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Study of determinants of health status and quality of life in pregnancy

dc.contributor.advisorPekmezović, Tatjana
dc.contributor.otherTerzić, Milan
dc.contributor.otherŠipetić-Grujičić, Sandra
dc.contributor.otherKesić, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherPantović, Vesna
dc.creatorDotlić, Jelena R.
dc.description.abstractPopulacija trudnica predstavlja važan segment svakog društva. Iako kratkotrajna, trudnoća utiče na promenu života trudnice, ali menja i budući život žene koja postaje majka. Medicinski klasifikovana u fiziološka stanja, trudnoća zdravih žena je, međutim, normalno praćena promenjenom morfologijom i funkcijom mnogih organa i organskih sistema. Zavisno od psihofizičkog stanja i uslova života i rada adaptacija na ove promene je različita i specifična u populaciji trudnica. Promene kvaliteta života trudnice se neminovno odražavaju kako na život njenog partnera i članova porodice tako i na radnu sredinu. Činjenica da bi veliki broj različitih faktora mogao uticati na zdravstveni status i kvalitet života trudnica, uslovljava potrebu za multidisciplinarnim pristupom i primenom različitih mernih instrumenata i parametara za ispitivanje ove populacije. Imajući u vidu dostupne literaturne podatke, jasno se uočava da do sada nije poklanjana dovoljna pažnja proceni kvaliteta života u populaciji trudnica. Nema dostupnih specifičnih mernih isnstrumenata za ispitivanje globalnog kvaliteta života povezanog sa zdravljem (HRQoL) tokom trudnoće, kao ni sveobuhvatnih studija koje bi dale potpuniju sliku. CILJ Ciljevi ove studije bili su: a) Razvoj i validacija originalno formirane Skale simptoma trudnoće. b) Procena veličine uzorka potrebnog za istraživanje. c) Procena kvaliteta života povezanog sa zdravljem tokom trudnoće u ispitivanom uzorku. d) Poređenje kvaliteta života povezanog sa zdravljem kod ispitanica kod kojih su postojala patološka stanja u trudnoći i kod ispitanica sa fiziološkom trudnoćom. e) Određivanje potencijalnih prediktora zdravlja i kvaliteta života u trudnoći iz domena demografskih, kliničkih, socijalnih i bihevioralnih
dc.description.abstractThe pregnant women population represents an important segment of every society. Although of short duration, pregnancy makes changes in a pregnant woman’s life and, additionally, in the future life of a woman who is becoming a mother. Medically classified as a physiological condition, the healthy women pregnancy is, however, normally followed by changes in morphology and function of many organs and organic systems. Depending on psychological and physical status as well as living and work conditions, the adaptation to such changes is different and specific within pregnant women population. The changes in the quality of life of a pregnant woman inevitably reflect both on the life of her partner and family members, as well as on her work environment. It is the fact, that a large number of different factors could have an impact on the health status and the quality of a pregnant woman’s life and accordingly, a multidisciplinary approach and application of different measurement instruments and parameters are needed for the investigation of this population. Having in view the data from available literature, it is quite clear that, up to now, not enough attention has been paid to the assessment of the quality of life of pregnant women population. There are no available specific measurement instruments for the investigation of global health-related quality of life (HRQoL) during pregnancy, nor any comprehensive studies which could provide more detailed picture. OBJECTIVE The objectives of this study were: a) Development and validation of the originally created Pregnancy Symptoms Scale. b) Assessment of the sample size needed for the study. c) Assessment of the health related quality of life during pregnancy in the investigated sample. d) Comparison of health related quality of life among the subjects where pathological conditions existed during pregnancy and subjects with physiological pregnancy. e) Determination of potential predictors of health and quality of life during pregnancy in the domain of demographic, clinical, social and behavioural factors...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectdeterminante zdravstvenog statusasr
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.subjectkvalitet života povezan sa zdravljemsr
dc.subjectsimptomi trudnoćesr
dc.subjectprihvatanje trudnoćesr
dc.subjectsocijalna podrškasr
dc.subjectvalidacija mernog instrumentasr
dc.subjecthealth status determinantsen
dc.subjectquality of lifeen
dc.subjecthealth related quality of lifeen
dc.subjectpregnancy symptomsen
dc.subjectpregnancy acceptanceen
dc.subjectsocial supporten
dc.subjectmeasuring instrument validationen
dc.titleStudija determinanti zdravstvenog statusa i kvaliteta života u trudnoćisr
dc.titleStudy of determinants of health status and quality of life in pregnancyen
dcterms.abstractПекмезовић, Татјана; Пантовић, Весна; Кесић, Весна; Шипетић-Грујичић, Сандра; Терзић, Милан; Дотлић, Јелена Р.; Студија детерминанти здравственог статуса и квалитета живота у трудноћи; Студија детерминанти здравственог статуса и квалитета живота у трудноћи;

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