Приказ основних података о дисертацији

The incidence and risk factors of anesthesia-related preoperative anxiety depending on the severity of the vascular surgical procedure

dc.contributor.advisorKalezić, Nevena
dc.contributor.otherŠipetić-Grujičić, Sandra
dc.contributor.otherDavidović, Lazar
dc.contributor.otherŽivaljević, Vladan
dc.contributor.otherMaksimović, Jadranka
dc.creatorJovanović, Ksenija
dc.description.abstractPreoperativna anksioznost predstavlja značajan problem tokom perioperativnog perioda, jer pored toga što može dovesti do brojnih postoperativnih komplikacija, može čak i ugroziti ishod hirurškog lečenja. Razni faktori mogu biti odgovorni za razvoj preoperativne anksioznosti, ali pogrešna uverenja bolesnika i slabo opšte znanje o anesteziji (i hirurgiji), koji dovode do nastanka osećaja straha u preoperativnom periodu, mogu doprineti njenom nastanku. Za procenu intenziteta preoperativne anksioznosti dostupne su brojne skale, ali, do sada, nijedna nije validirana za srpsku populaciju. Pored toga, broj studija koje su istraživale preoperativnu anksioznost kod vaskularnih hirurških bolesnika u savremenoj literaturi je ograničen. Stoga je prvi cilj ove studije prevod na srpski jezik, kulturološka adaptacija i validacija Amsterdamske skale za ispitivanje preoperativne anksioznosti i informisanosti (APAIS). Drugi cilj je bio identifikacija glavnih uzroka straha povezanih sa anestezijom, kao i procena znanja vaskularnih hirurških bolesnika o anesteziji i ulozi anesteziologa. Na kraju, imali smo za cilj da procenimo učestalost javljanja preoperativne anksioznosti kod vaskularnih hirurških bolesnika, identifikujemo nezavisne značajne faktore koji doprinose njenom nastanku i da ispitamo povezanost preoperativne anksioznosti sa nastankom postoperativnih komplikacija u vaskularnoj hirurgiji. MATERIJAL I METODE Nakon odobrenja Etičkog komiteta Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu (br. 1550/V-18), na Klinici za vaskularnu i endovaskularnu hirurgiju Univerzitetskog Kliničkog centra Srbije, u periodu od februara do oktobra 2019. godine, sprovedena je studija preseka. U studiju je uključeno 385 bolesnika, operisanih zbog oboljenja abdominalne aorte, karotidnih i perifernih arterija, u uslovima opšte i regionalne anestezije. Demografski podaci od interesa i pitanja u vezi sa strahovima bolesnika, znanjem i percepcijom anestezije prikupljeni su kroz intervjue. Ostali podaci od interesa za studiju, dobijeni su iz baze podataka koja se primenjuje u svakodnevnoj praksi i medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika...sr
dc.description.abstractreoperative anxiety is an important problem in perioperative settings, since it may lead to various postoperative complications and even compromise the outcome of surgical treatment. Various factors may trigger preoperative anxiety, but patients’ erroneous beliefs and poor knowledge of anesthesia (and surgery) which lead to preoperative fears may contribute to its occurrence. Although several tools are available for the identification of patients with preoperative anxiety, to date none of them have been adapted for the Serbian population. Furthermore, when it comes to vascular surgery patients, contemporary literature data are limited. Thus, the primary aim of the present study was to translate and validate the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS) for the Serbian population. The second objective was to identify the main causes of anesthesia-related fears and to investigate patients’ knowledge and perceptions of anesthesia and anesthesiologists’ role. Finally, we aimed to investigate the incidence of preoperative anxiety, to determine predictors of its development, and to assess its relationship with postoperative complications in vascular surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS A single-center cross-sectional study was conducted at the Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University Clinical Center of Serbia, following approval of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade (No 1550/V-18). A total of 385 consecutive patients who have undergone surgery of the abdominal aorta, carotid and peripheral arteries, under both general and regional anesthesia, from February until October 2019, were included. Demographic data of interest and questions regarding patients’ fears, knowledge, and perceptions of anesthesia were collected in personal interviews. Other relevant clinical data were obtained from the database implemented in daily practice and patients’ medical records...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectpreoperativna anksioznostsr
dc.subjectpreoperative anxietyen
dc.subjectAPAIS scaleen
dc.subjectpostoperative complicationsen
dc.subjectpatients’ fearsen
dc.subjectanesthesia knowledgeen
dc.subjectanesthesiologists’ roleen
dc.subjectAPAIS skalasr
dc.subjectpostoperativne komplikacijesr
dc.subjectstrahovi bolesnikasr
dc.subjectznanje o anestezijisr
dc.subjectuloga anesteziologasr
dc.titleUčestalost i faktori rizika preoperativne anksioznosti povezane sa anestezijom u zavisnosti od težine vaskularne hirurške proceduresr
dc.title.alternativeThe incidence and risk factors of anesthesia-related preoperative anxiety depending on the severity of the vascular surgical procedureen

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