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Effect of temperature and food quality on variability of fitness components and physiology of digestion in the gypsy moth larvae Lymantria dispar L.

dc.contributor.advisorLazarević, Jelica
dc.contributor.otherLazarević, Jelica
dc.contributor.otherStojković, Biljana
dc.contributor.otherStojković, Biljana
dc.contributor.otherŠešlija-Jovanović, Darka
dc.creatorJanković-Tomanić, Milena Ž.
dc.description.abstractTemperatura i kvalitet hrane utiču na performansu larvi gubara, Lymantria dispar L. nezavisno ili u međusobnoj interakciji. Strategije preživljavanja larvi gubara u temperaturno kao i nutritivno heterogenoj sredini obuhvataju različite tipove reverzibilne i ireverzibilne fenotipske plastičnosti, koje preko uticaja na usvajanje i raspodelu resursa utiču na osobine životne istorije i rezistentnost prema ekstremnim uslovima životne sredine. U cilju ispitivanja efekata temperature i kvaliteta hrane, tj. sadržaja proteina i ugljenih hidrata u hrani na komponente adaptivne vrednosti, kao i ekspresiju genetičke varijabilnosti, larve gubara su izložene delovanju tri različite temperature (suboptimalna, optimalna i supraoptimalna) i 4 kombinacije hranljivog sastava dijete, koje su se međusobno razlikovale kako u ukupnom sadržaju proteina i ugljenih hidrata, tako i u njihovom međusobnom odnosu. U istim eksperimentalnim uslovima ispitivana je uloga procesa varenja, odnosno aktivnosti digestivnih enzima u usklađivanju odnosa i količine unetih nutienata sa potrebama organizma na različitim temperaturama. Takođe, ispitan je uticaj nutritivne vrednosti i balansiranosti hrane na senzitivnost gubara prema stresnim temperaturama. Nepovoljne temperature i nizak sadržaj proteina u hrani, kao i disbalans proteina u odnosu na ugljene hidrate, smanjuju performansu larvi gubara. Uticaji temperature i kvaliteta hrane na komponente adaptivne vrednosti: preživljavanje, trajanje razvića, masu i relativnu brzinu rasta, uglavnom su međusobno nezavisni. Pokazano je da povišena temperatura smanjuje preživljavanje i trajanje razvića larvi ali dovodi do povećanja relativne brzine rasta. Nutritivni sastav hrane nije uticao na preživljavanje, ali je nizak sadržaj proteina u hrani dovodio do produžavanja razvića, smanjenja mase i relativne brzine rasta larvi. Relativna brzina rasta larvi je bila manja i pri visokom sadržaju ugljenih hidrata u hrani, dok je smanjenje mase larvi na hrani sa niskim sadržajem proteina bilo veće ako je i sadržaj ugljenih hidrata bio nizak...sr
dc.description.abstractTemperature and food quality affect the performance of gypsy moth larvae Lymantria dispar L. independently or in an interaction with each other. Survival strategies of gypsy moth larvae in temperature and nutritionally heterogeneous environments include various types of reversible and irreversible phenotypic plasticity, which due to the effect of uptake and distribution of resources affect the life-history traits and resistance to extreme environmental conditions. In order to investigate the direct and interactive effects of temperature and food quality on fitness components, as well as the expression of genetic variation, gypsy moth larvae were exposed to three different temperatures (suboptimal, optimal and supraoptimal) and 4 sets of nutrient composition of the diet, which differed in protein and carbohydrate content. Under the same experimental conditions, the role of digestion and digestive enzyme activity in adjusting nutrient quantity and ratio with organism needs at different temperatures was investigated. Also, it was investigated the effect of nutritional value of the food on sensitivity of gypsy moth larvae to stressful temperatures. An adverse temperature and low protein content in food, as well as an imbalance of protein compared to carbohydrates, reduced performance of gypsy moth larvae. Effects of temperature and food quality on fitness components - survival, developmental time, larval weight and relative growth rate were mainly independent. It has been shown that elevated temperature reduces survival and duration of development, but leads to an increase of the relative growth rate. Nutritional composition of food had no effect on survival, but the low protein content led to prolonged developmental time, reduced larval weight and relative growth rate of gypsy moth larvae. The relative growth rate of larvae was lower if carbohydrate content in food was high, while larval weight reduction was greater if protein content was low and the carbohydrate content was high...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Биолошки факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173027/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectLymantria dispar L.sr
dc.subjectLymantria dispar L.en
dc.subjectnutritivni kvalitet hranesr
dc.subjectosobine adaptivne vrednostisr
dc.subjectspecifična aktivnost digestivnih enzimasr
dc.subjectfenotipska plastičnostsr
dc.subjectfood qualityen
dc.subjectlife-history traitsen
dc.subjectphenotipic plasticityen
dc.subjectdigestive enzymes specific activitiesen
dc.titleUticaj temperature i kvaliteta hrane na varijabilnost komponenti adaptivne vrednosti i fiziologiju varenja larvi gubara Lymantria dispar L.sr
dc.titleEffect of temperature and food quality on variability of fitness components and physiology of digestion in the gypsy moth larvae Lymantria dispar L.en
dcterms.abstractЛазаревић, Јелица; Лазаревић, Јелица; Стојковић, Биљана; Стојковић, Биљана; Шешлија-Јовановић, Дарка; Јанковић-Томанић, Милена Ж.;

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