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A framework for the evaluation of land consolidation systems

dc.contributor.advisorMiladinović, Manojlo
dc.contributor.otherMiladinović, Manojlo
dc.contributor.otherBožić, Branko
dc.contributor.otherĐokić, Vladan
dc.creatorMarošan, Stevan
dc.description.abstractKomasacija je danas veoma značajna i predstavlja provereni instrument za razvoj poljoprivrede i seoskih područja. Glavni cilj komasacije oduvek je bio ukrupnjavanje poljoprivrednih poseda u što manji broj bolje oblikovanih parcela, kako bi se poboljšala primarna poljoprivredna proizvodnja i unapredio njen razvoj. Naime, razvoj poljoprivrede je jedan od suštinskih faktora razvoja i unapređenja života na selu. U razvijenim zemljama se već dugo na selo ne gleda kao na poligon namenjen isključivo poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Zbog toga u zemljama Zapadne Evrope komasacija služi i kao sredstvo za sveobuhvatni razvoj sela. Novi koncept ruralnog razvoja tretira komasaciju kao složeni projekat koji, između ostalog, ima za cilj i trajnu obnovu i unapređenje seoske zajednice. Uspešno izvršena komasacija dovodi do opšteg unapređenja poljoprivrede, povećanja produktivnosti, efikasnosti i konkurentnosti kompletnog poljoprivrednog sektora. Ona takođe vodi i boljem planiranju i upravljanju zemljištem, otvara nova radna mesta u poljoprivrednim regionima, olakšava priliv privatnih i javnih investicija u ovoj oblasti, doprinosi unapređenju zaštite životne sredine i omogućava upravljanje prirodnim resursima na efikasan način. U mnogim državama Centralne i Istočne Evrope uslovi života na selu su se pogoršali tokom tranzicionog perioda. Velika nezaposlenost i loša infrastruktura dovele su do toga da su sela postala manje atraktivna mesta za život. Radi poboljšanja situacije realizovan je veliki broj pilot-projekata komasacije sa namerom da se zemljama u tranziciji omogući pokretanje komasacije u sopstvenim uslovima i unapredi poljoprivredna proizvodnja i kvalitet života na selu. Prevashodni cilj ovog rada je razvoj metodologije za ocenu zemljišnih komasacionih sistema koja bi na najoptimalniji način doprinela uspostavljanju efikasnog sistema komasacije u datim uslovima...sr
dc.description.abstractLand consolidation is still very important today and represents a proven instrument of development of agriculture and rural regions. The main objective of land consolidation has always been the consolidation (reallocation) of the agricultural holdings into the fewest number of better designed parcels, in order to improve the primary agricultural production and promote its development. Namely, the development of agriculture is one of the essential factors of development and improvement of rural living. In the developed countries for quite some time village has not been perceived as the training ground intended solely for agricultural production. For that reason in West European countries land consolidation also serves as the means for comprehensive rural development. The new rural development concept treats land consolidation as a complex project which, among other things, aims at continual renewal and promotion of the rural community. Successfully implemented land consolidation leads to overall upgrading of agriculture, increase in productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of the entire agricultural sector. It also leads to a better planning and land management, creates new jobs in agricultural regions, facilitating the flow of private and public investments into this field, contributes to promotion of the environment protection and enables efficient natural resources management. The primary objective of this research is development of methodology for valuation of land consolidation systems which would contribute in the most optimal way to establishing the efficient system of land consolidation in the circumstances. The first difficulty encountered in development of the methodology was the lack of a clear definition of land consolidation as a system. In Chapter 3 for the first time the optimal land consolidation system has been defined which best logically connects all the elements of the system. The optimal model also presents an example of a good model which was necessary to define in order to compare the concrete land consolidation systems...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Грађевински факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectland consolidationen
dc.subjectseoska područjasr
dc.subjectrural regionsen
dc.titleDefinisanje vrednosnog okvira za ocenu zemljišnih komasacionih sistemasr
dc.titleA framework for the evaluation of land consolidation systemsen
dcterms.abstractМиладиновић, Манојло; Миладиновић, Манојло; Божић, Бранко; Ђокић, Владан; Марошан, Стеван; Дефинисање вредносног оквира за оцену земљишних комасационих система; Дефинисање вредносног оквира за оцену земљишних комасационих система;

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