05) u odnosu na mirovanje. U sve tri grupe, nivo insulina bio je statistički značajno viši na kraju testa (p<0.05) u poređenju sa bazalnim vrednostima. U grupi odbojkaša, nivo leptina u krvi bio je statistički značajno niži (p<0.01), dok je nivo adiponektina (p<0.05), visfatina (p<0.05), hormona rasta (p<0.01) bio statistički značajno viši u mirovanju u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu i grupu vaterpolista. U grupi odbojkaša, nivo visfatina bio je statistički značajno niži u 30. minutu oporavka (p<0.01) u odnosu na mirovanje, dok je nivo hormona rasta bio statistički značajno viši u 30. minutu oporavka u odnosu na mirovanje (p<0.01), kao i u odnosu na kraj testa (p<0.05)...sr
dc.description.abstractIn the last 20 years, the pandemic rise of overweight and obesity in the developed world, with serious consequences for human health, has led a wave of intense scientific interest in research of regulatory mechanisms that underlie energy homeostasis. In addition, how physical activity is recommended measure to reduce body weight, particularly fat mass, there is the scientific justification to examine endocrine and metabolic response to physical exercise test in elite athletes with different percentage of body fat. The aim of this study was to examine whether there are differences in the endocrine and metabolic response to acute maximal exercise test in elite athletes with a high percentage of body fat, elite athletes with a low percentage of body fat, and those who are not engaged in physical activity. The research included the elite male athletes divided into two groups: the first group consisted of the elite water polo players (high percentage of body fat), the second group consisted of volleyball players (low percentage of body fat). The control group consisted of the males of a similar age who are not involved in sport activity. All participants provided written informed consent to the procedures approved by the Ethics Committee of the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade and conformed to the standards for the use of human subjects as outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki. After anthropometric measurements, all subjects were exposed to the exercise test on the treadmill in order to examine the acute response. Blood samples were taken before, immediately after the exercise test, as well as in the 30 minute of recovery. Separated serum and/or plasma were used for the biochemical (lipids, free fatty acids and glucose in the blood); the hormone (insulin, ACTH, cortisol, growth hormone, leptin, adiponectin and visfatin) analysis. The level of statistical significance was less than 0.05. Results. The values of all anthropometric parameters of obesity (percentage of total body fat, percentage of abdominal fat, waist circumference, waist to hip ratio) were significantly lower in the group of volleyball players compared to the controls (p<0.05) and water polo players (p<0.05). In the group of volleyball players and controls, glucose level at the end of the test were significantly higher (p<0.05, p<0.01 respectively) compared to the pre-exercise and 30 minute of recovery values (p<0.01 p<0.05, respectively). In the water polo group FFA levels at the end of the test (p<0.05) and 30 minute of recovery (p<0.05) was lower compared to the pre-exercise values. In all three groups, the insulin level was significantly higher at the end of the test (p<0.05) compared to the baseline values. In the volleyball players group, the level of leptin was significantly lower (p<0.01), while the levels of adiponectin (p<0.05), visfatin (p<0.05), growth hormone (p<0.01) was significantly higher at the rest in compared to the control group and water polo players...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectvrhunski sportistisr
dc.subjectelite athletesen
dc.subjectmetabolički hormonisr
dc.subjecthormoni masnog tkivasr
dc.subjectslobodne masne kiselinesr
dc.subjectfizička aktivnostsr
dc.subjectmetabolic hormonesen
dc.subjectadipose tissueen
dc.subjectfree fatty aciden
dc.subjectphysical activityen
dc.titleEndokrini i metabolički odgovor na test fizičkog opterećenja vrhunskih sportista sa različitim procentom telesnih mastisr
dc.titleEndocrine and metabolic response to maximal exercise test in elite athletes with different body fat percentageen
dcterms.abstractМазић, Сања; Старчевић, Весна; Мицић, Драган; Трајковић, Владимир; Ђелић, Марина; Ендокрини и метаболички одговор на тест физичког оптерећења врхунских спортиста са различитим процентом телесних масти; Ендокрини и метаболички одговор на тест физичког оптерећења врхунских спортиста са различитим процентом телесних масти;

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