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Symptoms of gaming addiction as means of avoiding psychological problems

dc.contributor.advisorVukosavljević-Gvozden, Tatjana
dc.contributor.otherBatinić, Borjanka
dc.contributor.otherOpačić, Goran
dc.contributor.otherKrstić, Ksenija
dc.creatorFilipović, Severina
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad ima za cilj da bliže ispita prirodu odnosa između zavisnosti od video igara i sa njom povezanih psihopatoloških stanja, što je tema o kojoj još uvek nema dovoljno informacija. U te svrhe su testirana tri modela, zasnovana na teoriji o zavisnostima Terapije prihvatanjem i posvećenošću (ACT), kao i na stanovištu rasprostranjenom u literaturi po kome zavisnost od video igara proizilazi iz maladaptivnih pokušaja rešavanja psiholoških problema (npr. Kardefelt-Winther, 2014a; Yee, 2014). Dodatno su ispitane i uloge motivacije za igru i preferencija prema žanru i tipu igre, koje se smatraju faktorima rizika za zavisnost. Studija je kros-sekcionog dizajna i obuhvatila je uzorak od 571 ispitanika prosečnog uzrasta 18,76 godina. Utvrđeno je da su intenzivnija psihopatološka stanja povezana sa izraženijom zavisnošću uz medijacionu ulogu veće sklonosti ka izbegavanju iskustva i maladaptivnim strategijama prevladavanja, kao i manje samoefikasnosti. Pokazalo se i da motivi za igru koji se smatraju faktorima rizika za zavisnost gube svoju prediktivnu moć kada se uzmu u obzir druge ispitivane varijable. Preferencije prema žanru i tipu igre nisu igrale značajniju ulogu u objašnjenju zavisnosti kada se posmatra širi kontekst psihološkog funkcionisanja, niti su imale efekat na strukturu ispitivanih odnosa između varijabli. U ovoj studiji je po prvi put testiran ACT model zavisnosti primenjen na zavisnost od video igara. Takođe, podaci da u odnosu između psihopatologije i zavisnosti posreduju tendencije ka izbegavanju iskustva i maladaptivnim strategijama prevladavanja idu u prilog ideji o izbegavajućoj funkciji zavisnosti. Stoga se kao značajne za razumevanje ovog fenomena posebno ističu individualne karakteristike osobe koje mogu predstavljati vulnerabilnost za zavisnost od video
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis is to closely examine the nature of the relationship between gaming addiction and related psychopathological conditions, which is still a largely unexplored topic, therefore lacking enough evidence and information. For this purpose, three models were tested, based on the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy’s (ATC) theory of addiction, and also on the standpoint prevalent throughout the literature which asserts that gaming addiction stems from maladaptive attempts of resolving psychological problems (eg. Kardefelt-Winther, 2014a; Yee, 2014). Additionally, the roles of gaming motives and preference for the game type and genre, which are considered risk factors for addiction were examined. This study employed cross-sectional design on a sample of 571 participants (average age of 18,76 years). It was found that the more intense psychopathological conditions are connected to a more pronounced addiction with a mediating role of increased tendency for experiential avoidance and maladaptive coping strategies, as well as lower self-efficacy. Moreover, it was established that the gaming motives which are considered risk factors for developing addiction lose their predictive power when other examined variables are taken into account. The genre and type preferences haven’t played a significant role in explaining addiction when put into a wider psychological context, nor did they have an effect on the structure of examined relationships between the variables. This study tested for the first time the ACT model of addiction applied to gaming addiction. In addition, the data suggesting that the tendencies toward experiential avoidance and maladaptive coping strategies have a mediating role between psychopathology and addiction support the idea about the avoidance aspect of addiction. Therefore, the individual characteristics of a person are highlighted as relevant for understanding this phenomenon and can present a vulnerability for gaming addiction.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectzavisnost od video igara, psihopatologija, izbegavanje iskustva, strategije prevladavanja, onlajn i oflajn video igre, žanr video igara, motivi za igru, Terapija prihvatanjem i posvećenošćusr
dc.subjectgaming addiction, psychopathology, experiental avoidance, coping strategies, online and offline games, video game genre, gaming motives, Acceptance and commitment therapyen
dc.titleSimptomi zavisnosti od video igara u funkciji izbegavanja psiholoških problemasr
dc.title.alternativeSymptoms of gaming addiction as means of avoiding psychological problemsen

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